методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Филимонова Светлана Александровна

мероприятие для 5-6 класса


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Предварительный просмотр:

Сценарий мероприятия в 9 классе под названием «Рождественские посиделки».

  1. Доклады о рождестве в Британии.
  2. Кроссворд, посвященный рождеству.
  3. 6 отличий Деда Мороза от Санта-Клауса.
  4. Напишите недостающие формы неправильных глаголов.
  5. Сладкий стол.

We gather together in order to celebrate the coming holiday – Christmas. You have prepared the stories about this holiday and we, your teachers, some interesting tasks about Christmas. So, let’s start.  


  1. Christmas is the one occasion in modern Britain when a large number of customs are enthusiastically observed by most ordinary people within the family. Most people buy presents for the other members of their household and presents for the other members of their household and also for other relatives, especially children. Some people also buy presents for their close friends. And to a wider circle of friends and relatives, and sometimes also to working associates and neighbours, they send Christmas cards.
  2. People obviously buy Christmas trees (a tradition imported from Germany in the nineteenth century). Almost every household has a tree decorated in a different way (in many cases, with coloured lights). Most people also put up other decorations around the house. Exactly what these are varies a great deal, but certain symbols of  Christmas, such as bits of the holly and mistletoe plants, are very common, and the Christmas cards which the household has received are usually displayed.  
  3. Christmas cards: Many people send cards at Christmas time depicting some aspect of the birth of Christ. Most people, however, do not. Christmas is an opportunity for the British to indulge their dreams about a vanished rural past. They often show scenes from either the nineteenth or eighteenth centuries and may be set in the countryside, very frequently covered with snow. (In fact, snow at Christmas is rare in most parts of Britain).  
  4.  Christmas dinner: The traditional meal consists of stuffed roast turkey with roast potatoes and some other vegetable (often Brussel sprouts). Other foods associated with Christmas are Christmas pudding, an extremely heavy sweet dish made of dried fruits (it is traditional to pour brandy over it and then set it alight) and Christmas cake, an equally heavy fruit cake, with hard white icing on top.
  5. Giving the gifts: The role of Father Christmas (or Santa Claus) and the customs associated with the giving of gifts vary from family to family. Most households with children tell them that Father Christmas comes down the chimney on the night of Christmas Eve (even though most houses no longer have a working chimney!). Many children lay out a Christmas stocking at the foot of their beds, which they expect to see filled when they wake up on Christmas morning. Most families put wrapped presents around or on the Christmas tree and these are opened at some time on Christmas Day.

Thank you very much. It was very interesting. Now we give papers with Crossword. You have to solve it as quickly as you can.


  1. On what holiday do the Britains have a large number of cutoms? (Christmas)
  2.  Which month is connected with Christmas? (December)
  3. What do people send on Christmas? (cards)
  4. From which country does the tradition of Christmas tree come? (Germany)
  5.  What do people decorate for Christmas and New Year? (tree)
  6. How do we call Christmas songs? (carols)
  7. Who gives present on Christmas in Britain? (Santa Claus)
  8. How does the Father Frost appear in the house? (chimney)
  9. Where do British children find their presents? (stockings)
  10. What is the traditional meal on Christmas? (turkey)
  11. Who speaks on TV on Christmas in Britain? (Queen)
  12. How do the Britains call sweet dish made of fruits? (pudding)
  13. With whom do the Britains usually celebrate Christmas? (family)
  14. What do the Britains like to receive on Christmas? (gift)

Did you like it? It wasn’t difficult. Now your task is to write 6 differences of Father Frost and Santa Claus. Here are two papers, please start.

Father Frost                                                Santa Claus

Blue or red coat                                         Red coat

Stick                                                          --------

Maiden                                                      --------

Horses                                                       Deers

Red nose                                                    --------

The window, door                                     Chimney

And now you have the last task for today’s party. Write the absent forms of the verbs.


         Past Indefinite

Participle 2

to be


to buy



to grow



to come



to steal



to write

Thank you for your participation. Pleasant appetite!


  1. On what holiday do the Britains have a large number of customs?
  2. Which month is connected with Christmas?
  3. What do people send on Christmas?
  4. From which country does the tradition of Christmas tree come?
  5. What do people decorate for Christmas and New Year? (tree)
  6. How do we call Christmas songs?
  7. Who gives present on Christmas in Britain?
  8. How does the Father Frost appear in the house?
  9. Where do British children find their presents?
  10. What is the traditional meal on Christmas?
  11. Who speaks on TV on Christmas in Britain?
  12. How do the Britains call sweet dish made of fruits?
  13. With whom do the Britains usually celebrate Christmas?
  14. What do the Britains like to receive on Christmas?

Father Frost                                                Santa Claus

Blue or red coat                                         Red coat

Stick                                                          --------

Maiden                                                      --------

Horses                                                       Deers

Red nose                                                    --------

The window, door                                     Chimney


         Past Indefinite

Participle 2

to be


to buy



to grow



to come



to steal



to write

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