An ideal place in the world.
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Егорчикова Клара Медарисовна
Lake Baikal and its shores have been declared a specially protected zone of our country. There is a hope that one of the most beautiful and deepest lakes in the world will never die.


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Слайд 1

An ideal place in the world « Happy » , K. Kaufman, M. Kaufman Form 10, Unit 4, Lesson 8.

Слайд 2

As to the lake's beauty, it is hard to describe it better than the Russian writer Anton Chekhov, who visited it at the last century. He said: "Lake Baikal is wonderful and it's not for nothing that the Siberian calls it the sea, not lake. Its water is exclusively transparent, so that one can see through it as trough the air. Its colour is light blue to please the eye". So how is the lake's name originated? Who named it Baikal? In the Middle Ages in the Mongolian language people called it " Tengiz ", then before the Russians came Baikal was called " Baigal-dalai " or " Baigal-Muran " ( dalai means sea, muran means river in the Mongolian language) or "standing fire" (Baikal- the reflection of heaven).

Слайд 3

Lake B aikal Lake Baikal, in eastern Siberia, is no ordinary lake. Here are some interesting facts about it: Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world with a maximum depth of 1,632m It is also the world's largest volume of fresh water 23,000 cubic km. This means that one-fifth of all the fresh water in the world is located here at Lake Baikal.

Слайд 4

Lake Baikal is one of the clearest and purest bodies of water. In a good day you could see 40 meters into the lake. Dimensions of Lake Baikal: It is 636 km long, 79 km wide. There are 27 islands in Lake Baikal, most of them being uninhabited. More than 300 streams and rivers flow into Lake Baikal, but there is just one outlet, the Angara.

Слайд 5

It is home to many unique species of animals and plants including the freshwater seal. It has beautiful fur and its fat has medicinal qualities. Its meat is just like chicken, the uncooked liver is rich in vitamins and they say it's the most valuable product. The seal lives in the north and in the middle part of Baikal. More than half the species found in Lake Baikal are unique to this place.

Слайд 6

Do you know about the famous Baikal fish? Certainly it's omul . But omul came from the ocean. How could omul reach the lake? The Baikal omul lives 5-14 years. For its reproduction the omul swims up the tributaries of Baikal: the upper Angara, the Kichera , the Selenga and other small rivers.

Слайд 7

There is a mysterious self-bearing fish - golomyanka . It throws 2-3 thousands of larvae into the water and perishes. Its body is without scales. Its body is transparent and in light you can see its skeleton. The golomyanka's body consists of 3% of fat. And it is used in the Tibetan medicine.

Слайд 8

The taiga expanses surrounding Lake Baikal are famous for fur-bearing animals, such as squirrels, sables, stoats, minks, foxes, hares and others. In the taiga in the vicinity of Baikal you can meet bears, the lynx and the Siberian reindeer.

Слайд 9

Barguzin sables have always been considered the greatest wealth of the lake Baikal area. They are beautiful and strong, especially near the lake and in places where it is colder. Their shimmering dark fur stands out for its silkiness.

Слайд 10

Lake Baikal and its shores have been declared a specially protected zone of our country. There is a hope that one of the most beautiful and deepest lakes in the world will never die . The most numerous of the indigenous people are Buryats . They has been living here from untold centuries, even before Yanguis Khan swept through during the early XIII century. What a wonderful world

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