10 причин, что бы быть успешным
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Александрова Светлана Олеговна

Цель: Воспитание личности учащегося на основе общечеловеческих ценностей, обучение познавательной деятельности с использованием иностранного языка, развитие чувства толерантности и уважения к культуре и традициям народа стран изучаемого языка.


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Презентация по английскому языку. 10 reasons to be successful

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For example Петр Ильич Чайковский Александр Сергеевич Пушкин Элтон Джон

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all famous people industrious because and successful Charlie Chaplin Jack London Henry Ford

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to be successful 1. need hard work 2. to love their job 3. working without rest 4. to dream and wait 5. always if you believe everything will be 6. watch to you health because if you have a health you have all 7. much read 8. having a good education 9. to be sociable 10.to be able to adapt

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Презентация на тему : « Ten reason why people want to be a successful person » Выполнила Туманова Дарья 8 «А» класса

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Why people become a successful ? Because they want … 1 . t o have a lot of money 2 . to travel around the world 3 . to be famous and rich 4 . to be independent 5 . to advance yourself 6 . to have everything that you want 7.to contain your family 8.to give an education for your children 9.to develop your own business 10.to have prestige in the society

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Andrey Mironov He was born on March 7 in 1941. Russian Soviet stage and film actor, performer. National actor of RSFSR.

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He finished the Moscow theatrical school of a name of B. V. Schukin and was accepted in Moscow theater satires. Andrey became an actor. He was very talented actor Many people admire his talent and to this day

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Andrey started acting in movies early and in 22 years gained popularity.

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He played a leading role in the movie "Diamond Hand" and struck all the creativity. After such grandiose success Mironov received the status of the best comedy actor of the country and the unsurpassed game each time proved that this honourable status it deserves He had beautiful eyes and expressive bright appearance

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big success But Andrey Mironov not simply was given this success. It passed through many barriers to appear at glory top. Only having passed many tests and difficulties, it is possible to come to big success

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my example of the person who achieved success This person can quite become an example for you. He achieved success in the life thanks to aspiration, talent and internal qualities.

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Reasons to be successful Gevorkyan Karina

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Prokhorov Mikhail Dmitrievich

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Mikhail Prokhorov was born on May 3, 1965 in Moscow . The family was able to give him everything you need for a successful career. Father Prokhorov worked as a head of the laboratory of, the mother of the head of the Department of polymers at the Moscow Institute of chemical materials . ● In 1972-1982 years studied in special secondary school № 21 with the profound study of the English language in Moscow, graduated from it with honors.

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● In 1983 he entered the Moscow Institute of Finance. ● In 1988, on the last year of the Moscow financial Institute, Prokhorov joined the Communist party . ● In 1989 he graduated with honors from the Institute on a specialist «international economic relations » ● 1989 - 1992 - was the head of the IBEC . ● 1992-1993 . - held the post of Chairman of the Board of JSCB «international financial company » ● 1993-2000 . - was the Chairman of the management Board of UNEXIM Bank . ● 2000-2001 . - held the position of President of the JSCB «ROSBANK ». ● 2004 . - established the charity Fund of Michael Prokhorov ● 2001-2007. - was the General Director of the MMC «Norilsk Nickel ». ● 2006-2010 . he headed the Board of Directors of the company «Polyps Gold ». ● 2009-2011 . - worked in the composition of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation on technological development and modernization of the Russian economy . ●March 2012. - participated in the presidential elections . ● In 2013, he was in the list of the richest owners of sports clubs, compiled by «Forbes ».

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S uccessful person is he or she who work hard every day to become better and smarter

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Successful man must be rich in ideas, make plans, be energetic,active,optimistic and carry responsible for all that he has done in his life.

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Only rely on ourselves we can be sure of success.

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U sually have well-known people have friends because they are entirely hard at work .

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The end .

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Презентация на тему: « Ten reason why people want to be a successful person » Выполнил Левченко Даниил 8 «А» класс

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Why people become a successful ? Because they want … to stand clever to have a lot money t o be famous in society to leave trail in history to rule the world to give an education for your children to keep your family to have a good age to go in different countries to do a lot of charity

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Example of success The winners of the Olympic Games is a beautiful example for each sportsman . That climb to stardom, they had a lot of problem . Once they were ordinary guys .Owing to desire, diligence, hard work, they managed to achieve incredible success.

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Elena Isinbaeva Elena Isinbaeva - the Olympic champion of Beijing 2008 . Then, it set up a new world record and won a gold medal.

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Evgeny Plushenko Evgeny Plushenko -outstanding figure skater, the prize-winner of winter Olympic Games in 2002 in Salt Lake City and in 2006 in Turin .

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Larisa Latynina — outstanding Soviet gymnast, ninefold Olympic champion. Before 2012 she had the greatest a collection of the Olympic medals for all history of sports — 9 gold, 5 silver and 4 bronze medals

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Each person has own heroes whom he takes an example. Ourselves choose the way to success. On this way us can wait for failure and disappointment, but when we passed all this ,we get recognition and success in an award.

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Seek to become better!

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10 reasons to be successful Презентация Кравченко . А . 8 ”A”

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To be happy

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To be loved

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To be rich

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Play my favorite games

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Travel the World

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Have lots of friends

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You do whatever you want

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Do not drink alcohol

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The end

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10 reasons to be successful Butsenko Alexandra 8 "A" class

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Charlie Chaplin Charlie Chaplin - the great English actor, screenwriter, composer and director, versatile master of cinema, the creator of one of the most famous images of world cinema - image tramp Charlie. The man is a legend. He's a very successful man. Charlie Chaplin at the end of his life could open the 10 qualities that are needed in life and are inseparable from it. He was able to understand what is important and what is not. He said this in his speech, when he was 70 let. Charlie Chaplin was a success because it was himself. He loved himself .

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1) When I began to love myself I found that anguish and suffering - are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know what it's called Be yourself.

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2) When I began to love myself I understood how much it can hurt someone try to force his desires on when the time is not right and the person is not ready yet, and this man - I am. Today I call it self-esteem.

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3)When I began to love myself I stopped craving for a different life, and I could see that the life that surrounded me was inviting me to grow. Today I call it maturity.

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4)When I began to love myself I understood that at any circumstance, I am in the right place at the right time, and everything happens at the right moment. I can be calm. Today I call it self-confidence.

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5)When I began to love myself I quit stealing my own time and dream about big future projects. Today, I only do what brings me joy and makes me happy that I love and that makes my heart smile. I do it the way I want and at your own pace. Today I call it Easy.

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6)When I began to love myself I freed myself of anything that is no good for my health - food, people, things, situations. Total, which led me down and away from myself. Today I call it self-love.

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7)When I began to love myself I quit trying to always be right. And that's when I became less and less mistakes. Today I realized that it's modesty .

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8)When I began to love myself I stopped living in the past and worry about the future. Today, I only live in the moment, and I call this satisfaction.

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9)When I began to love myself I recognized that my mind can disturb me and it can make me sick. But when I connected it to my heart, he became a valuable ally. Today I call this connection wisdom of the heart.

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10)We no longer need to fear arguments, problems with ourselves and with others. Even stars collide, and out of their collision new worlds are born. Today I know it is - life.

Слайд 13

The end

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