Итоговый тест по английскому языку для 4 класса.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Итоговый тест для 4 класса. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Reading

  1. Read the text “A History of the Early Cinema”.

A History of the Early Cinema

The first moving picture shows started in theatres in England, France, and the United States at the end of the 19th century.

In 1905 the first cinema opened in Pittsburgh. The films were short (sometimes just one minute long) and silent, but there was usually a pianist to accompany them. Film shows lasted about half an hour.

Later films became longer and were often Bible stories. Until 1910 the actors were not named. With the longer films their names started to appear on screen. The idea of “film stars” was born.

        In the early years American films were made in or near New York, but in 1910 many film companies moved to California because of the sunshine and the scenery. Westerns - films about cowboys - became very popular, and California was the perfect place to film.

        By 1914 American films were very popular, and Hollywood became a “movie factory”. In the 1920s studios made about 800 films a year, 82% of the world’s films. Hollywood’s silent movie star Charlie Chaplin became famous throughout the world.

        Hollywood made its first movie with sound in 1927. It was called The Jazz Singer. By the end of 1929 nearly all films were “talkies”. “The Golden Age of Hollywood” began.

  1. Read again and write “True” or “False”.
  1. The first cinema was opened in California in 1905.        _________________
  2. The first films were very short.                                    _________________
  3. There was a pianist in the cinema.                             _________________
  4. Westerns are films about animals.                                    _________________
  5. In the 1920s studios made a thousand films a year.            _________________
  6. Charlie Chaplin was a famous silent movie star.            _________________
  7. Hollywood made its first movie with sound in 1918.            _________________
  8. The time of the sound films was called “The Golden

 Age of Hollywood”.                                                    _________________

  1. Use of English

Match a line in A with a line in B.

  1. Where does our plane leave from?
  2. How many bags are you checking in?
  3. A return ticket to Brighton, please.
  4. It’s January the first!
  5. Anna! Congratulations!
  6. Hooray! It’s Friday!
  7. What’s the matter?
  8. I like your jeans!
  9. Can you help me?
  10.  I am sorry I’m late.
  1. Never mind. Come and sit down.
  2. I have a headache.
  3. Thanks! They are new.
  4. Sure! What’s the problem?
  5. Happy New Year!
  6. Thank you very much!
  7. Have a good weekend!
  8. Just this one.
  9. Business or tourist class?
  10. They said gate 17. Come on!

Complete the table.











  1. Grammar and Vocabulary

Choose the correct answer.

1. In winter days are … than in summer.

a. longer

c. shorter

b. larger

d. warmer

2. Bananas are … than apples.

a. tasty

c. tastier

b. tastyer

d. more tastier

3. There … many sweets in the vase.

a. is

c. are

b. be

d. been

4. There … some butter in the fridge.

a. is

c. be

b. are

d. been

5. Nick’s car is … than Mike’s car

a. good

c. better

b. gooder

d. the best

6. It often … in spring.

a. is raining

c. rain

b. rains

d. raining

7. … you put on a new dress tomorrow?

a. Do

c. Will

b. Are

d. Did

8. My brother and I … at the Zoo yesterday.

a. are

c. was

b. is

d. were

9. We don’t go to school … Sunday.

a. in

c. on

b. at

d. at

10. She can sing, …?

a. doesn’t she

c. can’t she

b. can she

d. isn’t she

11. They never laugh in class, …

a. don’t they

c. are they

b. do they

d. aren’t they

12. Give me a ball, please. We …… to play football.

a. is going

c. go

b. are going

d. went

13. He usually …… new words in class.

a. writes

c. wrote

b. is writing

d. will write

14. I live … 24 Primrose Street.

a. in

c. on

b. at

d. of

15. I … to London a week ago.

a. go

c. went

b. has gone

d. was going

16. Have you ever been … Africa?

a. in

c. on

b. to

d. at

17. She has not met her boss …

a. already

c. just

b. yet

d. never

18. London stands on the River …

a. Nike

c. Thames

b. Moskva

d. Tyne

19. London is the capital of ….

a. Scotland

c. England

b. Wales

d. Ireland

20. We … already … our work.

a. has done

c. have done

b. is doing

d. are doing

21. When did you arrive … England?

a. in

c. to

b. at

d. for

22. Nick likes to travel … plane.

a. on

c. at

b. by

d. in

23. There is … bread on the table.

a. little

c. a

b. few

d. an

24. We are all interested … English.

a. at

c. in

b. of

d. to

25. Mr. Brown has been here … 3 days.

a. since

c. in

b. for

d. to


  1. Reading
  1. F
  2. T
  3. T
  4. F
  5. F
  6. T
  7. F
  8. T
  1. Use of English





















  1. Grammar and Vocabulary
  1. A                        
  2. C
  3. C
  4. A
  5. C
  6. B
  7. C
  8. D
  9. C
  10. C
  11. B
  12. B
  13. A

  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. B
  5. C
  6. C
  7. C
  8. A
  9. B
  10. A
  11. C
  12. B

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