Тезисы научно-практических конференций 2013-2014 учебного года
проект по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме

Аниканова Татьяна Александровна

Районная научно-практическая конференция "Лабиринты науки" - 4 февраля 2014 года


Предварительный просмотр:

Нурхаметова Елена

Школа №263, 11 класс


Научный руководитель: Аниканова Т.А.

Влияние музыки на здоровье человека

The influence of music on the health of the person

  The theme of my research is the influence of music on the health of the person. I have chosen this theme because I have finished a musical school and now I am working in the Mariinsky Opera House as a member of the children`s chorus. I cannot present my life without music, it has helped me to escape from an unpleasant state of mind, has cured different types of pain for many times.  Many people think that music is just an amusement and a pleasant pastime. But I am sure that music takes a special place among other arts. We feel our inclination to music because our being is music; our mind, soul, body, the nature that created us, everything around us is MUSIC. Everything in the world submit to the law of vibration and rhythm, the law of harmony in space system.  In my research I would like to prove that music is a perfect remedy for psychological and physiological injuries. Humanity knew about potential that music conceals many centuries ago. The first part of the work is devoted to the history of notions of music and development of theories about medical influence of this kind of art.

   How can music facilitate pain? In the second part I would like to talk about the mechanisms of this influence. Then I would like to examine the influence of music on different types of thinking:  intuitive, logical, figurative, conceptual, practical theoretical and creative. Music helps to develop subconsciousness, which leads to an emergence of intuition. Music teaches us to set the purposes, aims and plans. It allows us to make discoveries of new phenomena, to rethink some processes.  Thanks to the direct communication with the creator of work of art and to the own perception of piece of music creative way of thinking and fantasy develop. Any musical perception assumes reproduction and feeling of not only listened work but also a process of its composition. Composition of music is such a difficult process that it can be identified with a plane or a ship construction. The engineering routs have huge value in composition. Scientists claim that there are close relation between music, which always has mathematical structures and characteristics, which mathematics has. So A. Anserme, a famous Swiss conductor, reasonably said: “Sounds of music are combined in a way they form logarithmic system”.

   The forth part of my work analyses sociological aspect of music: it has harmonizing impact not only on a human-being but also on a society on a whole. To illustrate my point of view I used an example of existence of many musical festivals all over the world which unite people and make them open and benevolent.  

   However, not all kinds of music can cure. Some types of music can destroy physiological and mental health, prevents us from being natural, makes us rougher, stupider – worse than we are. How can we distinguish ‘pseudo-music’   and why is it so popular nowadays? In the fifth chapter I will try to answer these questions.

   In the sixth chapter I would like to give you some practical advises about musical treatment: conditions and concrete musical compositions.

   The beginning of involvement of music in medical theory is lost in the depth of centuries, but also presently educated doctors are convinced that music, passing through the soul, is capable of curing a sore body.

   “Familiarizing with music is an education of a true humanism”. Actually, various interlacings of music and medicine from antiquity till the present days allow us to realize that there is no other science or art where the spirit of humanity is shown so obviously as in music. Music and medicine are inseparably linked thanks to their ideological and historical relationship.

Предварительный просмотр:

Хавцева Юлия

Школа №263, 11 класс


Научный руководитель: Аниканова Т.А.

Люди с супер способностями: существуют ли они среди нас?

People with super abilities: do they exist among us?

   It has always been a question if people with super abilities exist in the real life. Homosapiens-Superior is the name of that category of people whose genetic mutations of their organisms have brought them preferential abilities, which make them “different” from other human beings. Nowadays, due to researches in the field of medicine, we can understand what origin is connected with this or that deviation, how it works, what advantage it gives to its owner and whether we can call such deviations “super abilities”.

   Such abilities don’t mean supernatural forces, which we got used to see in movies about superheroes, like ability to fly, to stop the time, to throw up a flame. All the deviations are scientifically explained.

Ex.1: Supertasters

   People who experience taste with greater intensity than the rest of the population are called supertasters. Having extra fungiform papillae (the mushroom shaped bumps on the tongue that are covered in taste buds) is thought to be the reason why these people have a stronger response to the sensation of taste. A supertaster generally finds bitterness to be the most perceptible of five types of taste: sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and umami.

   First the scientists noticed the differing abilities of people to taste a known compound when a DuPont chemist called Arthur Fox asked people to taste Phenylthiocarbamide (PTC). Some people could taste its bitterness; some couldn’t – whether people could be depended on their genetic make-up (a variant of this test is now one of the most common genetic tests on humans). While about 70% of people can taste PTC, two thirds of them are rated as medium and only one third (approximately 25% of the wider population) are supertasters.

   Supertasters will often dislike certain food, particularly bitter one, such as brussel sprouts, cabbage, coffee, and grapefruit juice. Women, Asians, and Africans are most likely to have the increased number of fungiform papillae that makes them supertasters.

Ex.2: Staying awake forever

   Rhett Lamb, the 3-year-old boy, who, at first sight, doesn’t differ from other children. Besides that he doesn't sleep, he simply isn't able to sleep. The boy is active 24 hours per day, and no medical checks could reveal any deviations in his organism. Only in-depth medical researches which physicians conducted recently, cleared a situation. The matter is that the boy has special structure of nervous system, as well as some specific properties of brains which work in such way that Rhett can't simply fall asleep. Physicians are surprised that consequences for health are not present.

   Although there are a handful of people from all over the world who don’t sleep, Ngoc Thai is probably the best.  At the age of 31, Ngoc Thai came down with a severe fever and has not slept since.  That means he hasn’t slept since the 1970′s.  His condition does not affect his physical nor mental health and doctors say he is completely healthy besides a slightly damaged liver.  No matter how many sleeping pills he takes, nothing can put him down, not even the two bags of rice weighing 49kg each that he carries to his farm every day.

