" The Nightmare before Christmas"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

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Данный материал полезен при  проведении Рождественского мероприятия на английском языке. Создан по произведению Т. Бертона " Кошмар перед Рождеством".


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«The Nightmare before Christmas ».




Jack Skellington


Santa Claus


Scene 1.

Narrator: At the end of the Halloween night, everybody went to the centre of the Halloween town. The Mayor of town stood in front of them and spoke.

Mayor: Tonight was the best Halloween party in many years, and the hard work of one man is possible. Jack – thank you.

Witches: It was great, Jack! We loved it! It was wild!

Mayor: Yes. We all enjoy Jacks scary songs and dangerous dances. Jack, you’re the scariest skeleton in Halloween town. Thank you for these wonderful celebrations!

Jack Skellington: No problem.

Narrator: But Jack wasn’t happy. Every year he repeated the same songs and dances and he was bored with Halloween. Of course, he couldn’t tell anybody. How could he? The people of the town loved him and they waited all the year for this night. Sally was also sad.

Sally: Why is Jack sad tonight? He is the most wonderful man in Halloween town and everybody loves him.

Jack Skellington: I scare people every year. It’s boring and I’m tired. I don’t want to hear another scream. Why I do it?

 Sally: Now I understand … he is bored. He wants to change his life… and I want to change mine. (Sally looked around.) I’ll take some of those flowers and I’ll put them in the Doctors drink tonight so he will sleep. But this time, when he’s sleeping, I’ll run away. I’ll find Jack and maybe he will go with me. We will be free!  

Doctor (voice): Sally? Where are you?

Sally: Ill coming!

Scene 2.

Narrator: Jack walked through the dark woods. He walked for a long time and he thought about his future, without much hope. After almost two hours, he stopped and looked around him. His eyes opened wide.

Jack Skellington: Where am I? What is this?

Narrator: Jack was in the middle of some very large trees and each tree had a beautiful door in it. On the doors were strange pictures and each door was different. One of the doors had a green tree with decorations on it. Of course, it was a Christmas tree, but Jack didn’t know anything about Christmas tree. He pulled the door and it opened.

Jack Skellington: What is this?

Narrator: It was a little town. It was very different from Halloween town.

Jack Skellington: Nobody is afraid here! They aren’t screaming. Nobody’s dead! This is the prettiest place in the world. Christmas town. (Jack read) That’s a funny name for the place! But I think I’m going to like it here! This place is great! I want to see everything here! I want to run and jump! I want to sing and dance! I’m not an old dead skeleton without feelings – I’m living again! But what happens in this place? I’m going to look around!

Scene 3.

Narrator: It was morning in Halloween town.

Mayor: Where is Jack?

Witches: We will try to find him for you, Mayor!

Narrator: All looked for Jack.

Witches: Where is Jack? Do you know? We don’t know but we will help you.

Narrator: Later that day everybody knew – Jack was not in Halloween town! But where was he?

Scene 4.

Narrator: On the night of December 24, the night before Christmas, everybody in Christmas town was very happy. Santa Claus came on this night every year with toys for good girls and boys. A lot of older children couldn’t sleep. They waited for the sound of Santa Claus. Jack Skellington walked around the town and looked through the windows of the pretty little houses.

Jack Skellington: I’m going to go back to Halloween town. I’ve got a great plan!

Scene 5.

Witches: Jack is back, Mayor!

Mayor: Where were you, Jack?

Jack Skellington: I’ll tell you… I’ll tell everybody! I want everybody in town to come here in two hours. I want to tell you about a wonderful place! Its name is Christmas town.

Witches: Christmas town? What’s that?

Jack Skellington: It’s a world of wonderful white snow. It’s a beautiful place, a happy place. Look at this! (He showed them a Christmas tree). And look! This is a present! (He took a box with pretty paper from under the tree and showed it to them.)

Witches: What is it?

Jack Skellington: It’s a box with pretty paper around it… and inside…

Witches: What’s inside?

Jack Skellington: We don’t know.

Witches: Don’t know? Why not?

Jack Skellington: Inside, there’s a toy!

Witches: A boy? That is strange!

Jack Skellington: Not a boy! A toy!

Witches: Do toys scare little boys?

