Сценарий для инсценировки сказки "Stone Soup" на английском языке для начальной школы
материал по английскому языку на тему

Дубиновская Оксана Алексеевна

 В  учебнике «Family and Friends»-3 для домашнего чтения предлагается сказка «Stone Soup», она прекрасно подходит для инсценировки. Сценарий писала для 11 человек моей группы. Но количество артистов можно увеличить или наоборот сократить. Содержание напоминает сказку "Каша из топора", только здесь встречаются 2 группы - путешественники и жители деревни. 

Декорации: плакат, котёл (чем больше размер, тем лучше), продукты, камень, костюмы или элементы костюмов для артистов.


Microsoft Office document icon stone_soup.doc32.5 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Stone soup (11 человек)

Автор:  Some travellers arrived in a small village one day.

Travellers:  Good morning, dear villagers!

Villagers: Good morning!

Traveller 1:  We are tired and hungry.

Traveller 2:  We don’t have any food.

Traveller 3:  We only have a large pot.

Traveller 4:  Can you give us some food, please?

Villagers: Oh, no!

Villager 1: We don’t trust you!

Villager 2: We don’t want to share our food ! ( селяне уходят)

Автор:  The travellers were disappointed but they had a plan.

Traveller 1:  Let’s put the pot in the village square.

Traveller 2:  Let’s fill the pot with water.

Traveller 3:  Lets drop a large stone  into the pot.

Traveller 4:   Let’s put the pot on a fire.

Автор:  The travellers sat down around the fire and waited. Soon a woman came to the square.

Woman : What are you doing?

Traveller 1:  We are making stone soup

Traveller 2:  It’s very tasty.

Traveller 3:  But we really need some herbs to put in it.

Woman : I’ve got some herbs.

Traveller 4: Can you give us some of your herbs, please?

Travellers:  We will share our soup with you.

Автор:  The woman took  a small bunch of fresh herbs and dropped it into the pot.

Woman : Here you are!

Travellers:  Thank you! Sit down, please!

Автор: Then a man came to the square.

Man: What are you doing?

Traveller 1:  We are making stone soup

Traveller 2:  It’s delicious.

Traveller 3:  But we really need some meat to put in it.

Man  : I’ve got some meat.

Traveller 4: Can you give us some of your meat, please?

Travellers:  We will share our soup with you.

Автор:  The man put some meat into the pot.

Man  : Here you are!

Travellers:  Thank you! Sit down, please!

Автор:  More villagers came to the square. They all added food to the pot.

Villagers: What are you doing?

Traveller 1:  We are making stone soup

Traveller 2:  It’s smells wonderful.

Traveller 3:  But we really need some vegetables to put in it.

Villager  1: I’ve got some potatoes. Here you are!

Villager  2: I’ve got some onions. Here you are!

Villager  3: I’ve got some carrots. Here you are!

Villager  4: I’ve got some garlic. Here you are!

Travellers: Wow [wau]! It smells wonderful!

Villagers: Wow [wau]! It smells delicious!

Автор:  The pot was full of meat, potatoes and vegetables. The travellers and villagers shared the soup. It was tasty. They all enjoyed their meal.

Travellers andVillagers : We are good friends!