Открытый урок по теме "День рождения"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему

Урок по английскому языку по теме "Happy birthday" - конспект+презентация, 4 класс


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Предварительный просмотр:

Урок по теме «Happy Birthday» («Счастливого дня рождения»)

  1.  Приветствие

Good morning, Children.

Good morning, teacher.

  1. Preparation

We start with checking your preparation for today’s lesson.

Show me your books, your workbooks, your copy-books, your vocabularies, your diaries and your pens, pencils and so and so on. (Учитель называет предметы, дети их показывают)

  1. The Date

What date is it today?

Today it is …

  1. Reading

We continue with our phonetic exercises.

  • [ɪ]: fifth, fifteenth, fifty-fifth, December
  • [ɔː]: four, fourth, fourteenth, August
  • [ʌ]: puzzle, one, summer, month, Monday, Sunday
  • [eɪ]: skates, game, today, birthday, April, May

  1. And now the theme.

You see the picture on the blackboard. What is the theme of our lesson? What do you think?

The theme of our lesson is “Happy birthday”

  1. The Plan

Let’s make up the plan of our lesson.

- Imagine that your friend has got a birthday. He wants to celebrate it. How do you know about the party, about the time and the place?

-We receive the invitation.


- You come to the party. What do you do first of all?

- We sing a birthday song and give presents.

2) song

3) presents

- And what begins then?

- A birthday party


  1. Invitation.

You have some papers on your desks. They are your invitations to the birthday party. Please, fill the gaps and then read out your invitations.

  1. The Song.

  1. Birthday presents
  • Children tell me please, what would you like to have for your birthday?
  • I would like a doll, a ball, a computer game, chocolate, a book, a bike….
  • There is a crossword on your desks. Your task is to fill in the lines.

  1. Обезьянка Pam
  • Let’s imagine that the monkey Pam has a birthday today. What does she want for her birthday? What do you think?
  • Pam would like a poem  for her birthday
  • Yes, you have learnt poems at home and may present them to the monkey.

We have a date to celebrate

Which comes but once a year

And so today we’d like to say

From all of us to you

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to you!

  1. Break

And now let’s have a break.

(The song – head, shoulders, knees and toes)

  1. Birthday party

Now it’s time for a birthday party. I’d like to listen to your dialogues. Act out the birthday party.

  1. My pet’s birthday

Not only people have birthdays, but our pets too. Let’s read the text about the kitten’s birthday. Your task is to fill the gaps.

  1. My birthday – the questions

Now I know how you and your pets celebrate birthdays. But I am interested in extra information about your birthdays. Answer my questions, please. And then sum up all the information and tell me about your birthdays.

  • When is your birthday?
  • Is it in spring, summer, autumn or winter?
  • Have you got a birthday party?
  • Do your friends come to see you?
  • What do you like to do?

  1. My birthday – stories.
  2. Thank you for your stories. They are very interesting.
  3. Hometask
  4. Goodbye

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Good morning, Children!

Слайд 2

Reading [ɪ]: f i fth, f i fteenth, f i fty-f i fth, D e cember [ɔː]: f our , f our th, f our teenth, Au gust [ʌ]: p u zzle, o ne, s u mmer, m o nth, M o nday, S u nday [eɪ]: sk a tes, g a me, tod ay , birthd ay , A pril, M ay

Слайд 3

The Theme

Слайд 4

The Plan Birthday song Birthday presents Birthday party 2 3 4 Birthday invitation 1 Birthday Stories 5

Слайд 5

Invitation! Come to my birthday party! For: Date: Time: RSVP From:

Слайд 6

Birthday song song

Слайд 7

Birthday presents presents

Слайд 8

Crossword 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 b e a r b i k e c a r d s c o o t e r p h o n e d o l l s k a t e s p l a y e r presents I would like … for my birthday.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

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