Лексические диктанты по английскому языку
материал по английскому языку на тему

Хрестяновская Елена Николаевна

Содержание диктанта, как правило, составляют отдельные слова (лексический диктант) или связный текст. Данный материал - это подборка фонетических и орфографических диктантов. В заданиях представлены случаи, когда та или иная буква пишется, но не произносится и слова, содержащие самые распространенные буквосочетания. Эта работа, на наш  взгляд, важна, т.к. в английском языке один и тот же звук при письменном отображении может передаваться различными буквами и сочетаниями букв, и вместе с этим, одно и то же буквосочетание может обозначать разные звуки. Кроме того, мы посчитали полезным включить в этот раздел упражнения на использование омофонов: слов, близких по звучанию, но разных по написанию и значению.


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I. Нечитаемая буква

    Silent letter

Module 1

  1. G_ita_
  2. Pe_pl_
  3. W_at
  4. _rite
  5. Gr_up
  1. Theat_e
  2. Popula_
  3. Lis_en
  4. Conce_t
  5. Bicycl_
  1. Wo_ld
  2. Sin_
  3. To_
  4. Ho_s_
  5. Q_esti_n
  1. _ho
  2. W_ere
  3. Phon_
  4. Rid_
  5. Us_

Module 2

  1. Skat_bo_ _d
  2. Wa_k
  3. Fa_r
  4. Ha_r
  5. Blu_ 
  1. Lon_
  2. So_k
  3. Sq_ar_
  4. He_d
  5. Je_ns
  1. Magazin_
  2. Ap_earanc_
  3. Impo_tant
  4. Styl_
  5. Sho_t
  1. Fr_end
  2. _ye
  3. Ju_ce
  4. Favo_rit_
  5. Te_m

Module 3

  1. B_ilder
  2. Electrici_n
  3. Fire fi_ _ter
  4. S_ientist
  5. Cle_ner
  1. Int_restin_
  2. E_sy
  3. Borin_
  4. Dangero_s
  5. Te_cher
  1. _our
  2. Wo_k
  3. R_utin_
  4. Capt_in
  5. Eq_ipment
  1. Med_cine
  2. Ta_k
  3. Bre_kfast
  4. Ev_ning
  5. Ki_chen

Module 4

  1. Amus_ment
  2. Cent_e
  3. Wate_
  4. Sna_k
  5. Bowlin_ al_ey
  1. Newspape_
  2. Compute_
  3. Ev_ry
  4. Ma_ch
  5. B_ildin_ 
  1. Us_ally
  2. Som_times
  3. Ha_dly eve_
  4. Repo_t
  5. Y_un_
  1. S_ienc_
  2. Ex_ibiti_n
  3. S_uvenir
  4. Clim_
  5. Uniq_ _ 

Module 5

  1. Info_mati_n
  2. Chu_ch
  3. _now
  4. Co_ner
  5. Ha_f
  1. T_o
  2. A_tum_
  3. Sprin_
  4. Sum_e_
  5. Se_son
  1. W_al_
  2. Pola_ bea_
  3. Se_l
  4. Colo_ _ful
  5. Poisono_s
  1. Dese_t
  2. Eq_ato_
  3. Kilomet_e
  4. Bisc_its
  5. W_u_d

Module 6

  1. Ro_ket
  2. Astrona_t
  3. Explosi_n
  4. Beca_s_
  5. Exe_cis_
  1. Comfo_tabl_
  2. Jo_ _ney
  3. Temperat_ _e
  4. At_a_k
  5. Spag_et_i
  1. Tho_ _ _t
  2. Bo_ _ _t
  3. Thi_k
  4. W_y
  5. Yeste_day
  1. We_the_
  2. Delici_ _s
  3. Bri_g_
  4. Pict_ _e
  5. I_land

