Урок английского языка "Праздники" в 5 классе
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Тютерева Светлана Владимировна

На уроке учащиеся представляют свои проекты "Halloween", "Guy Fawkes Day", "Birthday Parties".


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МОУ Новокуровская СОШ

Открытый урок в 5 классе по английскому языку

Тема урока: Праздники.

Оборудование: слайды для интерактивной доски, тыква “Jack O Lantern”, игрушечный мальчик “Guy Fawkes”, музыкальный центр с кассетой, листы с тестами.

Ход урока

1.Организационный момент.

T: Good morning , boys and girls!

     What is the date today?

      What is the day of the week today?

      Is anybody absent?

2.Представление темы и цели урока.

 T: Our lesson is called “Holidays”. At the last lessons we have spoken about holidays in Great Britain.

      Today we will introduce small projects about holidays, answer the questions, do some exercises, sing a song.

3.Введение в тему урока

 T: There are a lot of traditions and holidays in Great Britain. What English holidays do you know?

P: Halloween, Guy Fawkes Day, Birthday parties.

4.Представление проектов

T: Introduce “Halloween”, please.

1) Ch: Halloween is the day or evening before All Saints’ Day. Many Halloween stories and games are hundreds of years old. People believed in devils, witches and ghosts. Halloween is a holiday for children. They celebrate Halloween on the 31st of October. They dress as witches and ghosts and carry baskets and bags. They walk from house to house and nock on the door. They ring the bell. When people come to the door, the children say, “Trick or treat! Trick or treat!”, meaning , “Give us a treat or we’ll play a trick on you.” People give the children sweets, apples, cucumbers, fruits, juices, bubble gums, nuts, puddings.

   When people don’t give treats, children play tricks on them. They pull down fences, put on spooky faces, jump and run round a house, dig up pumpkins, cut pumpkin faces, play loud music, put on spooky costumes.

    A favourite Halloween custom is to make lanterns out of pumpkins. They call them a Jack O’ Lantern. Children take a huge yellow pumpkin, cut a nose, a mouth and eyes, put the candle inside the pumpkin, light the candle, put the pumpkin near or in the house.

    For Halloween people cook tasty  dishes. This is a recipe of a fruit salad.

     Take juicy fruits, plums and nuts.

     Cut the juicy fruits into cubes.

     Cut the plums.

     Chop the nuts.

     Put the fruits, plums and nuts into a plate.

     Put some sugar.


Ghosts and witches! Ghosts and witches!

Gather here! Gather here!

Halloween is coming! Halloween is coming!

Can’t you here? Can’t you here?

Bats and rats and witches’ cats,

Skeletons in bowter hats.

Don’t be scared! It’s Halloween –

Spooks and spirits can be seen.

A lady ghost, wearing white,

 Expects Dracula’s dance.

A little goblin takes delight

In giving her a glance.

They all look happy, very gay,

The smiles are clearly seen.

Such parties aren’t every day –

Only on Halloween.

T: 1) Put the sentences in the right order to find out how to make Jack O” Lantern.

  • Put the candle inside the pumpkin.
  • Cut a nose, a mouth and eyes.
  • Take a huge yellow pumpkin.
  • Light the candle.
  • Put the pumpkin near or in the house.

2) Which sentences do not belong according to the recipe of a fruit salad?

  • Put on a spooky costume.
  • Cut the plums
  • Take juicy fruits, plums and nuts.
  • Dig up cucumbers.
  • Chop the nuts.
  • Cut the juicy fruits into cubes.
  • Jump and run round the house three times.
  • Put some sugar.
  • Put on a pumpkin face.
  • Put the fruits, plumps and nuts into a plate.  

3) T: Now let’s sing a song  about Halloween.

2) T: Another holiday is Guy Fawkes Day.

   Ch: Guy Fawkes executed in 1606. He was discovered on the 5th of November 1605. with a gunpowder in a cellar of the Palace of Westminster. On this day the children put on some old costume and take their guys. They walk round the city and ask people for money.

    Children buy fireworks and set them off. Children admire the fireworks and you hear loud bangs here, there and everywhere.

    Children make a huge bonfire of their dear guys. You see fireworks and bonfires here, there and everywhere. But some children are afraid of fireworks.

    These are rules for Guy Fawkes Day.

  1. Not all children admire fireworks. Some fear fireworks and bonfires. Keep them in the house.
  2. Follow the rules and fire brigades and firemen won’t work much on Guy Fawkes Day.
  3. Grown ups must help children to set off fireworks.

Children read poems.

T: look at this words, match the verbs and the nouns.

          to admire                                      souvenirs

          to hear                                           old clothes

          to put on                                        the streets

          to see                                             fireworks

           to buy                                           bangs

          to walk around                              tasty food

T: Some English children are afraid of fireworks. I am not afraid of fireworks, but I am afraid of monsters.

     Are you afraid of vipers?

     Are you afraid of ghosts?

     Are you afraid of witches?

     Are you afraid of bats?

     Are you afraid of monsters?

     Are you afraid of bonfire?

     Are you afraid of giants?

     Are you afraid of fireworks?

3) T: The next holiday is Birthday Party.

 Ch: Birthday parties started hundreds of years ago in Europe. People believed that both good and evil fairies gathered around the person having a birthday. To keep harm away, people would bring the person birthday greetings, gifts and food. And they would spend day celebrating.

     Birthday cakes and lighted candles began in Germany. The cakes were more like sweet bread dough that was baked in an oval shape. The Germans put lighted candles on the cake.

      Children and their parents  plan their party. They make invitations in which they write the date and time, the place, the theme of the party and send them at least two weeks before the party. The children decorate the house, prepare a table and different games for a party.



There’s a lot of joy in giving

But please remember too

That the joy is always doubled

When the gift is meant for you.

May your birthday be so happy

In so many special ways

It will be a pleasant memory

though a year of happy days.

T:  But everyone has its own birthday. I like my birthday. Do you like your birthday? What presents do your parents bring to you?

5.Введение новой лексики.

а) чтение слов стр.113

Thanksgiving Day

to stuff


it’s important

to burn

to have a church service

a roast turkey

for desert

б) из лингвострановедческого словаря прочитать о дне Благодарения стр.341

в) аудирование текста

д) чтение текста

6. Объявление оценок, домашнее задание.

                               Учитель    Тютерева С.В.


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