Урок мужества. “ We will never forget…”
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Тема: «Подвиг поэта – антифашиста Мусы Джалиля»

Цели урока:

1) Научить воспринимать иноязычную речь на слух.

2) Развивать умения и навыки чтения и устной речи.


Воспитание учащихся на материалах об участии жителей Татарстана в Великой Отечественной войне.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Урок мужества.

“ We will never forget…”


Тема: «Подвиг поэта – антифашиста Мусы Джалиля»

Цели урока:

1) Научить воспринимать иноязычную речь на слух.

2) Развивать умения и навыки чтения и устной речи.
Воспитательная: Воспитание учащихся на материалах об участии жителей Татарстана в Великой Отечественной войне.

До урока были проделаны следующие мероприятия:
1. Аудирование текстов об истории Великой Отечественной войны и ее героях.
2. Домашнее чтение отрывков из адаптированных книг для средней школы с их последующим обсуждением.
3. Проведение бесед на изучаемом языке об участии родных и близких учащихся в ВОВ, о прочитанных ими книгах и просмотренных кинофильмах о войне.
4. Провели конкурс на лучший перевод текста о войне.
5. Выпустили стенгазету на английском языке, посвященную подвигу поэта-антифашиста Мусы Джалиля.
6. Разучили стихи и песни о подвигах советского народа.

К уроку подготовлены стенды:

  1. “The Heroes of the Great Patriotic War from Zainsc Region.”
  2. “The Monuments to the Soviet soldiers in European countries.”
  3. Выставка произведений М. Джалиля, книги о его творчестве и подвиге, стенгазета на английском языке с материалами о татарском поэте, его стихами на английском, русском и татарских языках, биографиями героев ВОВ (уроженцев Заинского района), вопросы викторины:
    1. How many heroes gave Tatarstan to our country?
    2. What books have you read about them?
    3. How many daughters and sons of our republic took part in the Great Patriotic War?
    4. How many Heroes of the Soviet Union came from your region?
    5. What are their names?
    6. Where were they born?
    7. In what battles did they take part?
    8. What interesting facts do you know about them?
    9. How many people of your region took part in the Great Patriotic War? How many of them were awarded orders and  medals?
    10. What monuments have been built in your region in memory of those who took part in the Great Patriotic War?
    11. Who built these monuments?

В этом же выпуске стенгазеты опубликованы условия проведения викторины, состав жюри.

Подготовительная работа к Уроку мужества предполагала аудирование небольшого текста о подвигах героев Татарстана. До прослушивания текста на доске выписаны слова и выражения, необходимые для понимания текста на слух в той последовательности, в какой они даны в тексте:

to celebrate
to defeat
to  be taken
to be badly wounded
to throw a hand-grenade
to save
to be alive
to be weak with hunger
to be awarded
to bear.

Ход урока.

  1. Организационный момент.

Диалог с дежурным:
Who is on duty today?
What is the date today?

  1. Фонетическая зарядка.

[r], [t] [ð] [ɵ]

Чтение слов, написанных на доске.

  1. Вступительное слово учителя.

Today we have not a usual lesson. We have a lesson of courage. We shall speak about the heroic feats of our countryman from Tatarstan during the Great Patriotic War. On the  of May, 2007 all progressive people on our planet will celebrate Victory Day. 62 years ago our country defeated fascism. We lost more than 20 mln. people in that war. Soviet people fought from the White Sea in the North to the Black Sea in the South. They defended Moscow and St. Petersburg, thousands of other towns and villages. They helped the people of other countries to become free from fascism.  We are proud that among them were our countrymen such as P. M. Garrilov, H. I. Ibragimov,  G. G. Romanov, S. Valiullin and many others. They fought together with soldiers of deferent nationalities. Many of them didn’t come back from the war. Today let’s remember all those who died for our happy life. More than 200 of the best sons and daughters of Tatarstan were awarded title of Hero of the Soviet Union. All of you Know the names and the poems of Mussa Jalil.
(Учитель демонстрирует на экране открытку, с изображением памятника М. Джалилю у стен Казанского Кремля)

  1. Рассказы учащихся о М. Джалиле.

Pupil 1.(Рассказопамятнике).This is a monument to our great countryman MyssaJalil. It is near the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin. The poet is standing with his feet tied with his feet tied with a wire, his hands tied behind his back. He is looking into the future. He loved people, loved life, loved life, loved the nature of his mother land. He gave his life to save all these from fascism.
Учитель.(Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы)
1. What monument do you see?
2. Where is this monument?
3. Is the poet standing or sitting?

Teacher.Now look at the blackboard. Read what the Azerbaijanian poet Samed Vurgan wrote about Jalil.
(Доска разделена на две части: слева – слова и их переводы на русский язык, справа – высказывания Самеда Вургуна).
“ The world and its literature know many poets who have made their names immortal, but there are few poets who won sacrifice of  their lives. They are the great Byron, the heroic Julius Fuchik and, finally, Musa Jalil.” (SamedVurgun)
(С помощью учителя учащиеся читают и переводят высказывание о поэте. Затем они прослушивают небольшие сообщения заранее подготовленные их товарищами).