Module 7

  1. Col_ecti_n
  2. Rev_ew
  3. Dinosa_ _s
  4. S_en_
  5. Nat_ _e
  1. Ni_ _t
  2. E_ _ly
  3. Be_ch
  4. Interv_ew
  5. Sho_ 
  1. Sno_kel_ing
  2. C_aracte_
  3. Bo_n
  4. Famo_s
  5. Mus_n’t
  1. He_dac_ _
  2. Ti_ed
  3. Sca_ed
  4. Rescu_
  5. Sno_y

Module 8

  1. Li_ _ts
  2. Lit_e_
  3. Wo_s_
  4. Cent_e
  5. Pol_uti_n
  1. Wa_m
  2. Ne_v_us
  3. Blo_
  4. Ca_ch
  5. Stron_
  1. Wei_ _
  2. H_i_ _ts
  3. Sc_ool
  4. Tu_n
  5. Ans_er
  1. C_untry
  2. Sq_ir_el
  3. Sha_k
  4. Win_
  5. Cheeta_

Module 9

  1. Dicti_nary
  2. Mon_y
  3. _rong
  4. Mo_e
  5. Nei_ _bo_ _
  1. O_c_estra
  2. Theat_e
  3. Pa_tne_
  4. Glu_
  5. Pi_c_ 
  1. Desi_n
  2. W_eel
  3. T_uch
  4. E_t
  5. _res_lin_
  1. Hi_ _
  2. Ja_ket
  3. Mount_in
  4. Ce-t_inly
  5. Po_ket

Module 10

  1. Ga_den
  2. Bi_thday
  3. Pa_ty
  4. Supe_ma_ket
  5. Si_ _tse_ing
  1. Abro_d
  2. A_nt
  3. C_usin
  4. Co_ _s_
  5. A_gust
  1. Su_t
  2. Sq_ar_
  3. Musici_n
  4. Ex_itin_
  5. The_r
  1. Portug_es_ 
  2. Torto_s_
  3. Sho_
  4. Si_k
  5. Tomor_o_

II. Омофоны


    Module 1

Fill in the gaps using he’s or his

  1. _ in the room with _friends.
  2. _ a teenager with memory problems.
  3. He can’t use _ arms.
  4. _ good at singing.
  5. Where’s he from? _ from Canada.
  6. _brother doesn’t like sport. _really bad at it.
  7. This isn’t Tom’s bicycle. _ bicycle is new.
  8. What’s your neighbour’s name? _ name’s Rajiv.
  9. _ into acting. _ the best actor in the group.
  10. Music isn’t _ hobby. _ interested in computers.

Module 2

Fill in the gaps using their, there or they’re

  1. _are many footballers in fashion magazines.
  2. _ slim and tall.
  3. _ appearance is important.
  4. _ are tattoos on his arms and neck.
  5. _ on the cover of fashion magazines.
  6. _ strict about _diet.
  7. What is _secret?
  8. _  _  favourite fruit.
  9. _ you can read about sports stars and _ interests.
  10. _ more famous than _ managers.

Module 3

Fill in the gaps using hear/here or knight/night  

  1. _you can see a gym and a shower.
  2. You can _ emergency calls all _ long.
  3. A fire fighters is a  real _ who helps people.
  4. A helmet is a part of a _’s equipment.
  5. You can _ lots of stories about Internet “friends”.
  6. You often _from your parents that mobiles are bad for you.
  7. You mustn’t be _. It’s dangerous!
  8. Fire fighters get many calls at _.
  9. Can you _me from _?
  10. It’s not easy to work at _

Module 4

Fill in the gaps using right/write; see/sea  or there/their

  1. It’s not _ to _ on the books you read.
  2. I can _ your ideas _.
  3. You can’t  _ the _ from _.
  4. You can _  _ displays about animals _.
  5. The _thing is to _ a note.
  6. _’s a souvenir shop on the _.
  7. You can _the cinema to the _ of the shop.
  8. Let’s _ what is _ and what is wrong in _ survey.
  9. You can _ that _ are many _ facts about the _animals in _ project.
  10. You can _the _if your cross the street and then turn _.

