Проблемы тинейджеров.
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Проблемы подростающего поколения в обществе.


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Слайд 1

Project « T he teens problems » By the student of the 10 A Popugay Ann School № 1987 Teacher Dadasheva A.Sh.

Слайд 2

Цель Собрать и исследовать материал о молодежных движениях; узнать больше о жизни молодых людей, которые выкинуты из общества.

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Задачи Расширение кругозора в области молодежных субкультур

Слайд 4

Contents Introduction Main part Conclusion List of books

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Introduction Subculture concept in sociology designating part of the culture of society, characterized by their behavior (positive or negative) of the overwhelming majority, as well as social media groups that culture. Distinguish subculture formed on ethnic, demographic, occupational, geographic, and other basics. In particular, the subculture formed ethnic communities differ in their dialect of the language rules. Another well-known example is the youth subculture.

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Punk The punk subculture that emerged in the late 1960s - early 1970s in the UK, USA, Canada and Australia, which are the characteristic features of a critical attitude to society and politics. Punk goes back to the 1960s when, under the influence of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones began to appear a lot of youth teams, performing rock 'n' roll.

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Relatively crude and rough sound, based on only a few chords can be found in such classic things of that time, as «You Really Got Me» group The Kinks. Parents punk such as he is, had the New York band the Ramones. They first began to classify themselves as punks, have created an external style and style of play. By the end of 1960 defiantly primitive sound, in conjunction with the vulgar demeanor on stage, was to cultivate the American team The Stooges. Its leader, Iggy Pop rejected musical sophistication, valued in rock 'n' roll wild drive, performed in concerts smeared in their own blood and ended outrage at the stage of "diving" into the crowd.

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Hippie Hippie philosophy and subculture originally emerged in the 1960s in the United States. The heyday of movement occurred in the late 1960s-early 1970s. Originally hippies were against the Puritan morality of some Protestant churches, as well as promoted the desire to return to the natural purity through love and pacifism. One of the most famous slogans of the hippies: «Make love, not war!», Which means: "Make love, not war!".

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Hippies believe: that people should be free; that freedom can be achieved only by changing the internal structure of the soul; that acts internally uninhibited person determined by the wish to preserve their freedom as the greatest treasure; that the beauty and freedom are identical to each other and that the implementation of the two - purely spiritual problem; that all who share the above, form a spiritual community; that spiritual community - an ideal form of the hostel; that all who think otherwise are mistaken.

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Bikers Bikers lovers and fans of motorcycles. Unlike conventional motorcycle, the motorcycle is a portion biker lifestyle. Characteristic is also the association with like-minded people on the basis of this way of life. Biker movement originated in the 1950s in the U.S., has penetrated into Europe and Russia in the 1970s, for a time was part of the subculture, when the bikers were divided into aggressive and warring factions.

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Until recently, the concept of "biker" was extended only to the owners of choppers and certainly associated with remote far ahead of the front wheel, an abundance of chrome, leather, long hair and a beard motorcyclist. However, since the late 90's on the road more often began to emerge of a high-powered motorcycles with plastic fairing and improved aerodynamics - sportbike . For a long time sportbaykery not recognized "true" bikers as members of the biker community, even this gesture as a welcome show of hands at a meeting on the road, they are not distributed. The reason for this confrontation lay in the shape of a motorcycle and driving style. High speed and sportbike rider in full gear, more like an astronaut in a spacesuit, not knit in the understanding of the old school biker with the appearance of the biker.

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Hackers A person who enjoys the study of the details (details) programmable systems, the study of the issue to enhance their capabilities, as opposed to most users, who prefer to be limited to the study of the minimum required. Anyone programming with enthusiasm and loves to program, not just theorizing about programming. A person capable to appreciate and understand the value of hacking. A man who is strong in the fast programming. Expert in relation to a particular computer program or anyone working with it often An expert or enthusiast of any kind. Anyone can be a "hacker astronomy", for example. Someone who loves intelligent test is a creative overcome or bypass restrictions. An attacker extracting sensitive information to bypass the security systems (such as "password hacker", "network hacker"). The correct term - cracker, cracker

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Volunteers Volunteering - a wide range of activities, including traditional forms of mutual aid and self-help, formal service delivery and other forms of civic participation, which is voluntary for the benefit of the general public without any expectation of monetary reward.

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Volunteerism planting flowers, lawns, shrubs and trees; assistance such as social categories of citizens: the elderly, street children, young people and students, the homeless, people with disabilities, migrants, refugees, ex-prisoners and others; landscaping and construction of houses, plots, city streets; Help for animals, voluntary help zoos and nature reserves; educational talks aimed at preventing drug use, AIDS, juvenile crime; benefit concerts and theatrical performances; environmental marches, cleaning and contamination; promotion of healthy lifestyles; online volunteering, which is also Wikipedia; work for technical support; provide possible assistance to law enforcement agencies, rescue workers, doctors and the like, for example, participation in the carding area in the search for lost man, a survey of the population, etc. assistance in organizing major concerts, festivals of all kinds.

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Hipsters Hipsters - appeared in the U.S. in the 1940s the term. The word originally meant a representative of a particular subculture that emerged among fans of jazz music, nowadays commonly used in the sense of "providing urban young people, the interests of the elite foreign culture and art, fashion, alternative music and indie rock, arthouse cinema, contemporary literature and t . claim. "

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Usually, if we are talking about hipsters, refers to young (around 16-25 years) of the middle class who are fond of alternative music, arthouse cinema, contemporary art. It is believed that among hipsters spread the cult of vintage In modern Russian reality, there are two opinions about the political views of hipsters: some suggest their complete indifference to politics, others see them as carriers of moderate opposition bourgeois consciousness.

Слайд 17

List of books Kuzovlev V.P. wikipedia.org

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