тесты к уроку по Лондону
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Шаповалова Елена Геннадиевна

небольшие страноведческие тесты по Лондону


Microsoft Office document icon travelling.doc1.67 МБ
Microsoft Office document icon lon.doc321.5 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon test_1.doc40 КБ
Файл what_can_we_see_in_st.docx11.35 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Задание для гидов(составьте слова )



































Предварительный просмотр:

                                 Evaluation card.

  1. Did I prepare well?
  2. Did my classmates understand me?
  3. Did I speak well?
  4. My mark is…

                                 Evaluation card.

  1. Did I prepare well?
  2. Did my classmates understand me?
  3. Did I speak well?
  4. My mark is…

                                 Evaluation card.

  1. Did I prepare well?
  2. Did my classmates understand me?
  3. Did I speak well?
  4. My mark is…

                                 Evaluation card.

  1. Did I prepare well?
  2. Did my classmates understand me?
  3. Did I speak well?
  4. My mark is…

                                 Evaluation card.

  1. Did I prepare well?
  2. Did my classmates understand me?
  3. Did I speak well?
  4. My mark is…

                                 Evaluation card.

  1. Did I prepare well?
  2. Did my classmates understand me?
  3. Did I speak well?
  4. My mark is…

                                 Evaluation card.

  1. Did I prepare well?
  2. Did my classmates understand me?
  3. Did I speak well?
  4. My mark is…

                                 Evaluation card.

  1. Did I prepare well?
  2. Did my classmates understand me?
  3. Did I speak well?
  4. My mark is…

                                 Evaluation card.

  1. Did I prepare well?
  2. Did my classmates understand me?
  3. Did I speak well?
  4. My mark is…

                                 Evaluation card.

  1. Did I prepare well?
  2. Did my classmates understand me?
  3. Did I speak well?
  4. My mark is…

                                 Evaluation card.

  1. Did I prepare well?
  2. Did my classmates understand me?
  3. Did I speak well?
  4. My mark is…

                                 Evaluation card.

  1. Did I prepare well?
  2. Did my classmates understand me?
  3. Did I speak well?
  4. My mark is…

                                 Evaluation card.

  1. Did I prepare well?
  2. Did my classmates understand me?
  3. Did I speak well?
  4. My mark is…

                                 Evaluation card.

  1. Did I prepare well?
  2. Did my classmates understand me?
  3. Did I speak well?
  4. My mark is…

                                 Evaluation card.

  1. Did I prepare well?
  2. Did my classmates understand me?
  3. Did I speak well?
  4. My mark is…

                                 Evaluation card.

  1. Did I prepare well?
  2. Did my classmates understand me?
  3. Did I speak well?
  4. My mark is…

                                 Evaluation card.

  1. Did I prepare well?
  2. Did my classmates understand me?
  3. Did I speak well?
  4. My mark is…

                                 Evaluation card.

  1. Did I prepare well?
  2. Did my classmates understand me?
  3. Did I speak well?
  4. My mark is…

Предварительный просмотр:

                        What can we see in st.Yegorlikskaya.

1. What place do you live in?

2. How many people live in our stanitsa?

3. What are the sights of the stanitsa?

4. What is your favourite  place to visit in st.?

5. How many schools are there? (3 schools, school of Art, sport school)

6. Is there any stadium, library, museum?

7. Can you go to any clubs and where?

8. What do you like best?

                        What can we see in st.Yegorlikskaya.

1. What place do you live in?

2. How many people live in our stanitsa?

3. What are the sights of the stanitsa?

4. What is your favourite  place to visit in st.?

5. How many schools are there? (3 schools, school of Art, sport school)

6. Is there any stadium, library, museum?

7. Can you go to any clubs and where?

8. What do you like best

                        What can we see in st.Yegorlikskaya.

1. What place do you live in?

2. How many people live in our stanitsa?

3. What are the sights of the stanitsa?

4. What is your favourite  place to visit in st.?

5. How many schools are there? (3 schools, school of Art, sport school)

6. Is there any stadium, library, museum?

7. Can you go to any clubs and where?

8. What do you like best

                        What can we see in st.Yegorlikskaya.

1. What place do you live in?

2. How many people live in our stanitsa?

3. What are the sights of the stanitsa?

4. What is your favourite  place to visit in st.?

5. How many schools are there? (3 schools, school of Art, sport school)

6. Is there any stadium, library, museum?

7. Can you go to any clubs and where?

8. What do you like best

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