Module 5

Fill in the gaps using flower/flour; there/their/they’re  or it/eat

  1. _ aren’t many _ or trees in Antarctica.
  2. _  hands are white with _.
  3. _is some fish in Antarctica and penguins _  _.
  4. Insects are   _ favourite food.
  5. In the rainforests you can see the plants with colourful  _s.
  6. You need 250 gr. of _ to make biscuits.
  7. _’s usually very cold and _’s not much to _ in polar regions.
  8. How much are the _s? _ 90p.each.
  9. How much is the _? _’s 90 p.
  10. The dog is really hungry. _ can _ a horse.

Module 6

Fill in the gaps using where/were; or threw/through

  1. _  _ you yesterday?
  2. The astronauts _ worried.
  3. He _ the ball into the basket and we _the winners.
  4. They didn’t know _ they _.
  5. They went _the forest and across the desert.
  6. _ did you travel last summer? We _ in Europe.
  7. There _no problems when they _ on their way back.
  8. _they all right? Yes, they _ tired but safe.
  9. I can’t get _ the line is busy.
  10. _ is the map? I _ it into the litter bin.

Module 7

Fill in the gaps using walk/work; or hole/whole

  1. We didn’t go for a _ because I had to _ on Saturday.
  2. He had to _ the _ evening to finish the project.
  3. There was a big _ in my pocket.
  4. The story is very interesting and I want to read the _ book.
  5. I can hardly _. I _ed the _ evening in the garden yesterday.
  6. I like when there are many _s in cheese.
  7. It’s amazing but he drank the _ bottle of mineral water.
  8. He _ed hard to get 9 million votes.
  9. When _ing through the forest you can see a _ of a hare or a squirrel.
  10. Orlando liked _ing with Johnny Depp in his last  film.

Module 8

Fill in the gaps using for/four; or there/their

  1. UNICEF raises money _children.
  2. _ they can give  _money _ the old people’s home.
  3. _ are _ main UNICEF projects at the moment.
  4. $40 buys clothes _ ten small children.
  5. _ will buy water _  _ people.
  6. Falcons are dangerous _other birds.
  7. _ are _ broken phone boxes in _ area.
  8. Some children  sleep _  _ hours a day.
  9. Pupils write notes and ask _ teachers _ help.
  10. _of the students want to give  _ money _ an animal centre.

Module 9

Fill in the gaps using two/too/to

  1. They help people in medical emergencies _.
  2. They visit schools _ give talks about fire safety _ students.
  3. Fire fighters have _ days off in the UK.
  4. _ be safe on a skateboard you need a helmet _.
  5. They make a rocket from a _-litre plastic bottle.
  6. They are dangerous _.
  7. It’s important _ wear a helmet.
  8. They work hard _ check the equipment.
  9. They demonstrate their rocket _ the judges _.
  10. They can’t use _ things: pieces from toys or real instruments.

Module 10

Fill in the gaps using want/won’t; or at/ate

  1. I _ to celebrate New Year _ home.
  2. We _ a special meal in China.
  3. He _put decorations _ New Year.
  4. Do you _ to go out _ night?
  5. He _ a lot _ my birthday yesterday.
  6. I _ play basketball tomorrow, I’m afraid.
  7. We _ to play a new computer game _ my house after school.
  8. He has  stomachache, he _ three hamburgers _ the party last night.
  9. Thanks a lot. Not _ all.
  10. I _ have breakfast I _ some salad late at night yesterday.



I Пропущенные буквы.

   Missing letters

[ ↄ ]or [ↄ:]

  1. Wh_t
  2. C_ncert
  3. Skateb_ _ _ding
  4. W_lk
  5. Imp_ _tant
  1. Th_ _ght
  2. _lways
  3. _ _tumn
  4. J_ _ _ney
  5. W_tch
  1. Dinos_ _ _
  2. W_ _m
  3. T_ _toise
  4. Bec_ _se
  5. D_ _ghter

[ ʌ ]or [ a: ]

