Презентация In the court.
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему

Лазарева Ольга Алексеевна

Презентация ролевой игры. Итоговый урок по теме Crime and punishment  в 11 классе


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Слайд 1

R ole-play In the Court.

Слайд 3

обвиняться свидетель вызывать в зал суда давать показания признаться совершить преступление вынести вердикт

Слайд 4

Prosecutor: Your Honour. This man is accused of having stolen money from this woman’s bag. This happened on the 7th of March in the café ‘Welcome’ at 2.20. The woman was sitting at the table and drinking her coffee. She was listening to music and paid no attention to anything around. That man opened her bag and took her purse. Two women were sitting at the next table. One of them is a witness . She saw the man and called the police. Then the woman recognized him. Now he is in front of you.

Слайд 5

Judge: Thank you Mr. Prosecutor. Is your witness here?

Слайд 6

Prosecutor: Yes, your H ono u r. Please, summon Mrs. Crake.

Слайд 7

Policeman: Mrs. Crake, you are summoned to give your testimony on the subject.

Слайд 8

Judge: Swear to tell the truth

Слайд 9

Witness: I swear to tell the truth, and nothing but the truth.

Слайд 10

Judge: What did you see?

Слайд 11

Witness: Your Honour. You see, I was in a café with my friend. We were talking and drinking coffee when I saw a man taking something out of this woman’s bag.

Слайд 12

Judge: Did you see what it was?

Слайд 13

Witness: No, but I guess it was a purse. But I’m not sure. It was something small and leather.

Слайд 14

Judge: Are you sure that it was this man?

Слайд 15

Witness: Of course. I saw him quite clearly. He has got a tattoo on his arm . Yes. I’m sure it was him.

Слайд 16

Judge: Thanks a lot. You can take your seat. And now the word is passed on to a defense lawyer . What can you say to defend your client ?

Слайд 17

Lawyer: Your H onour. My client is guilty, of course. It has been proved. He confessed to stealing money. The witness Mrs Crake recognized him. But, Your Honour. I want to pay attention to the circumstances which forced my client to do it. His parents died in a car crash half a year ago. He lives alone. This man is only 18 years old. No money, no work, nobody to help him. He was desperate. Your honour it’s his first offence . And he’s only 18. Please take this into account.

Слайд 18

Judge: Thanks. The word is passed on to the accused.

Слайд 19

Accused: Miss, forgive me please. Your Honour, forgive me please.

Слайд 20

Judge: We are leaving to make a decision.

Слайд 21

J udge: Taking into consideration all the testimonies and facts The court deliver a verdict. The verdict is: Mr _____ is/is not guilty. He has committed a crime . He is sentenced to _____ years of prison.

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