Проверочная работа для 6 класса.
методическая разработка (английский язык, 6 класс) на тему

Кизка Надежда Григорьевна

Проверочная работа для 6 класса


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Проверочная работа по английскому языку.

Enjoy English - 6 класс.

  1. Fill in the missing words. Words for use: to save, Zoological Society of London, right, watch, join, crocodiles, endangered, Wild Animals’ Parks.

Three months ago I joined the …. I decided to … the society because I want to help … animals.

I believe that every living thing has the … to live. All over the world many people are trying … animals and birds, … and fish from death. They organize … where scientists … the animals and their young.

  1. Match the questions and the answers.

1. Have you been to the Russian Art Museum in St. Petersburg?                       No, I didn’t,

2. Did you take part in world tennis champion-ship?                                          Yes, I would.

3. Would you like to visit the Tower?                                                                  Yes, sure.

4. Could you help me, please?                                                                             No, he hasn’t.

5. Has your little brother been to your school?                                                    No, I haven’t.

6. Has your History teacher told you about the Battle of Trafalgar?                   No, she hasn’t.

  1. Put the verbs in the correct form.

1. Look! Little Jimmy ………..to sweep the floor (try).

2. I …………up yesterday. Today it’s your turn (wash).

3. My father usually………our dog in the morning (walk).

4. ……….you……..the rubbish?-Not yet (take).

5. Steve ……….the table for lunch tomorrow (set).

6. Sorry, I……..not ……the detective story yet (read).

7. She ……ill last week (be).

8. I…..already…… this book (buy).

9. We…..the whole day in the open air yesterday (spend).

10. Where ….you ….. next summer (go)?

  1. Add the tag ending:

1. He invited his friends to his place, …….?

2. We are not going to arrange the picnic,…..?

3. He isn’t watching baby animals at the zoo,….?

4. Alice has won a funny prize in the show,….?

5. It is very cold today,…..?

6. My sister can speak and read German well, …..?

7. They don’t get along  with  their parents,…..?

8. We haven’t arranged a date and a time yet,…..?

9, He will help you tomorrow, …..?

10. She didn’t buy special presents for her nephews, ….?

      V. Use the right suffixes:-its,-ian,-er,-ect.

1. art-                                                                    

2. teach-

3. politics-

4. architecture-

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