Human and nature (Человек и природа. Экологические проблемы)
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс)

Артемьева Ольга Геннадьевна

Урок обобщения по теме: "Защита окружающей среды. Экологические проблемы". Отрабатывается лексический и грамматический материал по теме, а также все виды речевой деятельности.


Office presentation icon ekologiya_.ppt997 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

Warm up How long ago did life appear on the planet ? What is our environment ? What is environmental crisis ? Can you give any examples of environmental catastrophe (problems) ? Which of these problems does St.-Petersburg have?

Слайд 3

Do the crossword puzzle

Слайд 4

Listen to “The Earth song” and answer the questions What is this song about? What environmental (global) problems did you hear in this song? What feeling have you got after listening? Is there any hope in this song for a better future life?

Слайд 5

Our planet is in danger ! The environmental problems Rubbish and litter Killing animals Water pollution Industrial wastes Air pollution Global warming Acid rains Overpopulation Destroying forests

Слайд 6

Water is our cristal-clear wonder Some interesting facts about water: Less than 1% of the Earth’s water is fresh and drinkable. An adult should drink about 2.5 litres of water a day to stay healthy. A man’s body contains 70% of water. Hot water turns into ice faster than cold water.

Слайд 7

Language work Put the verbs into the correct form: 1. If people (to think)……. more about ecology our planet (to survive)…….. 2. Plants and factories (to poison)……… many rivers and lakes for many years. 3. An explosion of a nuclear station (to happen)......... in Japan recently. 4. The weather (to change)……… so quickly you never know what to wear. 5. Many animals (not to be)…….. in danger if people (not to destroy)……… their habitat. 6. People (to be)……. healthier if the air pollution (to stop)………

Слайд 8

Reading Write true (T) or false (F) ? 1.People pollute the world they live in by inventing different things ..... 2.Fishing ships are not dangerous for the oceans ....... 3.People don’t throw away trash into the oceans ..... 4.Many birds and fish die only because people kill them ....... 5.Sunlight is rather dangerous for our planet ..... 6.Acid rains affect the balance of nature.....

Слайд 9

What should be done to save our planet ? We have international organizations which pay attention to this problem. They help to control the pollution. Government must control air and water pollution from industrial enterprises, study man’s influence on the climate. People must plant trees and create parks for endangered species of animals.

Слайд 10

HOW “GREEN” ARE YOU ? What can you do to save our planet? We mustn’t throw away litter in the streets, we should put litter in the litterbins. We can plant trees and clean riverbanks and forests. We can take part in recycling litter, e.g. collecting old newspapers, plastic bottles. We can save water and electricity . We mustn’t destroy wildlife. We must learn at school how to protect the environment. LET’S START TODAY !

Слайд 11

Mini-project You are going to take part in a conference “Keeping the Earth clean”. Work in the groups and design a T-shirt. Write down your ideas : What should we do to save the Earth? Write your personal motto. If you want to, design the back of the T-shirt. You can draw a picture or a logo.

Слайд 12

Writing (read the letter and write the article “What we can do to save our planet”. My dear children, I am dying, and I want to to tell you how much I love you and how much your actions have hurt me. I gave life to your parents and their parents before them. I provided you with food, with fresh water and with clean air to breathe. The rivers and seas are my life blood. You have polluted my arteries with chemicals from your factories. This has killed so much of the sea life which was there for you. You have been greedy. You have over-fished and

Слайд 13

over-hunted. I can not breathe because you have cut down so many of my life-giving trees. Without their oxygen we will all die and my tears have now turned to acid rain. My face is marked and scarred by your bombs and guns and my body is the burial ground for the victims of your wars. I have said good bye to many old friends who will soon be damaged by others: the tigers, the elephants, the rhinoceros and the pandas. Unless you act now, they won’t be saved by you and me. Please help me! Mother Earth.

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