Примеры пальчиковых игр на уроках английского.
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку на тему

Шмидт Ольга Васильевна

Пальчиковые игры являются важной частью работы по развитию мелкой моторики.  Игры способствуют развитию речи, творческой деятельностиДвижения пальцев рук и кистей оказывают особое развивающее действие. Выполнять пальчиковые упражнения можно, чтобы помочь ребенку расслабиться, так как простые движения рук снимают  напряжение ,  общую умственную и физическую усталость. 



Предварительный просмотр:

Five Little Fishies 

Five little fishies, swimming in a pool    (Wiggle five fingers) 

The first one said, "The pool is cool."   (Show one finger, then wrap arms around body)

  The second one said, "The pool is deep."   (Show two fingers, then hands measure 'deep') 

The third one said, "I want to sleep."   (Show three fingers, then rest head on hands)  


  The fourth one said, "Let's take a dip."   (Show four fingers, then hands 'dive' into water)  

The fifth one said, "I spy a ship."    (Show five fingers, then form scope with hands to peer through)

  Fisher boat comes,   (Form 'V' with fingers, then move hands away from body) 

Line goes kersplash   (Pretend to throw fishing line) 

Away the five little fishies dash   (Wiggle five fingers away)  

Little, Bigger, Biggest

A little ball,     (make ball with finger and thumb)

A bigger ball,      (make ball with two hands)

And a great big ball I see.     (make a ball with arms)

Now help me count them,

One, two, three!     (repeat gestures for each size)

                                                              Funny Bunny                                                                                                                                            

Here is a bunny    (raise two fingers)

With ears so funny  (put your hands on your head pretending as if they are ears)


And here is a hole in the ground.    (make hole with fingers of other hand)

At the first sound she hears,   (put your hands on your ears)

She pricks up her ears    (straighten fingers)               

And pops right into the ground.    (put fingers in hole)

Tool Time

 Peter works with    (one fist moving up and down)

1  hammer, 1  hammer, 1  hammer

Peter works with one hammer, now he works with  2.

 Peter works with 2  hammers, etc.    (two fists)

Peter works with 3  hammers, etc.     (two fists & one foot)

 Peter works with 4  hammers, etc.    (two fists & two feet)

  Peter works with    (two fists, two feet & head nodding)

5  hammers, 5  hammers, 5  hammers

Peter works with 5 hammers,

Now his work is done.

[Note:   Substitute any name for Peter. You also can make the fingerplay longer by counting backwards from 5 down to no hammers before saying, "Now his work is done."]

Wiggle My Fingers

(wiggle parts of your body)

 I wiggle my fingers
 I wiggle my toes

 I wiggle my shoulders,
 I wiggle my nose

 Now no more wiggles
Are left in me

So I will sit still
 As still as can be


Five Little Froggies

Five Little Froggies sat on the shore         (hold up hand, extend fingers, and count them)
One went for a swim and then there were four       (fold down a finger each time a frog leaves)

  Four little froggies looked out to sea
One went swimming and then there were three

Three little froggies said, What can we do?
 One jumped in the water and then there were two

  Two little froggies sat in the sun                                                                                                                          http://lenabum1.ucoz.ru/_si/0/12960954.gif
One swam off and then there was one.

One lonely froggie said, This is no fun.
He dived in the water and then there was none.


This is fun finger play song

Put your hands into fists and then put them up in front of you

Finger family up    (put your fingers up )
and finger family down     (curl your fingers down again )
Finger family dancing     (stick your fingers up again and wiggle them around)
All around the town
Dance them on your shoulders,    (make your fingers dance in the appropriate places)
 Dance them on your head
Dance them on your knees and tuck them into bed.   (curl your fingers into a fist again and place them into your lap )

Falling Leaves

All the leaves are falling down           (flutter fingers downward)
 Orange, green, red, and brown.                (flutter fingers)

  If you listen, you'll hear them say,        (cup hands around ears)
"Wintertime is on it's way."              (whispering)

Home Sweet Home

A nest is a home for a robin;    (cup hands to form a nest)

A hive is a home for a bee;    (turn cupped hands over)
A hole is a home for a rabbit;    (make a hole with hands)
And a house is a home for me.    (make roof with peaked hands) 

Dancing Fingers

Thumbs are up;
Thumbs are down;
Thumbs are dancing
All around the town.

Pointers up;
Pointers down;
Pointers dancing
All around the town.

(additional verses)

Tall fingers up, etc.
Ring fingers up, etc.

Little fingers up, etc.

All fingers up, etc. 