Pupil 2.Musa Jalil was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and the Lenin Prize for his great courage and the Linin Prize for his great courage and his poems “The Moabit Notebooks”. Before the Great Patriotic War he wrote lyrical poems, poems for children, satirical poems.  His poems were studied at school. When the war began he became a soldier. In June 1942 he was badly wounded and taken prisoner. After months in the concentration camp  he was to Deblin. There he met his countrymen from Tatarstan.

Pupil 3. The fascist decided to form “national legions” out of people of Eastern nationalities. They wanted to prepare these legions to fight against the Soviet Army. Jalil’s  group decided to break the plans of the fascists. They wanted to fight to fight against them. The very first battalion of the Volga-Tatar legion shot all the fascist officers and joined the partisans in Byelorussia.

Pupil 4.In August 1943 fascists learned about the plans of the group. Jalil and his friends were arrested. Jalil wrote his poems “The Moabit Notebooks” in prison. These poems show his great patriotism, love for his country, his heroic character. They are among the best poems of the Soviet literature of that period.

Pupil 5.Many years have passed since World War II. But Jalil is among us to this day. Streets, young detachments, collective farms, dear his name proudly. A new street in Berkatit  township on the Baikal-Amur Rail-way line and one of the highest peaks on the Antractic continent have been named after Mussa Jalil.

  1. Teacher. Для проверки понимания текста использованы следующие вопросы.
    1. What was Jalil awarded?
    2. Why was he awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and the Lenin Prize?
    3. When was he taken prisoner?
    4. What was the plan of the fascists?
    5. What did Jalil and friends decide to do?
    6. What did the battalion of the Volga-Tatar legion do in Byelorussia?
    7. Why was Jalil arrested?
    8. What poems did he write in Moabit?
    9. Have you read them in your native language?
    10. Do you like Jalil’s poems?
    11. What places of our country bear the name of Jalil?

В ходе прослушивания рассказа о М. Джалиле демонстрируются фотоматериалы, репродукции с картин художников, отразивших подвиг поэта. Например: «Перед приговором. (татарский поэт-патриот М. Джалиль в берлинской тюрьме в 1944 году)».
Х. Якупова. «М. Джалиль в Моабитской тюрьме» А. Х. Валиахметова, «М. Джалиль» Н. А. Бикташева, «Джалиль» Е.А. Симбирина, «Стихи палитрука» В.И. Куделькина, «Джалиль» И. В. Рафикова, «К жизни (Близко освобождение) Л. А. Фаттахова.

  1. Беседа учителя по следующим вопросам.
    1. What do you know about the heroic deeds  of the people of your region during the Great Patriotic War?
    2. What streets in your town bear the names of the heroes?
    3. What meetings were organized in your town in memory of those who didn’t return home from the war?
    4. What heroes of the war did you meet with?
    5. Who of the members of your family took part in the battles of the war?
  2. Аудирование. Текст о подвигах героев Татарстана.

On the  of May all progressive people on our planet celebrate Victory Day. On this day fascism was  defeated. The Great Patriotic War was over. The war began on the 22nd of June, 1941. I want to tell you about Reytor Michailovich Gavrilov. On the 32nd day of war major P. M. Gavrilov was taken prisoner by fascists. Even fascist generals called him a hero because being badly wounded he could throw the last hand-grenade he had at his enemies. Soviet doctors who were among the prisoners of the concentration camp saved his life. Only aften the war people learned that the man was the commander of the Eastern Fort of the legendary Brest Fortress. On the 12th of July there were only 3 soldiers alive. They were  weak with hunger and had no water. The only thing they were afraid of was to die among their enemies. One of the heroes was P.M. Gavrilov. For his great courage he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Now the collective  farm in the Pestrechinsky Region where he has born, the school where he studied bear the name of the hero. He is one of the best sons of Tatarstan.

  1. Учащиеся заслушивают небольшие сообщения своих товарищей об участии членов их семей в войне.

Pupil  .My grandfather is not a Hero of the Soviet Union. When the war began he became a soldier. He had lived in the Verhneuslonsky Region before the war. He was a tractor-driver. During the war he was a tanker, He fought courageously. Our grandfather did not return home but we all remember him.

Pupil 2. There members of my family took part in the World War II. They were my grandfather and his two brothers. My grandfather fought near Stalingrad, on the Kurskaya Duga, in Poland and in Germany. He has two orders and many medals. He was an artillery man. His two brothers did not return home. Their wives and children were waiting for them for a long time. One of them was killed near Leningrad, the other-near Stalingrad. I am proud of them. They defended our Motherland.

Pupil 3. I want to tell you about one school in our region. This school gave the country six Heroes of the Soviet Union. Everybody knows this school. Last year my friends and I visited this school. Last year my friends and I visited this school. This school is in Mendeleevsk. We visited the museum of this school.

  1. Teacher. (Прослушивание сообщений учителя и учащихся, проведение беседы по ним завершилось минутой молчания).

Comrades, you have heard many interesting facts telling about the history of the war and the heroic feats of our countryman from Tatarstan. You know that more than 200000 people from Tatarstan took part in that terrible war. Many of them gave their lives so that you were happy, so that you could study play games, have your homes. Let’s have a minute of silence to keep their memory. Учащиеся стоят в молчании.

  1. Teacher. Now, let’s sing our favorite song “May there always be Sunshine.
    (учащиеся исполняют вместе с учителем куплет из песни «Пусть всегда будет солнце!»)
  2. H-w: выучить стих (6 строчек) М. Джалиля.
  3. Подведение итогов урока.

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