Fruit NewYear
творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку на тему

Корченкова Татьяна Николаевна

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                                                            Fruit New Year

 Mother:  My dear!  New Year holiday is coming. I have a lot of things to do. I must go shopping. I must prepare holiday dinner. Can you help me, my darling?                                                                                     Girl: Of course, I can. With great pleasure.                                                                                                                     Mother: Please, write some invitation cards for our nearest and dearest to come to our New Year party.                                                                                                         Girl: I can do it , Mummy. Don’t worry.                                                                                                                  Mother: Thank you, dear. Bye,  I’ll be back soon.                                                                                                   Girl: Bye, see you.                                                                                                                                                            Story-teller: She prepared New Year invitation cards for the relatives. Then she decided to help her Mummy to prepare for the Party. She decided to bake a pie! She took some fruit out of the fridge. She had an apple, a pear, a banana, a pine-apple, an orange, a plum, a strawberry and some cherries. Then she began to think what kind of pie to bake. And the fruit began to argue.

Pine-apple: I am the best. Everybody knows that pine-apple is the king of the fruit. Look how beautiful I am!

Banana: But nobody will bake a pie with pine-apples. A pie with bananas is quite different thing. It is so tasty!

Cherries: The best pie in the world is cherry pie! This pie is sweet and sour at the same time.

Plum: But plum is very good too. Plum pie is the tastiest in the world!

Story-teller: The fruit quarrelled. Now they were sitting in different corners of the room and didn’t want to speak to each other. The girl didn’t know what to do.

Girl: I’ll put all the fruit together in the pie!

Strawberry: Oh no! You can’t put us all together! It is impossible! It is so ugly!

Orange: Oh no! You can’t put us all together!

Pear: If you mix us, the pine-apple will become red from cherry’s juice.

Pine-apple: Oh no! You can’t put us all together! I don’t want to become red!

Cherries: And the banana will become blue from the plum’s juice.

Banana: Oh no! I don’t want to become blue!

Apple: Besides, the banana is very soft. It will melt.

Plum: We are not going to sit together in the same pie.

Girl: But what should I do? I want to help my Mummy to prepare for the New Year.

Fruit: It’s quite simple! You can prepare fruit dessert.

Girl: But what it is?

Banana: You can prepare a very tasty fruit salad. You need a banana, an apple and a pear.

Orange: Don’t forget about me!

Girl: OK. Very good. It will be very tasty.

Strawberry: And you can prepare strawberry with cream. It’s the tastiest dessert in the world!

Plum: And me! You can make a wonderful plum  pudding.

Girl: That’s great! But what about cherries?

Cherries: We want to be a dessert. It will be cherry ice-cream! Great! Great! Cherry ice-cream!

Story-teller: The girl was very glad. Fruit were not quarrelling any more.

Pine-apple: And what about me? Don’t you forget I am a king of the fruit!

Girl: Don’t say you are a king! Every fruit is very tasty!

Pine-apple: OK, OK. I just also want to be at the Holiday table.

Girl: That’s a good idea! You also will be at the Holiday table. You’ll be a decoration of the table.

Story-teller: And so they did. When Mother came she saw a lot of tasty things prepared for the New Year celebration. She was happy!

Mother: What a clever daughter I have! How did you do it?

Girl: Fruit helped me. They are my friends! Happy New Year, Mummy!

All together: Happy New Year!!!  

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