конспект урока английского языка "My home is my castle"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Савкина Людмила Геннадьевна

Урок для 5 класса, УМК "Милленниум", автор Н.Н.Деревянко, изд. Титул, 2012 г.  Вашему вниманию представляется конспект урока с презентацией и приложениями.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Unit 3, Lesson 3, form 5

Цель: формирование и развитие навыков употребления конструкций there is/there are для описания комнат в различных типах жилья ( в частном доме, квартире, пентхаусе и т.д.), а так же в квартире своей мечты.


  • Образовательные: 1) выявить особенности употребления конструкций there is/there are. 2) повторить лексику по теме «комнаты» 3) определить понятие home. 4)повторить транскрипцию отдельных звуков. 5) познакомиться с поговорками на английском языке
  • Развивающие: 1) способствовать развитию психических процессов (логика – что такое дом); 2) способствовать развитию устной речи (составление конструкций с there is/there are, высказать свое отношение к жизни в замке); 3) способствовать развитию познавательной активности на уроке (объяснить значение поговорки, рассуждать откуда взять информацию, для чего она нужна, зачем нужно знать транскрипцию звуков и т.д.)
  • Воспитательные: познакомиться с культурой страны изучаемого языка, с жизнью в замке, совершенствовать умение работать самостоятельно на уроке.

Материально-техническое обеспечение: проектор, экран, компьютер

Методическое и дидактическое сопровождение: учебник УМК Английский язык нового тысячелетия» 5 класс (4-й год обучения) 2012 г.,автор Н.Н. Деревянко , тетрадь для записей, карточки с русскими и англ.пословицами, карточки с заданиями для групп.




- Good morning, children. I’m glad to see you

-Sit down, please.

- How are you?

- What’s the weather like today?

- What’s the day today?

- Good morning, teacher. We are glad to see you too.





-Children, look at the screen, please.  

Read the sentences.

- Which word is the same in all these sentences?

 -So, what we are going to talk about?

-  What can you tell me about your flat or your room?

- I see it’s difficult for you. So, what will we do today?

- home, house

-Today we are going to talk about home.

- ….

  • Today we will learn how to tell about our flat or room.

Объяснение нового материала

-   Now look at the screen and say,

how we can call sentences like these in Russian?

- How can we call them in English?

- That’s right. So, what should you do there?

-Well, I give you a couple of minutes to do it.

Now, your  time is up, let’s check this out.

- How can you explain the proverb “MY HOME IS MY CASTLE”?

- Tell me, my dear, what is “ home”  itself?

- Where can people live?

- There are different places to live in different countries and nationalities.

-Tell me, please, how many rooms are there in: an igloo, a flat….


-Now, look at the screen very attentively.  Which expression did I use when was asking you about rooms?

-Which expressions did I use in answers?

-What’s the difference between these expressions?

- You are right!

- What rooms do you know?

-Now, look at page 43, ex,2b, please. There are 4 pictures here .

 Choose one picture and say which rooms are there in the house.

-Right! Now, look at the castle. How do you think, do people live in the castles now?

-Do you think it’s cool to live in a castle?

- Would you like to live there?

-Why not?

-Well, don’t be afraid of them, my dear.

- How many rooms can be in the castle?

- How can we know it? Where can we find the information about it?

-You are right, my dear! Can we find it in our books?

- Open your books at page 42.

- So, what should we do with the text in our books?

What will you do with the words in bold?

- So, how many rooms are there in the castle?

-What are they?

-What’s the name of the castle?

-Where is it?

- What’ s the family’s favourite place?

- So, what about your flat…how many rooms are there in your flat?

-Do you like your flat?

-Would you like to have more rooms?

- Why did we read the text about this castle?

- Well done!

- Can you say, that now you know how to write it?

- what should we know to make a success in it?

  • Ok. There are sheets of paper on your desks.  Write down a short description of some imagine place you’d like to live in. It can be a castle, a flat in the skyscraper, a penthouse…  (Приложение 1)
  • Well done! It was very interesting .


- Пословицы


- Match Russian and English proverbs (в некоторых классах говорят по-русски, что нужно сделать)

- соотносят пословицы

- отвечают что получилось.

- home is a place where you are safe, where  your mum and dad live…

- where you can sleep…

-Place, where people live

-in a flat, in a room, in a house…

  • Строят предположения, догадки

  • Are there any….

  • There is/There are

Смотрят на слайд

-  Первое выражение употребляется, если после него стоит слово “one room” , а второе – после “four rooms”.

-  a kitchen, a living room, a bedroom…


  • This is a cottage. There is a bedroom, a kitchen, a dining room, a sitting room, a bathroom and a study in the cottage…..
  • Yes

  • Yes.
  • Yes, I would like to live in a castle/ no
  • Because there are ghosts in the castles.

  • It is very big and you can be lost…
  • 5, 6,10…..
  • Read books, newspapers, watch films, find the information in the Internet…

  • Yes.

  • Read, translate and count the rooms.
  • Find the translations from the wordlist.
  • 7
  • A library, a study, a dining room, a breakfast room, a picture gallery, 2 living rooms.
  • Alnwick Castle.
  • In England.
  • Library
  • 2,3,4….

  • Yes/no
  • Yes/no
  • To learn the information, to find how many rooms are there, to look how to describe your house/flat.

  • Yes
  • We should know words, there is/there are, the word order.
  • (перед началом урока ребята делятся на группы по 4 человека и все вместе составляют данное задание, затем капитаны зачитывают свои тексты)

При оценивании капитаны сами анализируют работу в группах (кто помогал, кто предлагал идеи, кто наоборот не хотел работать и т.д.), затем выставляют оценки.


-So, what did we talk about today?

-What’s did you learn from our lesson?

Do you like the text? Why/why not?

- It this text you see the website about this castle. So, how do you think, what will be your home task?

- Exactly! You should find and write down  the information about the rooms using there is/there are.

- Did you enjoy our lesson?

- About home, about different types of places..

- Proverbs about home ( называют те пословицы, которые запомнили)

- Употребление конструкций There is/ there are

- How to tell about place where you live.

- Read text about Anlwick Castle in England.

- I like it because it is interesting to know what rooms are there in the castle, what people live in it.

  • To enter this site and find more information about the castle.



   - Yes.

- Thank you for your work. The lesson is over, goodbye!

-Thank you for the lesson. Goodbye!

                                                                                                                                                              Приложение 1


Put the words. Choose the sentences you need. Read the text.

We live in a …. . It is …. and …. . There are ….. rooms in it: …, …, …, …, …, We can do a lot of things there. In the kitchen we can cook dinner and eat it together,

in the …. we can take a bath,

in the … we can read books,

in the … we can watch TV and receive guests

in the …. we can sleep.  

Our favourite room is…. because it’s …..

We like our …. very much.  Welcome to our …. !

                                                                                                                         Приложение 2

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