Рассказ Toby and coffee
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Морозова Любовь Юрьевна

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These Funny Animals

Toby and Coffee

Toby, a two year old corgi, was worried. His mistress Helen came home from work and went to bed very early. No, she didn’t forget to feed and walk him, but she didn’t sit in her favorite armchair reading a book and she even didn’t come to her exercise bicycle. “I must have caught flu – she said, -  I need some sleep”.

Toby loved his mistress very much. He helped Helen with washing (pressed a red bottom), vacuum cleaning (brought the hose). At the kitchen he was a key man. Helen was often so absorbed with reading that a lot of times only Toby’s barking saved some broth running away from a pot or some boiling water in a kettle.

Toby felt something dangerous in the word “flu”. She even hadn’t drunk her usual cup of coffee, grievously thought Toby. Suddenly Toby cocked. “Coffee!” That’s it! Toby rushed to the kitchen. He knew what coffee was very well. Everything was on a low coffee table on a tray. Toby took a mug, a jug with coffee and a strange glass pot with a sieve on the top and put them on the floor. Putting the coffee to the sieve took him a second! Next step was the most difficult. Trying not to breathe Toby took a big metal coffeepot full of water from the tray and began to pour water into the pot.  Bang!!! The tray fell out of the table.

When alarmed Helen got to the kitchen she laughed a lot first then she said: “Good boy, you made only one mistake, water needs to be boiled first”.

Морозова Любовь Юрьевна

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