Test. Present Perfect vs. Past Simple
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Безмельницына Светлана Сергеевна

Крнтрольная работа в 7 классе на тему различия между Простым прошедшим временем и настоящим совершенным 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Test Present Perfect vs. Past Simple


1. Use 5 adverbs in each sentence below. Put them in the right order.

She has been to India

She was in India

2. Make up the questions (general, special, who-question and tag question)

We have played football today morning.

Mary visited her dentist last Friday.

3. Use the Past Simple or the Present Perfect Tense

1. We _________________ (go) to the theatre last week.

2. Yesterday I _________________ (have) dinner with a friend.

3. I _________________ (not/ have) any coffee today – I feel very sleepy!

4. I _________________ (not / drink) any coffee yesterday.

5. I _________________ (read) all his books – I think he’s a wonderful writer.

6. What _________________ (do) at the weekend?

7. I_________________ (always / love) tea – I drink it every day.

8. What subject _________________ (she / study) at university?

9. He _________________ (be) married for ten years (but he got divorced).

10. _________________ (you / ever / go) to Central Park in New York?

11. How many books _________________ (she / write) so far?

12. He _________________ (wash) the dishes, _________________ (clean) the

living room and _________________ (cook) dinner last night.

13. My great-grandfather never _________________ (leave) Scotland.

14. She _________________ (come) to London in 1997.

15. She _________________ (never / see) snow before.

16. He _________________ (be) married for thirty-five years (and he’s still

married now).

Test Present Perfect vs. Past Simple


1. Use 5 adverbs in each sentence below. Put them in the right order.

He has been to Chine

He was in Chine

2. Make up the questions (general, special, who-question and tag question)

They have played volleyball today morning.

Jim visited his doctor two days ago.

3. Use the Past Simple or the Present Perfect Tense


1. I ___________________ (never / go) to Vienna.

2. My great-great-grandfather ___________________ (have) five sisters.

3. He ___________________ (live) in Manila for a year when he was a student.

4. Oh no! I ___________________ (lose) my wallet!

5. ___________________ (you / see) Julie today?

6. I ___________________ (read) six books this week.

7. Amy ___________________ (live) in Portugal when she was young.

8. She ___________________ (visit) her grandmother last month.

9. She ___________________ (live) in seven different countries, so she knows a

lot about different cultures.

10. I ___________________ (go) to the cinema last night.

11. Ow! I ___________________ (cut) my finger!

12. She ___________________ (break) her leg the day before her exam.

13. We ___________________ (see) Oliver yesterday.

14. He ___________________ (be) here all morning.

15. They ___________________ (live) here for many years (and they still do).

16. King Henry the Eighth of England ___________________ (have) six wives.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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