Памятка составления диалога
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку на тему

Миронова Екатерина Александровна

Любой человек, изучающий английский язык, должен знать фразы необходимые для поддержания диалога с собеседником.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Памятка составления диалога

1 Начинай диалог с приветствия

 Good morning !

 Good afternoon!

 Good evening !



2. Не забывай о традиционных английских фразах

How are you?

How are you getting on?

Well, I hope you are doing well?

I’m glad to see you!

What’s the news?

What’s wrong?

What’s the matter?

3. Беседуя с человеком, задавай ему вопросы

Sorry? Pardon? (переспрос)

I’m sorry for my interrupting you ….

Excuse me, can you tell me ….. (answer)

Let me think a little ….

Do you agree with me?

Do you really think so?

Are you sure?

I don’t think so.

I (don’t) agree with you.

That’s a good idea.

Oh, that’s not true!

It can’t be so.

It seems to me…..

It hard to say….

As far as I know...

If  I’m not mistaken...

To tell the truth...

What’s your opinion?

What do you think about...?


What about...?

Oh, no.

On the contrary...

All right



Of course

Sure (ly)

I guess

I suppose…

I see…

I’m sure…

With pleasure

You are wrong

I doubt it

Quite right

Small world

Tastes differ

That`s exactly what I think

I`m afraid I can`t agree with you

4. Благодари человека

Thank you (very much)

Thanks (a lot)

I appreciate your help

(You are) welcome

Don`t mention it

Not at all

Oh, my pleasure

5. Прощаясь с человеком, говори:

 (Good -) bye!

See you on...

See you soon.

See you later.

Remember me to ...(your mother)

Good-bye and good luck!