  1. F_st
  2. P_ _t
  3. M_ther
  4. C_ _ntry
  5. B_s
  1. S_metimes
  2. L_cky
  3. C_ _sin
  4. H_ _f
  5. Y_ _ng
  1. C_mfortable
  2. _ _nt
  3. Ex_mple
  4. H_ _dly ever
  5. F_ther

[ i ]or [ i: ]

  1. G_ _tar
  2. P_ _ple
  3. L_sten
  4. S_ _
  5. S_ _ 
  1. P_ _ce of bread
  2. _ _sy
  3. _vening
  4. Famil_ 
  5. Journ_ _ 
  1. Ch_ _tah
  2. Snow_
  3. W_nter
  4. M_ _t
  5. Ch_ps

[ k ]

  1. _oncert
  2. _angaroo
  3. Bi_e
  4. So_ _
  5. Heada_ _e
  1. S_uare
  2. Bicy_le
  3. Ho_ _ey
  4. _orner
  5. _ilometre
  1. S_ _ool
  2. _ountry
  3. _olourful
  4. _ _aracter
  5. S_uirrel




I. Нечитаемая буква

    Silent letter

Module 1

  1. Guitar
  2. People
  3. What
  4. Write
  5. Group
  1. Theatre
  2. Popular
  3. Listen
  4. Concert
  5. Bicycle
  1. World
  2. Sing
  3. Toe
  4. Horse
  5. Question
  1. Who
  2. Where
  3. Phone
  4. Ride
  5. Use

Module 2

  1. Skateboard
  2. Walk
  3. Fair
  4. Hair
  5. Blue 
  1. Long
  2. Sock
  3. Square
  4. Head
  5. Jeans
  1. Magazine
  2. Appearance
  3. Important
  4. Style
  5. Short
  1. Friend
  2. Eye
  3. Juice
  4. Favourite
  5. Team

Module 3

  1. Builder
  2. Electrician
  3. Fire fighter
  4. Scientist
  5. Cleaner
  1. Interesting
  2. Easy
  3. Boring
  4. Dangerous
  5. Teacher
  1. Hour
  2. Work
  3. Routine
  4. Captain
  5. Equipment
  1. Medicine
  2. Talk
  3. Breakfast
  4. Evening
  5. Kitchen

Module 4

  1. Amusement
  2. Centre
  3. Water
  4. Snack
  5. Bowling alley
  1. Newspaper
  2. Computer
  3. Every
  4. Match
  5. Building 
  1. Usually
  2. Sometimes
  3. Hardly ever
  4. Report
  5. Young
  1. Science
  2. Exhibition
  3. Souvenir
  4. Climb
  5. Unique

Module 5

  1. Information
  2. Church
  3. Know
  4. Corner
  5. Half
  1. Two
  2. Autumn
  3. Spring
  4. Summer
  5. Season
  1. Whale
  2. Polar bear
  3. Seal
  4. Colourful
  5. Poisonous
  1. Desert
  2. Equator
  3. Kilometre
  4. Biscuits
  5. Would

Module 6

  1. Rocket
  2. Astronaut
  3. Explosion
  4. Because
  5. Exercise 
  1. Comfortable
  2. Journey
  3. Temperature
  4. Attack
  5. Spaghetti
  1. Thought
  2. Bought
  3. Thick
  4. Why
  5. Yesterday
  1. Weather
  2. Delicious
  3. Bridge
  4. Picture
  5. Island

Module 7

  1. Collection
  2. Review
  3. Dinosaurs
  4. Scene
  5. Nature
  1. Night
  2. Early
  3. Beach
  4. Interview
  5. Show 
  1. Snorkelling
  2. Character
  3. Born
  4. Famous
  5. Mustn’t
  1. Headache
  2. Tired
  3. Scared
  4. Rescue
  5. Snowy

Module 8

  1. Lights
  2. Litter
  3. Worse
  4. Centre
  5. Pollution
  1. Warm
  2. Nervous
  3. Blow
  4. Catch
  5. Strong 
  1. Weigh
  2. Heights
  3. School
  4. Turn
  5. Answer
  1. Country
  2. Squirrel
  3. Shark
  4. Wing
  5. Cheetah 

