Лексическое словообразование
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Числова Татьяна Николаевна

Карточки для тренировки лексического словообразования при подготовке к ОГЭ


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Предварительный просмотр:

1. Children need lots of __________ from their parents. (ENCOURAGE)

2. I don't find that type of humour very __________ at all. (AMUSE)

3. This hotel is for serious __________, rather than tourists on two-week package holidays. (TRAVEL)

4. A jazz band provided the __________, while people ate and drank under the stars. (ENTERTAIN)

5. I can't concentrate with Ann's constant __________. (CHAT)

6. I play the piano just for my own __________. (AMUSE)

7. They'd made all the __________ for the party. (ARRANGE)

8. The company produces __________ and informative programmes. (ENTERTAIN)

9. The news from the doctors is very __________. (ENCOURAGE)

10. You need a lot of necessary __________ equipment to live on the bank of the river. (CAMP)

1. Children need lots of __________ from their parents. (ENCOURAGE)

2. I don't find that type of humour very __________ at all. (AMUSE)

3. This hotel is for serious __________, rather than tourists on two-week package holidays. (TRAVEL)

4. A jazz band provided the __________, while people ate and drank under the stars. (ENTERTAIN)

5. I can't concentrate with Ann's constant __________. (CHAT)

6. I play the piano just for my own __________. (AMUSE)

7. They'd made all the __________ for the party. (ARRANGE)

8. The company produces __________ and informative programmes. (ENTERTAIN)

9. The news from the doctors is very __________. (ENCOURAGE)

10. You need a lot of necessary __________ equipment to live on the bank of the river. (CAMP)

1. Children need lots of __________ from their parents. (ENCOURAGE)

2. I don't find that type of humour very __________ at all. (AMUSE)

3. This hotel is for serious __________, rather than tourists on two-week package holidays. (TRAVEL)

4. A jazz band provided the __________, while people ate and drank under the stars. (ENTERTAIN)

5. I can't concentrate with Ann's constant __________. (CHAT)

6. I play the piano just for my own __________. (AMUSE)

7. They'd made all the __________ for the party. (ARRANGE)

8. The company produces __________ and informative programmes. (ENTERTAIN)

9. The news from the doctors is very __________. (ENCOURAGE)

10. You need a lot of necessary __________ equipment to live on the bank of the river. (CAMP)

Предварительный просмотр:

1. We can get the _________ we need from the Internet.                                                  INFORM

2. The first ________ of the opera was in 1936.                                                             PERFORM

3. I liked him from our first ________.                                                                                  MEET

4. UN leaders are working hard to find a peaceful _______ to the conflict.                        SOLVE

5. After years of hard work, his dream has become a ________.                                          REAL

6. Under the Conservative _______ things were very different.                                      GOVERN

7. I'm burning with _______ – you must tell me who's won!                                          CURIOUS

8. After several hours of questioning he agreed to make a _______.                                   STATE

9. I don't believe in the old ________ that the number 13 is unlucky.                SUPERSTITIOUS

10. Who was the ________ of the miniskirt?                                                                     CREATE

11. They started to walk the short ________ to the camp.                                               DISTANT

12. My ________ is that we should wait a week or two.                                                        FEEL

13. As a serious candidate, you want to make a good ______ on everyone you meet.    IMPRESS

14. The magazine is aimed at __________ and young adults.                                        TEENAGE

15. We were thirty yards from the _______ when a man stepped off the pavement.           CROSS

16. You should have your teeth checked by a _______ at least twice a year.                   DENTAL

1. We can get the _________ we need from the Internet.                                                  INFORM

2. The first ________ of the opera was in 1936.                                                             PERFORM

3. I liked him from our first ________.                                                                                  MEET

4. UN leaders are working hard to find a peaceful _______ to the conflict.                        SOLVE

5. After years of hard work, his dream has become a ________.                                          REAL

6. Under the Conservative _______ things were very different.                                      GOVERN

7. I'm burning with _______ – you must tell me who's won!                                          CURIOUS

8. After several hours of questioning he agreed to make a _______.                                   STATE

9. I don't believe in the old ________ that the number 13 is unlucky.                SUPERSTITIOUS

10. Who was the ________ of the miniskirt?                                                                     CREATE

11. They started to walk the short ________ to the camp.                                               DISTANT

12. My ________ is that we should wait a week or two.                                                        FEEL

13. As a serious candidate, you want to make a good ______ on everyone you meet.    IMPRESS

14. The magazine is aimed at __________ and young adults.                                        TEENAGE

15. We were thirty yards from the _______ when a man stepped off the pavement.           CROSS

16. You should have your teeth checked by a _______ at least twice a year.                   DENTAL

Предварительный просмотр:

1. We would like to see more ______ by younger people. (PARTICIPATE) 2. My own ______ view is that boxing should be banned. (PERSON) 3. We offer a range of ______ services. (FINANCE) 4. It's worth taking the time to make a careful______  . (SELECT)

5. It was discovered that one group got preferential______ . (TREAT) 6. This recipe works _______ well with soft fruit. (EQUAL) 7. The ______ part of the country is very mountainous. (EAST) 8. I'll meet you at the main ______ at six o'clock. (ENTER) 9. Drink-driving is one case where severe ______ seems to work as a deterrent. (PUNISH) 10. It gets ______ just being at home all day. (BORE)

1. We would like to see more ______ by younger people. (PARTICIPATE) 2. My own ______ view is that boxing should be banned. (PERSON) 3. We offer a range of ______ services. (FINANCE) 4. It's worth taking the time to make a careful______  . (SELECT)

5. It was discovered that one group got preferential______ . (TREAT) 6. This recipe works _______ well with soft fruit. (EQUAL) 7. The ______ part of the country is very mountainous. (EAST) 8. I'll meet you at the main ______ at six o'clock. (ENTER) 9. Drink-driving is one case where severe ______ seems to work as a deterrent. (PUNISH) 10. It gets ______ just being at home all day. (BORE)

1. We would like to see more ______ by younger people. (PARTICIPATE) 2. My own ______ view is that boxing should be banned. (PERSON) 3. We offer a range of ______ services. (FINANCE) 4. It's worth taking the time to make a careful______  . (SELECT)

5. It was discovered that one group got preferential______ . (TREAT) 6. This recipe works _______ well with soft fruit. (EQUAL) 7. The ______ part of the country is very mountainous. (EAST) 8. I'll meet you at the main ______ at six o'clock. (ENTER) 9. Drink-driving is one case where severe ______ seems to work as a deterrent. (PUNISH) 10. It gets ______ just being at home all day. (BORE)

1. We would like to see more ______ by younger people. (PARTICIPATE) 2. My own ______ view is that boxing should be banned. (PERSON) 3. We offer a range of ______ services. (FINANCE) 4. It's worth taking the time to make a careful______  . (SELECT)

5. It was discovered that one group got preferential______ . (TREAT) 6. This recipe works _______ well with soft fruit. (EQUAL) 7. The ______ part of the country is very mountainous. (EAST) 8. I'll meet you at the main ______ at six o'clock. (ENTER) 9. Drink-driving is one case where severe ______ seems to work as a deterrent. (PUNISH) 10. It gets ______ just being at home all day. (BORE)

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