 The main tasks of my research are:

1. to reveal the essence of the general mutations,

2. to designate the specific unique mutations on the example of people from all over the world

3. to analyze these abilities of the people and to give an assessment how these features of the organism are useful to the person

4. to compare some people with super abilities with some fictional super heroes.    


   As a result of my work I came to a conclusion that people with super abilities really exist. For example, Das Uberboy has super force, and his name is keeping in secret with the purpose to protect him and his relatives if he decides to become the avenger beyond the law. This child is unique and the limit of his opportunities remains to unknown.

   My work can be useful because it shows how genetic mutations can be beneficial for human and can be interpreted as super abilities.

Предварительный просмотр:

Цибулина Евгения

Школа №263, 11 класс


Научный руководитель: Аниканова Т.А.

                  Народный танец как основной элемент культуры

                       The Folk dance as the main element of Culture

   The aim of my research is to prove that dancing takes the main place in the national culture.

   The problems of my work are: to consider the definition of the folk dance, to see its role in the culture of the nation, to make some social surveys and to solve the problem by the example of the Russian folk dance.

   I think that the problem of my research is actual nowadays because dancing is the most wide spread activity in the modern society and people are always interested in it.

   Dancing is not just an expression of our feelings, but also a reflection of the history of the nation. The prevalence of the dancing in a non-professional, domestic sphere is an indication that is the oldest of the arts.

   The folk dance is a dance, which is performed in its natural environment and has certain traditional movements, rhythms, suits and etc. for the definite area. To examine this problem more thoughtful and brightly, I used an example of the Russian folk dances.

   The Russian folk dance is one of the most common and the oldest kind of the folk arts. It is a bright, colorful creation of people, which is the emotional specific artistic display of their lives, characters, thoughts, feelings, aesthetic views and understanding of the beauty of the surrounding world.
Music and costumes play a very important role in the folk dance because they are dance «helpers». They are like the component parts of the whole.

   The Russian folk dance, as other folk dances, shares on a lot of genres and types. For instance, the round dance («chorovod») and dancing improvisation («plyaska»).

   I have made a social survey among my friends, relatives and classmates. The question which I have asked them is: «Which of these types of art - music, dance, literature or panting - is the main element of the national culture? »

The results of my survey show that 10% of respondents think that literature takes the main place in the national culture, 20% prefer to see music on this place, 30% - painting and 50% agree with my idea that dance is the main element of the culture of the nation.

   My research shows that dance is an indispensable item of the folk culture. The distinguishing feature is the diversity of the folk dance, which combines music, plastic, sport; physical, aesthetic and artistic development and education. The analysis of this and similar problems is one of the major parts of the research which also includes the following main objectives:

1. to reveal the essence and the term of the folk dance,

2. to classify the Russian folk dance and to give its details,

3. to explain the role of music and scene costumes in the folk dance,

4. to make a social survey,

5. to discuss the personal experience.

   As a result of my work I have come to the conclusion that the folk dance is one of the main elements of the national culture. Furthermore, the folk dance is one of the means of aesthetic upbringing and education of a man. Like all the arts, the folk dance is able to bring people into a deep aesthetic pleasure.

My work can be useful, because it doesn’t only prove the folk dance’s superiority over the other folk arts, but also tells people about its benefits to health and physical form.

Предварительный просмотр:

Змазнев Егор

Школа №263, 11 класс


Научный руководитель: Аниканова Т.А.

Коррупция в России – неизлечимая болезнь или нет?

The Corruption in Russia - is a curable illness or no?

   The theme of my research is corruption in Russia. The main problem of my work is to find the answer to the question: “Is it possible to put the end to the corruption in Russia?”

   The aim of this research is to show the main problems of Russian politics in reference to corruption in different branches.

   What is the meaning of the word “corruption”?

   The term corruption covers a broad range of human actions. To understand its influence on economy or a political system, it is necessary to reveal the term by identifying specific types of activities or transactions that might be connected with it. The most common definition is the abuse of government officials’ power for their private gain. Corruption can occur in different scales. There is a type of corruption that occurs as small favours between a small number of people (petty corruption), a type of corruption that affects the government on a large scale (grand corruption), and a type of corruption that is so prevalent that it is a part of everyday structure of society, including corruption as one of the symptoms of organized crime (systemic corruption).

   The corruption in Russia is a significant problem that impacts the lives of Russian people. Russia is on the 43rd place in the Corruption Perceptions Index published by Transparency International (tied with such countries as ComorosGuyanaHondurasIran, and Kazakhstan).

   But why is the corruption in Russia the most significant problem nowadays?

   There are different factors that have influenced consolidation of the corruption in Russia:

  1. The Historical factor
  2. The Economic situation
  3. The Support of the government

So is the eradicating of the corruption in Russia possible at all?

   To my mind, according to the documents I’ve mentioned earlier, it isn’t possible with a present government, because they have a vested interest in it. How is it possible to fight corruption if the entire system is based on it? Fake anti-corruption efforts serve only as propaganda.

   The analysis of the corruption in Russia is an integral part of my research which also includes the following main objectives:

  • to find and show the main problems that Russian corruption causes
  • to make a social survey about the possibility of eradicating the corruption in Russia
  • to find the main reasons of the corruption power in modern Russia

   So, during researching of the work I have understood that the Russian corruption was forming during all the Russian history and now it causes a lot of problems for modern Russia. As a result of my work, I can say, that the corruption and bribery are two main problems that mostly influence economic, social and political development of our country. To my mind, it is possible to put an end to the Russian corruption but to achieve this aim we need to reform our government.

   Nowadays it is extremely important to understand the main problems of our country. This will help us to analyze, show and follow the right path of Russian’s economical and social development.

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