Module 9

  1. Dictionary
  2. Money
  3. Wrong
  4. More
  5. Neighbour 
  1. Orchestra
  2. Theatre
  3. Partner
  4. Glue
  5. Piece 
  1. Design
  2. Wheel
  3. Touch
  4. Eat
  5. Wrestling
  1. High
  2. Jacket
  3. Mountain
  4. Certainly
  5. Pocket

Module 10

  1. Garden
  2. Birthday
  3. Party
  4. Supermarket
  5. Sightseeing
  1. Abroad
  2. Aunt
  3. Cousin
  4. Course
  5. August
  1. Suit
  2. Square
  3. Musician
  4. Exciting
  5. Their
  1. Portuguese 
  2. Tortoise
  3. Show
  4. Sick
  5. Tomorrow 

II. Омофоны


    Module 1

Fill in the gaps using he’s or his

  1. He’s in the room with his friends.
  2. He’s a teenager with memory problems.
  3. He can’t use his arms.
  4. He’s good at singing.
  5. Where’s he from? He’s from Canada.
  6. His brother doesn’t like sport. He’s really bad at it.
  7. This isn’t Tom’s bicycle. His bicycle is new.
  8. What’s your neighbour’s name? His name’s Rajiv.
  9. He’s into acting. He’s the best actor in the group.
  10. Music isn’t his hobby. He’s interested in computers.

Module 2

Fill in the gaps using their, there or they’re

  1. There are many footballers in fashion magazines.
  2. They’re slim and tall.
  3. Their appearance is important.
  4. There are tattoos on his arms and neck.
  5. They’re on the cover of fashion magazines.
  6. They’re strict about their diet.
  7. What is their secret?
  8. They’re  their  favourite fruit.
  9. There you can read about sports stars and their interests.
  10. They’re more famous than their managers.

Module 3

Fill in the gaps using hear/here or knight/night  

  1. Here you can see a gym and a shower.
  2. You can hear emergency calls all night long.
  3. A fire fighters is a  real knight who helps people.
  4. A helmet is a part of a knight’s equipment.
  5. You can hear lots of stories about Internet “friends”.
  6. You often hear from your parents that mobiles are bad for you.
  7. You mustn’t be here. It’s dangerous!
  8. Fire fighters get many calls at night.
  9. Can you hear me from here?
  10. It’s not easy to work at night.

Module 4

Fill in the gaps using right/write; see/sea  or there/their

  1. It’s not right to write on the books you read.
  2. I can write your ideas there.
  3. You can’t  see the sea from there.
  4. You can see their displays about animals there.
  5. The right thing is to write a note.
  6. There’s a souvenir shop on the right.
  7. You can see the cinema to the right of the shop.
  8. Let’s write what is right and what is wrong in their survey.
  9. You can see that there are many right facts about the sea animals in their project.
  10. You can see the sea if your cross the street and then turn right.

Module 5

Fill in the gaps using flower/flour; there/their/they’re  or it/eat

  1. There aren’t many flowers or trees in Antarctica.
  2. Their  hands are white with flour.
  3. There is some fish in Antarctica and penguins eat it.
  4. Insects are   their favourite food.
  5. In the rainforests you can see the plants with colourful flowers.
  6. You need 250 gr. of flour to make biscuits.
  7. It’s usually very cold and there’s not much to eat in polar regions.
  8. How much are the flowers? They’re 90p.each.
  9. How much is the flour? It’s 90 p.
  10. The dog is really hungry. It can eat a horse.

Module 6

Fill in the gaps using where/were; or threw/through

  1. Where were you yesterday?
  2. The astronauts were worried.
  3. He threw the ball into the basket and we were the winners.
  4. They didn’t know where they were.
  5. They went through the forest and across the desert.
  6. Where did you travel last summer? We were in Europe.
  7. There were no problems when they were on their way back.
  8. Were they all right? Yes, they were tired but safe.
  9. I can’t get through the line is busy.
  10. Where is the map? I threw it into the litter bin.