Jack Skellington: They’ll never understand Christmas! Maybe they’ll understand this. (Jack thought) There is a very old man in Christmas town. He’s big and round with long, white hair. His clothes are red. He shouts loudly and laughs! They call him Santa Claus! He puts presents under Christmas tree inside every house. When the children wake up in the morning, they find them. Then they open them.

Mayor: Jack, were these celebrations wonderful? What about scary songs and dangerous dances?

Jack Skellington: Mayor, Halloween town must have Christmas! Why not? We can make decorations and put them on a tree! We can put presents under the tree! We can make presents for every little boy and girl! And this year I’ll be Santa Claus! And I have a plan!

Witches: What plan do you have, Jack?

Jack Skellington: We are going to have Christmas in Halloween town this year. You will have to work hard, but it will be wonderful!

Witches: Will it really scary?

Jack Skellington: No, not scary… but happy!

Mayor: This is a strange plan.

Jack Skellington: I want the witches to make Christmas cakes. Can you do that, witches?

Witches: Yes, Jack, we always cook wonderful things. We can make cakes without any problem!

Jack Skellington: I want you to make red and green decorations too. OK, witches?

Witches: Yes, Jack.

Scene 6.

Narrator: Everybody in Halloween town was very busy and Jack watched them happily. And Santa Claus in Christmas town was busy too. He looked at the names of the children in Christmas town. He had a present for each child.

Santa Claus: All the presents are ready. I’m going to get the reindeer. They have to pull a very heavy sleigh tonight, so I’ll give them more food and water.

Narrator: Suddenly, there was a loud noise at the front door.

Santa Claus: Who’s that?

Voices: Trick or treat!

Santa Claus: What does “trick or treat mean”? Oh, no! Help me! Help!

Scene 7.

Jack Skellington: Santa Claus! Santa Claus! Where are you? I would like to invite you to Halloween town. It’s strange…  Where is Santa Claus?

Narrator: And Jack returned to Halloween town without Santa Claus.

Jack Skellington: Unfortunately, I couldn’t find Santa Claus.

Witches: But, Jack, we have a present for you. Look. He’s here!

Jack Skellington: Who?

Santa Claus: Let me out!

Jack Skellington: Who is there?

Santa Claus fell out.

Santa Claus: Where am I?

Jack Skellington: Hi, Santa Claus! I’m going to give you a Christmas present. This year I’ll be Santa Claus, so you won’t have to work. You can sit down and enjoy a quiet night here in Halloween town! I’ll do everything.

Santa Claus: What does he mean? This is the happiest night of the year for me! The children are waiting –and I’m going to be late! But I…

Jack Skellington: It’s OK. You can have a vacation.

Santa Claus: This is a nightmare!

Mayor: Come with us, Santa! I’ll take you to my house and you can sleep there.

Santa Claus: But I don’t want to sleep!

Sally: This is a nightmare. I have to do something.


Narrator: Something very strange happened. A thick fog moved into the town. Nobody could see anything.

Mayor: What is happening?

Witches: Oh, no! No Christmas!

Scene 8.

Jack Skellington: What happened? Where is Santa Claus?

Sally: I’m sorry, Jack. But the children are waiting for Santa Claus and he must be in Christmas town.

Jack Skellington: Sally, it is the end of Christmas!

Sally: The end of Christmas? Never! Everything will be OK, Jack! Santa Claus will give their presents! It’s his job.

Jack Skellington: But I do want Christmas will come to Halloween town!

Mayor: Everybody is waiting for you, Jack! Let’s go to the centre of town!

Narrator: Suddenly, some beautiful white snow started falling on Halloween town. It was a Christmas present from Santa Claus. A louder sound came from the sky above. Everybody looked up.

Santa Claus: Merry Christmas!

Witches: What is this?

Narrator: They put out their fingers and try to catch the snow.

Witches: It’s cold!

Jack Skellington: It’s snow!

Santa Claus: Merry Christmas! I have some presents for you.

Jack Skellington: Santa Claus! You!?

Witches: Some presents?

Mayor: Santa Claus! Welcome to our party! Christmas party!

Narrator: It was strange, but Santa Claus enjoyed that night in Halloween town. The nightmare before Christmas ended happily for everybody.

(Presents. Song.)

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