2010 г. Panoramic review of teaching the elective course "Business English"
материал по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Сорокина Наталия Викторовна

I’ve been teaching this course since 2007. "Business and commerce" by Neil Wood, published by Oxford University Press is a basic textbook. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Wednesday, the 14th of April, 2010 School №1, Pokachy

Teacher - training seminar


Panoramic review of teaching the elective course "Business English"

by Nataliya V.Sorokina.

 teacher of English, sch. number 1

Good afternoon! Glad to see you!

Today I'm starting the practical part of our seminar. In this part, according to the programme, you are going to see and to take part in a panoramic review of the elective course "Business English".

I’ve been teaching this course since 2007. "Business and commerce" by Neil Wood, published by Oxford University Press is a basic textbook. There are two different copies of this elective course for the students of the 9th and the 10th forms. I’m going to introduce you a shorter copy for the pre-profile training.

I am given on an average 8 hours to teach it and I divide it into three modules. Every module corresponds to one unit of the textbook.

 1.  Live to work or work to live?

  1. Jobs in an organization.
  2. Writing a CV.

In every unit there are some key words and I ask students to look them up in a glossary, the words are defined in English. Usually in the first lesson we define the words 'busy*, 'business', 'businessman', 'businesswoman', (you can look it up at page 34).

In the slide-show you can see the key words and questions for warming-up and discussion of the first unit. I’ve asked  two of my students to tell you about the first theme '"Live to work or work to live? "

(Two students are talking)

Now let's do the unit "Jobs in an organization". Studying this unit students have to read the text and complete the diagram about the film crew, they fill in names and professions of people working in the studio. Necessary words are activated here. Now I’m going to offer the teachers to take part in my mini-class. Let's do this unit just now. Ready? So. let's begin.

  1. First of all, think about the people who work in your school, e.g. the teachers, the administrators.

  • What are they responsible for? (for students" knowledge, for their life, their health, education or educational background)
  • Who are they responsible to? (teachers - to students, their parents on one hand, to the administrators and local authorities on the other).
  1. Have a look at the screen, please! Here you can see a list of the key words and expressions of this unit.
  2. Now why don't we look some words up in the glossary, e.g. 'in charge of = it's a synonym to the expression 'to be responsible for'.
  3. Organigram of our school.
  4. Explaining the organigram to each other.
  • To sum up, I’d like to say that I try to do my best to make students think about their future life. I use 'Business English' as a means to let students share their opinions and I usually give them a chance to do it either in English or in Russian. I've got a strong belief that elective courses should be thought - provoking and closely connected with life spheres to help students think about their future life and future profession.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

BUSINESS ENGLISH HOW TO HELP STUDENTS PLAN THEIR FUTURE LIFE (IN 8-10 HOURS OR LESS) Nataliya V. Sorokina, teacher of English 14, April, 2010

Слайд 2

BUSINESS ENGLISH Live to work or work to live Writing a CV Jobs in an organization Busy  Business  Businessman  Businesswoman  See GLOSSARY pp 34-40

Слайд 3

Module 1 / Unit 1 W ork is the most important thing in life Work is just a way to get money so you can do the things you enjoy “ LIVE to work or WORK to live?”

Слайд 4

Module 1 “ LIVE to work or WORK to live?” Vocabulary Working hours Lunch break Routine Colleagues Flexible hours Overtime Salary Social life Speaking What jobs would you least like to have? What jobs would you most like to have?

Слайд 5


Слайд 6

Module 3 Describing responsibility My/Her job is to… … is responsible for … … is responsible to … … in charge of … Saying what someone does … looks after … … deals with … … organizes … … works closely with …

Слайд 7

Module 3

Слайд 8

Module 3 / Unit 6 CV-curriculum vitae (Latin); a formal list of your education and work experience, often used when you are trying a new job Writing a CV

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