Module 7

Fill in the gaps using walk/work; or hole/whole

  1. We didn’t go for a walk because I had to work on Saturday.
  2. He had to work the whole evening to finish the project.
  3. There was a big hole in my pocket.
  4. The story is very interesting and I want to read the whole book.
  5. I can hardly walk. I worked the whole evening in the garden yesterday.
  6. I like when there are many holes in cheese.
  7. It’s amazing but he drank the whole bottle of mineral water.
  8. He worked hard to get 9 million votes.
  9. When walking through the forest you can see a hole of a hare or a squirrel.
  10. Orlando liked working with Johnny Depp in his last  film.

Module 8

Fill in the gaps using for/four; or there/their

  1. UNICEF raises money for children.
  2. There they can give  their money for the old people’s home.
  3. There are four main UNICEF projects at the moment.
  4. $40 buys clothes for ten small children.
  5. Their will buy water for four people.
  6. Falcons are dangerous for other birds.
  7. There are four broken phone boxes in their area.
  8. Some children  sleep for four hours a day.
  9. Pupils write notes and ask their teachers for help.
  10. Four of the students want to give  their money for an animal centre.

Module 9

Fill in the gaps using two/too/to

  1. They help people in medical emergencies too.
  2. They visit schools to give talks about fire safety to students.
  3. Fire fighters have two days off in the UK.
  4. To be safe on a skateboard you need a helmet too.
  5. They make a rocket from a two-litre plastic bottle.
  6. They are dangerous too.
  7. It’s important to wear a helmet.
  8. They work hard to check the equipment.
  9. They demonstrate their rocket to the judges too.
  10. They can’t use two things: pieces from toys or real instruments.

Module 10

Fill in the gaps using want/won’t; or at/ate

  1. I want to celebrate New Year at home.
  2. We ate a special meal in China.
  3. He won’t put decorations at New Year.
  4. Do you want to go out at night?
  5. He ate a lot at my birthday yesterday.
  6. I won’t play basketball tomorrow, I’m afraid.
  7. We want to play a new computer game at my house after school.
  8. He has  stomachache, he ate three hamburgers at the party last night.
  9. Thanks a lot. Not at all.
  10. I won’t have breakfast I ate some salad late at night yesterday.



I Пропущенные буквы.

   Missing letters

[ ↄ ]or [ↄ:]

  1. What
  2. Concert
  3. Skateboarding
  4. Walk
  5. Important
  1. Thought
  2. Always
  3. Autumn
  4. Journey
  5. Watch
  1. Dinosaur
  2. Warm
  3. Tortoise
  4. Because
  5. Daughter

[ ʌ ]or [ a: ]

  1. Fast
  2. Part
  3. Mother
  4. Country
  5. Bus
  1. Sometimes
  2. Lucky
  3. Cousin
  4. Half
  5. Young
  1. Comfortable
  2. Aunt
  3. Example
  4. Hardly ever
  5. Father

[ i ]or [ i: ]

  1. Guitar
  2. People
  3. Listen
  4. See
  5. Sea 
  1. Piece of bread
  2. Easy
  3. Evening
  4. Family 
  5. Journey
  1. Cheetah
  2. Snowy
  3. Winter
  4. Meat
  5. Chips

[ k ]

  1. Concert
  2. Kangaroo
  3. Bike
  4. Sock
  5. Headache
  1. Square
  2. Bicycle
  3. Hockey
  4. Corner
  5. Kilometre
  1. School
  2. Country
  3. Colourful
  4. Character
  5. Squirrel

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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Цель работы: Выяснить, как личные имена собственные переходят в имена нарицательные на материале английского языка; изучить и описать эпонимы британского происхождения...

Формирование лексических навыков обучения английскому языку при помощи мультимедийных средств.

В данной статье рассматривается проблема введения и закрепления лексического материала с помощью мультимедийных презентаций их роль и возможность  в процессе обучения английскому языку....