Контрольные работы по английскому языку в 8 классе
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Хазеева Рамиля Исламгалиевна

Задания для работы в 8 классе


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Предварительный просмотр:

Test for the 8th form

  1. Translate into English.
  1. Осторожно! Не порежься.
  2. Посмотри на себя! Ты такая красивая!
  3. Марк должен проверить себя. Он еще не готов к тесту.
  4. Почему она плачет? - Она обожглась.
  5. Кейт и ее сестра мне не друзья. Они думают только о себе.
  6. Как ты себя чувствуешь? Я чувствую себя плохо.

  1. Choose the correct form.
  1. The flowers smell (wonderful/wonderfully)
  2. Sarah has just come back from her holiday. She looks (well/good)
  3. I can’t eat this salad. It tastes (awful/awfully)
  4. Anna signs (beautiful/beautifully)
  5. Kate isn’t feeling (happy/happily) today.
  6. This idea sounds (interesting/interestingly).
  7. You can come with us if you finish your homework (quick/quickly)

  1. Correct the mistakes.
  1. You will offered help.
  2. Him was left a message.
  3. We are send a lot of e-mails every day.
  4. Them was promised nothing.
  5. The letter have just been sent to them.

Test for the 8th form

Ex.1. Rewrite the sentences, using the Passive construction.

  1. The librarian gave us an application form.
  2. They paid him some money for helping.
  3. Mike told us an interesting story.
  4. The Petrovs showed them a new theatre.
  5. The library sent me an e-mail.
  6. Everybody always laughs at his jokes.
  7. They have already sent for the doctor.
  8. People often refer to this book.
  9. We waited for Kate for ten minutes yesterday.

Ex.2. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.

  1. I’m not listening to the radio. Turn it …….
  2. Step forward and don’t turn ……
  3. The witch turned the prince ….. a frog.
  4. Don’t turn ….. their help. You need it.
  5. Turn …… the music. I’d like to dance.

Ex.3. Match the sentences and replies.

A                                                                   B

1. I can’t stand thrillers.                               A) No, thanks.

2. Would you like a cup of coffee?              B) Yes, I am.

3. Do you like animals?                               C) Neither can I.

4. Are you keen on football?                       D) Let’s go on Sunday.

5. I’d like to see this film.                           E) So do I.

6. My brother likes sport.                            F) No, I don’t.

Test for the 8th form

Ex.1.Fill in the gaps (can, could, is able to, are able to, was able to, were able to)

In very early times, all the people on the Earth _____ speak the same languages. They lived together and _____ understand each other. People at that time were strong and ambitious. One day they had an idea. “ If we get all together, we_____ build a great city. We all call it the city of Babel and the tower of this city will go up to the sky. If we ____ do it, everybody will be happy.”

When the men started the tower, God was watching them. “They ____ work really fast,” he thought. Everything was going well and people forgot about the God. They thought that they _____ build the tower without him. God got very angry with people. He decided to punish them. He gave them different languages so that they (not) understand each other. After that people (not) finish the tower. They (not) live together and went to different places of the world.

Nowadays people _____ speak many languages, but most of them ____ speak English.

Maybe, one day English will become the language of the earth and people _____ communicate easily again.

Ex.2.Fill in the gaps using A, THE, NO ARTICLE.

  1. _________computers can help you do a lot of things.
  2. _________television will be more popular in the 21st century.
  3. _________Chinese invented______paper.
  4. _________water is very good for you.
  5. _________English don’t speak any other foreign languages.
  6. _________dogs are people’s best friends.

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