Amazing Fingers

I have ten fingers and they all belong to me;
I can make them move - would you like to see?
I can shut them tight, I can open them wide,
I can put them together, I can make them hide,
I can make them jump high, I can make them jump low,
I can fold them quietly and hold them just so.

Five Fat Peas

A counting fingerplay especially
useful in the spring and summer.

Five fat peas in a pea pod pressed
(children hold hand in a fist)

One grew, two grew, so did all the rest.
(put thumb and fingers up one by one)

They grew and grew
 (raise hand in the air very slowly)

                             And did not stop,                        
Until one day

The pod went POP!
(children clap hands together)

Five Little Birdies

A fingerplay

Five little birdies, flying around our door,

 (five fingers one hand up in the air, as verse is said other hand bends down each finger)
The blue one flew away and then there were four.

Four little birdies sitting in a tree,
The yellow one flew away and then there were three.

The little birdies didn't know what to do,
So the red one flew away, and then there were two.

Two little birdies sitting in the sun, 
The Brown one flew away, and there was one.

The little green birdie felt so all alone,
He/she flew away and then there was none.
Later on that very day,
five little birdies came back to play.

Five Little Ducks

Five little ducks went out one day (flap and waddle like duck)
Over the hills and far away.
 (make wave motion with hand)

Mother duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack."
(make talking motion)
Four little ducks came waddling back.
(flap and waddle like duck)

Repeat with:Four little ducks.
Three little ducks.Two little ducks.
One little duck.

Then Daddy duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack."
And five little ducks came waddling back.

Five Little Monkeys

Five little monkeys (hold 5 fingers up, bouncing)

Jumping in the bed.One fell off (hold up 1 finger)

And bumped his head. (rub head)

Momma called the doctor (hold up hand to ear as a mock telephone)

And the doctor said,"No more monkeys (point and wave finger)
jumping in the bed!"

Repeat with:Four little monkeys jumping in the bed.

Three little monkeys jumping in the bed.

Two little monkeys jumping in the bed.

One little monkey jumping in the bed.

Grandmother's Glasses

These are grandmother's glasses, (put hands around eyes, like glasses)

And this is grandmother's cap. (put hands together over head)

And this is the way she folds her hands, (fold hands neatly in lap)
And puts them in her lap.

These are grandfather's glasses, (hands around eyes for bigger glasses)

And this is grandfather's cap. (make shape of bigger hat )

And this is the way he folds his arms, (cross arms and lean back)
And sits like that.

I'm a Little Teapot

I'm a little teapot, short and stout.

Here is my handle,
(put hand on hip)

Here is my spout. (raise other hand in air)
When I get all steamed up,
Hear me shout.

Tip me over and pour me out.
(bend over as if pouring tea out of a pot)

One, Two, Three, Four, Five

One, two, three, four, five, (hold up fingers one by one, while counting)
Once I caught a fish alive.
(put hands together and wiggle like a fish)
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
(hold up fingers one by one, while counting)
Then I threw it back again.
(make throwing motion)

Why did you let it go?
(hold hands out asking why)
Because it bit my finger so.
(shake hand, as if hurt)
Which finger did it bite?
(hold hands out asking why)
This little finger on my right.
(wiggle pinky finger)

Roll Your Hands

Roll your hands so slowly, (roll hands)
As slowly as can be.
Roll your hands so slowly,
Then fold them just like me.

Roll your hands so quickly,
As quickly as can be.
Roll your hands so quickly,
Then fold them just like me.

Clap your hands so softly,
(clap hands)
Softly as can be.Clap your hands so softly,
Then fold them just like me.

Clap your hands so loudly,Loudly as can be
.Clap your hands so loudly,T
hen fold them just like me.

Right Hand,Left Hand

This is my right hand,I'll raise it up high.
This is my left hand,I'll touch the sky.

Right hand, left hand,Roll them around.
(roll hands in a circle)
Left hand, right hand,

Pound, pound, pound.
(pound hands on top of each other)

Open/Shut Them

Open, shut them, (open and shut fists)
Open, shut them,Give a little clap.

Open, shut them, (open and shut fists)
Open, shut them, Put them in your lap.
(place hands in lap)
Creep them, creep them
(walk hands up body to chin)

To your chin.Open your mouth,
But do not put them in.Roll them, roll them,
(make rolling motion with hands)

Roll them, roll them,Roll them just like this
.Wave them, wave them,
Wave them, wave them,

Blow a little kiss!
(blow a kiss)

A nice little song with signs to learn the most basic prepositions in English.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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Fingerplays — пальчиковые игры на уроке английского языка

Fingerplays — пальчиковые игры на уроке английского языка...