Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему

Астрилова Маргарита Юрьевна

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему: "Мир искусства".


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Good morning. Take your seats. Today we are going to have a competition. It’s a quiz the topic of which is “The World of Art”.

We have 2 teams. At home you were to think of the names of your teams and the mottos. Now let’s listen to each team. The jury will give you from 1 to 5 scores for this task.

So, what is the name of the first team? What is your motto? What is the name of the second team? What is your motto?

OK. Very good. Now we’ll start our competition. It will consist of several tasks. For each task you will get a certain number of scores. The team that will get more scores at the end of our competition will win.

There are 2 people in the jury: Ksenia and Julia. They will check all the tasks and give you scores.

Let’s start. The first task is to answer the questions. In the first five questions you are to choose the right variant from the given ones. You will get one score for each correct answer. In the second five questions you are to give your own answer. You will get 2 scores for each correct answer. Is it clear?

OK. You will answer in the following way: I’ll read a question and the team who will raise the hand first, will answer. If their answer is false, another team will be given a chance to answer.

Is everything clear? Then let’s start.

In the first five you are to choose the right variant. In the second five you are to give your own answer.

1. Who is not a painter:

a) Vincent van Gogh;

b) Pablo Picasso;

c) Leonardo da Vinci;

d) Leonardo di Caprio.

2. Which is not a genre of painting:

a) subject painting;

b) oil painting;

c) mythological painting;

d) townscape.

3. Fast-drying, egg-based paints are known as:

a) oil paints;

b) water-colours;

c) tempera;

d) gouache.

4. Water-based, opaque (not transparent) paints are called:

a) pastels;

b) gouache;

c) water-colours;

d) oil paints.

5. Which work of art is 3-dimensional:

a) frescoes;

b) prints;

c) collages;

d) sculptures.

6. What are the two main sculpture techniques?

7. Who is the author of the painting “The Mona Lisa”?

(a) Henri Matisse; b) Leonardo da Vinci; c) Paul Gauguin; d) Vincent van Gogh)

8. What famous artist didn’t like to paint in his studio?

(a) Vincent van Gogh; b) Leonardo da Vinci; c) Claude Monet; d) Michelangelo Buonarrotti)

9. Do you remember how Vincent van Gogh died?

10. Why was the invention of oil paints a revolution in art?

The second task is to do the crossword. Each team will get a list with a crossword. You will be given 3 minutes to do it. Then our jury will check your answers. For each correct answer you’ll get one score.

Your time is up. Hand in your papers. The third task is to make up words. You will be given pieces of words. You are to join one part to another so as to get a whole word. For each right word you will get one score. You have 2 minutes to do the task. You may start.

Your time is up. Now the jury will check the words and calculate them.

So, they are ready to tell us the results of the first 3 tasks.

The fourth task is to find an odd one out. Each team will get a list with 8 lines of words. In each line the words are united according to a certain principle but one word doesn’t belong there. You are to find it and underline it. For each correct answer you will get one score. You have 2 minutes to do the task.

Your time is up. Hand in the papers. Our jury will check it and tell us the results a bit later.

Now we will do the fifth task. It’s gap-filling. Each team will be given a list with 10 sentences. You are to complete them with the missing pronouns if it’s necessary. For each correct answer you will get one score. You have 3 minutes to do the task.

Your time is up. Hand in the papers. The sixth task is to complete the words. Here on the blackboard there are 6 words with some letters missing. You are to guess what these words are and to fill in the gaps with the missing letters. You will go to the blackboard one by one. When one of the teams finishes, the other will stop too.

Now the juries are ready to tell us the results of the 6 tasks.

Finally, we’ll have a contest of the captains. At home each team was to draw a picture. Now the captains will describe their pictures using the scheme that they should remember. The jury will give them from 1 to 10 scores. The captain whose description will be better will get more scores.

Now the juries are ready to tell us the final results of our competition. Our congratulations to the team… The other team shouldn’t get disappointed. They showed rather good results too.

Thank you very much. It was very pleasant to work with you. Here are small presents for you.

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