Разработка открытого урока по английскому языку в 6 классе по теме "London Tour"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Анистратенко Екатерина Александровна

Урок опирается на учебник Верещагиной И.Н. и др.4 год обучения, часть 1 раздел: Town Life. London. 


Предварительный просмотр:

Открытый урок по английскому языку в 6-м классе.

A Trip to London.


Образовательная- закрепление ранее изученного материала.

Воспитательная – воспитание интереса к изучению английского языка, эстетического вкуса, повышать уровень общей осведомленности учащихся о культуре и архитектуре Лондона.

Развивающая – развивать переключаемость внимания, логическое и пространственное мышление.

Задачи урока:

-закрепление лексики по теме Town Life. London.

-повторение предлогов и наречий места;

-развитие диалогической речи;

-развитие навыков монологической речи;

-развитие навыка ориентации по карте города;

-повторение The Present Perfect Tense с правильными глаголами.

Good morning children!

Good morning teacher!

Sit down, please!

Who is on duty today?


I’m on duty today.

What day is it today?

Today is the 17-th of April.

What day of week is it today?

Today is Thursday.

Who is absent today?

All are present.

Thank you, sit down.

Слайд 1


Look at the screen, what can you see?

I can see red double-decker.

How do you think, what city is on the screen?

It is London.

You are right.

Слайд 2 (автобус)

Today we are going…

  1. to have a trip to London;
  2. to play with words;
  3. to use a map and make directions.
  4. to remember sights of London;
  5. to repeat our grammar Present Perfect Tense.

You separated on two teams at last lesson, so today you have a competition.

If your answer is right I will give you a penny. If your team gets more penny than other team, you will win and get excellent marks.

So, pupils image that we are into the red double-decker bus and we are travelling around London.

Слайд 3


So, who can tell us about London?

Ира Деордиева.

London is the biggest city in Britain. More than seven million [miljqn] people live and work there. London is one of the important cities in the world. It is a centre for business [biznis] and for tourism [tOurIzm]. There are 10 thousand streets in London. There are many beautiful old theatres, cinemas and museums.

Thank you, sit down. Your team has got a penny.

Слайд 4


Look at the screen, you must find 2 parts of words and compare them. Use your rules.

Town, hospital, city, square, main, church, road, cinema, museum, street, theatre, turn.

Well done! Your group has got a penny.

Слайд 5


бланки раздать

Our first stop is Bloomsbury Square.

Who can tell us about it? Ira Albu.

Bloomsbury Square is one of the oldest in London. It is more than 300 years old. It is the literary part of the city. Many writers and critics live there. There is the monument to politician Charles James Fox in the square.

Thank you. Sit down. Your team has got a penny.

Слайд 6


Ира Албу

Look! English boy wants to find his friend's house. He asks you to help him.

But first of all, we need to remember some word combinations. Read and translate them one by one.

Слайд 7


-walk along                        -walk down                        -walk 2 blocks

-walk up                        -turn to the right                -turn to the left.

Слайд 8

(walk)читать с экрана, каждое нажатие

Look at the map and make your directions for the boy.

 Complete the sentences using following word combination.

1.___________________________Park Street and you’ll see the_____________________


2.___________________________Green Street and you’ll see the ______________________

then ________________________.

3.___________________________River Street and you’ll see the_______________________


4. __________________________High Street and you’ll see your friend’s house ________________the museum.

Who is ready? Read your directions for Tom. Very nice.

Слайд 9

(Карта 1)

Раздать бланки

Pupils, tell me, what is it?

It is London Bridge.

Tell me please, what river is under the London Bridge?

It is Thames. (Балетков)

You are right.

Who can tell us about London Bridge?

Белецкая Настя.

London Bridge is 2 thousand years old. The first bridge was of wood. Then people built the bridge of stone. There were houses and shops on it.  People paid money when they crossed the bridge. In 1960 (nineteen sixty) the people of  London wanted to build a large new bridge, so rich American bought the parts of  the old bridge.

In 1973 (nineteen seventy three) the new London Bridge was opened.

Thank you, Nastya. Your group has got a penny.

Pupils! Do you know any song about London Bridge?

Yes, I do. London Bridge is Falling Down.

Let’s sing a song!

Well done!


Слайд 10

London Bridge

Белецкая Н.




Look at the screen the letters get mixed. Put the letters in order. Write on your sheets of paper.


Read and translate the words.

Very nice. (penny)

Слайд 11

(предлоги и наречия)

Пишут на листах

I’ll ask the first team and the second is checking. If you hear a mistake you will raise your hand.


Anna, what is opposite the barber shop? (the high school…)

Lesha, what is next to the museum? (the playground…)

Danil, what is behind the cinema? (the hospital…)

Vadim, what is between the bank and the church? (the post office)

Nastya, where is the hotel? (the hotel is…)

Now, your team is answering and yours is checking.


Ira A., what is between high school and theatre (the library…)

Denis, what is behind the hotel? (the gas station is…)

Ira D, what is opposite the theatre? (the museum…)

Danil B., what is on the corner of Park Street and Oxford Street? (hotel, cinema)

Alena, where is the bank? (…)


As you know a lot of tourists visit London every year. So tourists often ask how to get to different places. Denis and Lesha prepared the dialogue.

Denis: Excuse me. Could you help me?

Lesha: Sure. What do you want?

Denis: Where is 42 Green Street, please?

Lesha: Oh, that’s easy. Walk to the corner and then turn to the left.

Denis: To the corner and then to the left?

Lesha: That’s right. And then walk two blocks to the traffic lights. And you are in Green Street.

Denis: Thank you.

Very nice, you both have got a penny.

Слайд 12


We are going on our trip.

What is it on the screen?

It is the British Museum.

Yes, now we are near the British Museum.

Who can tell us about it?

Вакульская Аня

The British Museum is not far from Bloomsbury Square and the Square is famous for the Museum. The British Museum is very old. It was founded in 1753 (seventeen fifty three). The British Museum is in Great Russell Street. It is the biggest museum in London. The British Museum has a large Reading Room. Some of greatest people sat in this Room – such as Dickens, Bernard Show, Karl Marx and many others.

Thank you, Anna. (penny)

Слайд 13

The British Museum

You can see a Reading Room at the screen.

Cлайд 14

Reading Room

Let’s remember Present Perfect Tense.

Anna please, tell us about it. (penny)

Ira what adverbs do we usually use with Present Perfect Tense?

(ever, never…) (penny)

Look at the screen, the first four sentences for the first team and the other four sentences for the second team. Write down on your sheets.

I give you 5 minute to consult and then one of you will answer.

 Who is ready?

(отвечают) – penny

Cлайд 15

Read the sentences one by one and fill in have or has.

(отвечают) - penny        

Слайд 16

Let’s remember Tag-question.

Who can tell us this rule?

Thank you Denis. - penny

Раздать бланки

The first four sentences for the first team and the other four sentences for the second team.


Listen to pupil and check his mistakes. - penny

Слайд 17

Our trip is over, but look!

What has he told us?

The policeman wants to check our knowledge.

Слайд 18

Now, I give each of you a card and you have to fill in an article “the” if it needs. Sign your cards.


Hand in your cards.

Lesha read your results. - penny

 You work hard, so policeman let us go.

Слайд 19

It’s time to write down your homework.

Nastya, read and translate.

Now, let’s count your pennies!

You are winners! My congratulations! All of you have just got 5!

And you have just got four. Study hard!

Слайд 20

I want to thank pupils and guests and to wish happy Easter!


Слайд 21

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