Лексико-грамматический тест (8 класс)
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Сергеева Виктория Дмитриевна

Тест рассчитан на систематизацию лексико-грамматического материла, пройденного в первом уроке. Представлены различные виды заданий. Unit 1, УМК English VII Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Test to Unit 1.

1. Complete the sentences using the words given, translate them into the Russian.

Show-off, cheat, kids, top, flavor, creep, mind, fix. care, park

1)I am taking the ___________ to the Zoo today.

2)   The ___________ of the mountain is covered with snow.

3) Do you really love when other people admire you? Don’t be such a _________.

4) I saw you look at the card, you are a _________.


5) Which _________ do you want – chocolate or vanilla?


6) My baby twins usually __________ under the bed to hide away.


7) Do you ___________for horror films? I find them boring.


8) We are going to _____________ the day for the wedding. It may be on May, 1.


9) Would you ___________opening the window? Is pretty hot in here.


10) You can’t ___________the car in the city-centre.


2. Choose the right item.

1. She can hardly say some French words, she fails all the tests. She can’t be at the _____ of the class.

a) bottom                b) desk                c) top

2. Would you _________telling me the truth?

a) care                b) mind                c) feel

3. I’m sorry. I’ve broken your favorite plate. - That’s ok. ______________

a) Never mind.         B) I will fix you up.        C) Mind your own business.

4. It isn’t a safe place at all, especially nowadays. _____________

a) Take care of yourself.                B) Don’t care about it. c) Never mind.

5. Smoking and alcohol can do a lot of _______to your health.

a) care        b) creeps        c) harm

6) I don’t want to play cards because you _______

a) cheat        b) do harm                c) creep

7) I am not going to put on these________jeans  for the party. They look terrible.

a) terrific        b) rotten        c) smart

8) I didn’t like the milkshake, because it was. I don’t like bananas.

a) banana        b) flavoured                c) banana-flavoured

9) It was ________of you to behave like that. Shame on you.

a) smart        b) silly        c) dumb

10. She gets ______  if  I even look at another girl.

a) jealous        b) advanced                c) smart

3. Choose the conditional and put the verbs in the correct tense.

1) I’m glad we have a map. I’m sure we _________ (get) lost if we ________(not/have) one.

2) We can’t go on holiday this year. If we ________(have), we ________(go) skiing.

3) Thank you for reminding me about Ann’s birthday. I _______ (forget) if you _________ (not/tell).

4) I wish we _______(can) do it right now.

5) We decided not to move. We _____ (lost) a lot of money if we _______ (sell) the house.

6) I’m not going to get up early today. If it ______(be) Sunday, I _______ (not/have) to get up.

7) I advise you to stop smoking. You _______ (feel) better if you _______(not/smoke) too much. But I know you haven’t got enough will.

8) You had a lot of mistakes in your test. If you ________(learn) the words, you _______ (write) the test much better.

9) Be quiet, please. If you _______ (not/ shout) so loudly, I _______ (understand) your words better.

10) You didn’t call me up yesterday. If you _____ (ring) me up, I _________ (tell) you everything.

4. Choose the correct tense and form.

1) If I ______ my finger, it wouldn’t have hurt for weeks.

a) cut                b) didn’t cut                c) don’t cut                d) hadn’t cut

2) The police made the driver ________ the car.

a) stopped        b) to stop                c) stop                d) stopping

3) The plane to Paris __________ early on Monday morning.

a) will take off        b) is going to take off        c) would take off        d) takes off

4) When my mother was in hospital, I ________ with my aunt.

a) was staying        b) stayed        c) were staying        d) had been staying

5) If my train _____ late, I will take a taxi.

a) were        b) will be        c) is                d) was

6)  If I were you, I _______ a lamp on the wall.

a) will fix        b) fixed                c) had fixed                d) would fix

7) I wish I ______ her.

a) would know        b) know        c) knew        d) knows


8) If only she ______ the truth to me then.

a) tell                b) will tell                c) had told                d) is telling

9) What can you see on _____ top of this tree?

a) -                 b) a                c) the                d) an

10) Mary is very smart but she never shows _____.

a) off                b) on                c) of                d) –

11) That _______ good news.

a) are not        b) were        c) -         d) is

5. Express the same in English.

1) Как жаль, что ты не можешь прийти ко мне на вечеринку.


2) Если бы он сейчас был с нами, я бы была счастлива.


3) Если бы я осталась дома вчера, я бы приготовила ужин.


4) Вот если бы я мог купить новый компьютер!


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