Разработка сценария сказки "Теремок" на английском языке
материал по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Храпова Елена Александровна

Классическое содержание сказки дополнено репликами персонажей с целью закрепления настоящего простого времени и изученой лексики.


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                 Сценарий сказки «Теремок»

       на английском языке для учеников 5-х классов.

                                            The little house

Реквизит:  Домик-теремок, костюмы для персонажей.

Персонажи:  2 Рассказчика, Мышка, Кошка, Лиса, Волк, Белка, Божья Коровка, Лягушка, Заяц, Медведь,

Author-  Once  upon a time there stood a beautiful small house  in the forest. The house was empty because nobody lived there. And there were some animals in the forest that didn’t have any house of their own. They were homeless. One day a small kindhearted mouse ran by and saw the house.

Mouse-  Oh, what a nice little house. Knock, knock. Who lives in the house?                                          Nobody. I’ll come in and I will live here. It will be my own house.

Author-  Next day a cat walked by. She was also homeless and was looking for a home for herself. She saw this beautiful house and asked.

Cat-   What a pretty little house. Knock, knock. Who lives in the house?

Mouse-  Hello. I’m a mouse. And who are you?

Cat-   Hello. I’m a Cat. May I live in your house?

Mouse-   Yes, of course. Come in, please. We’ll be happy together. What can you do?

Cat-  I can wash the dishes. And what about  you?  What can you do?

Mouse-  I can cook porridge. Do you like porridge?

Cat-  Yes, I do. I also like eating fruit. We’ll be happy together.

Author-  The Mouse and the cat started living together. The Mouse cooked porridge and the Cat washed the dishes. Some days later a Squirrel ran by. She was very unhappy because she was homeless and lonely. Suddenly she saw a pretty little house.

Squirrel-  What a pretty little house. Knock, knock. Who lives in the house?

Mouse-  Hello, I am a Mouse.

Cat-   Hello, I am a Cat. And who are you?

Squirrel-  Hello, I am a Squirrel.

Mouse-  What can you do?

Squirrel-  I can clean the window. May I live in your house?

Cat-  Yes, of course. What do you like eating?

Squirrel-  I like nuts and mushrooms. We’ll be happy together.

Author-  The Mouse, the Cat and the Squirrel started living together. Some time later a Fox walked by. She saw the house and said.

Fox-  What a magnificent house. I would like to live here. Is there anybody in the house, I wonder? Knock, knock. Who lives in the house?

Mouse-  Hello, I am a Mouse. I can cook porridge and I like cheese.

Cat-  Hello, I am a Cat. I can wash the dishes and I like eating fruit.

Squirrel-  Hello, I am a squirrel. I can the window and I like eating nuts and mushrooms. And who are you?

Mouse-  What can you do?

Cat-  What do you like eating?

Fox-  Hello,  I am a Fox. I can sweep the floor and I like eating  apples. May I live in your house?

Squirrel-  Yes, of course. We’ll be happy together.

Author-  The Mouse, the  Cat, the Squirrel and the Fox started living together. Everybody had some household  chores. The Mouse cooked porridge for breakfast. The Squirrel brought nuts and mushrooms for dinner. The Cat and the Fox  went to the forest and gathered different fruit  for supper. Some days later a Wolf ran by. He didn’t have any home and tried to find somewhere to live. He saw the house and said.

Wolf-  What a nice little house. I want to live here. Knock, knock. Who lives in the house?

Mouse-  Hello, I am a Mouse. I can cook porridge and I like cheese.

Cat-  Hello, I am a Cat. I can wash the dishes and I like eating different fruit.

Squirrel-  Hello, I am a Squirrel. I can clean the window and I like eating nuts and mushrooms.

Fox-  Hello, I am a Fox. I can sweep the floor and I like eating apples. A who are you? What can you do? What do you like eating?

Wolf-  Hello, I am a Wolf. I can  catch fish and I like porridge too.  May  I live in your house?

Fox-  Of  course, you may. We’ll be happy together.

Author-  Some time passed. The animals were full of joy and happiness. But suddenly they heard some noise. What’s happening?

Cat-  What is it? Who are you?

LB-  I am a Lady-bird.

Squirrel-  What can you do?

LB-  I can play different music.

Mouse-  What do you like eating?

LB-  I like eating honey and drinking  juice.

Fox-  Oh, you are so sweet.

LB-  I’m so lonely. May I live in your house?

Wolf-  Of course. We’ll be happy together.

LB-  Thank you, you are so kind.

Author-  The Lady-bird started playing her music and all the animals were dancing  and singing.

Mouse-  Look. There. Who are you?

Hare-  I am a Hare.

Frog-  I am a Frog.

Hare-  We heard some happy music and singing.

Frog-  And we decided to come and look.  

Fox-  What do you like eating ?

Hare-  I like eating carrots.

Frog-  And I like eating different fruit.

Cat-  What can you do?

Hare-  I can  tell interesting stories.

Frog-  And I can make tricks.

Hare-  May we live in your house?

Squirrel-  Of course, you may.

Frog-  We’ll be happy together.

Author-  All the animals started living together. But in some weeks there came a big brown bear. He was stupid but very strong. He saw the house and cried…

Bear-  What a pretty house. I want to live here. Knock, knock. Who lives in the house? May I live here too?

Wolf-  Oh, no.

Frog-  You are too big.

Fox-  The house is too small for you.

Cat-  You can’t live in our house.

Mouse-  Go away.

Bear-  But I want to live here.

Animals-  Help! Help!

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