Презентация учащихся к уроку по теме "Профессия твоей мечты"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему

Нестерова Любовь Алексеевна

Ребята готовили выступления о различных профессиях и о своей будущей профессии ,которые сопровождались презентациями.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

I. What do you want to be? II. What professional fields can you choose? III. What is important in choosing a profession? Choosing a profession

Слайд 2

doctor pilot driver bank clerk designer hairdresser travel agent journalist dentist computer operator computer programmer nurse teacher vet businessman fireman policeman (militiaman) militaryman Professions

Слайд 3

A militaryman is a person who defends the Motherland. He services in the army. A militaryman participates in war actions. He is strong and brave, resolute and willed. A militaryman is a patriot of the country.

Слайд 4

A fireman is a person who puts out fires. He rescues from danger. He is courageous and resolute. A fireman is a fearless and disinterested person.

Слайд 5

A policeman is a person who defends a law, social and state order. He is just and honest. A policeman must be a sociable, polite and deсent person. A policeman is a person who has patience and self- control.

Слайд 6

A doctor is a person who works with people and helps them. A doctor must be patient and kind. This job is interesting and socially important .

Слайд 8

reasons Money Good job conditions Further training Job satisfaction Promotion prospects Travelling abroad

Слайд 9

Factors that help to make the right choice. hard-working communicative problem-solving skills logical reasoning profound knowledge analytical abilities careful ambitious efficient kind patient physical abilities

Слайд 10

Thanks for attention

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The job of my dream

Слайд 2

The job of my dream is a lawyer. This profession assumes some personal qualities : he or she must be competent ,well - educaded , well-organized, able to make decisions, be tolerant, eloquent, convincing.

Слайд 3

On the one hand, many people now say that the profession of a lawyer isn't so extremely demanded. There are too many people with juridical diplomas who are not doing the job they were trained for.

Слайд 4

On the other hand, the experts in this area repeat that there is a lack of well-prepared lawyers with proper education, trained in good institutes and universities.

Слайд 5

There are also not enough lawyers in state services: investigators, prosecutors, judges. It is caused by a low salary, irregular working hours, hard moral work.

Слайд 6

Besides, there is a huge risk for life because this profession is directed on fight against criminality.

Слайд 7

The lawyers in state service carry out a huge amount of work though there is a stereotype in the society that all of them work bad and do nothing for fight against crime. I don’t agree with it. After all, many of these lawyers try to perform their duty honestly and work hard despite many difficulties of life.

Слайд 8

And I`m sure that the profession of the lawyer still remains popular and necessary all over the world. Good experts in this area are always required.

Слайд 9

In the end, I want to say that whatever my future is it will be connected with law.

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