Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 5 класса по учебнику Биболетовой М.З. "Enjoy English"
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Итоговая контрольная работа была составлена для 5-го класса по учебнику Биболетовой М.З. для проверки знаний за 5 класс.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Final test 5th grade.

  1. Write down the word combinations.






The Houses of

The Tower of

The London









  1. Match the questions and the answers.

1).Where does Queen Elisabeth live when she is in London?

2). The Tower of London has a cruel history, hasn’t it?

3). When was Westminster Abbey built?

4). Where does the famous British clock stand?

5). What can you see from Westminster Bridge?

6). Does the Queen of Britain live in the Tower now?

a) Yes, it has.

b)Near the Houses of Parliament.

c) Big Ben.

d) No, she doesn’t.

e) In Buckingham Palace.

f) In 1065.

  1. Write five words to help you talk about these sights.

1). Westminster Abbey - …

2) The Tower of London - …

3) Big Ben - …

4. Fill in the where necessary.

Use: Great Britain, Kremlin, Tower of London, Big Ben, Washington, Neva, Russian Federation, UK, Red Square, Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge, Downing Street,. Europe, London, Thames, Africa, USA.

5.Complete the sentences. Add the tag ending.

…, could we?

…, weren’t they?

…,won’t they?

…, can’t she?

…, did he?

1) They will arrange the date and the time of our meeting, …?  

  2) My sister can speak and read German well, …?

3) Their head teacher didn’t get the invitation, …?

4) Linda’s friends were responsible for the music, …?

5) We couldn’t go to the theatre , …?

6. Put the verbs in the correct form.

1) My naughty sister is a good pianist. She (go /goes) to the musical school. She (play /is playing) the guitar a little.

2) Listen! What she (play/is playing)? – It’s my favourite song.

3) John! What are you doing? – I (write/am writing) a letter to my English pen friend.

4) Why you (cry/ are crying)? – I can’t do my Maths homework. It’s very difficult.

5) I (like/ am liking) to take pictures of my family.  

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