Сценарий вечера на английском языке
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Шепелева Наталья Ильинична

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Сценарий вечера на английском языке.

В представленных материалах не указаны: возможное музыкальное сопровождение, оформление, собственные творческие попытки учащихся, например, в переводе поэтических произведений с английского языка, и др., поскольку эта часть определяется конкретными условиями.

Ведущий. Today we are going to have a sitting devoted to English and American poetry. We hope that all of you are fond of poetry, that you read a lot of and can recite and even translate poems. Today we shall try to remind you some beautiful pieces of poetry written by Henry W Longfellow, Robert Burns and George Gordon Byron. We hope you know well these outstanding poets and you will enjoy listening to their poems.

We shall begin with Longfellow’s poetry. P will say a few words about Henry Longfellow - a well-known American poet. P you are welcome, take the floor.

P . The life of H. Longfellow’s family was very closely connected with stormy history of the country. The Longfellows were among the first colonizers. His grandfather took part in the American War for Independence and became well-known as a brave soldier. The name of Henry was given to the boy in memory of his uncle who was a seaman. He died on board a military ship. Henry Longfellow was the son of a well-known lawyer. After finishing college he made a tour about Europe in order to improve his French and Spanish. On returning he began to work as a teacher at the foreign language faculty in his native town of Portland.

Longfellow began to write poems after his return home. But those poems were translations of the foreign authors. Then he moved to Boston and soon made a tour to Europe again. In his tour his wife died. When he returned home he was heartbroken, and in order to forget this he began to write. One of his first books was “Voices of Night”. The 40s and 50s of the XIX century were the most successful and fruitful years of his life.

Longfellow became one of the best-loved poets of America. At that time he published “The Arrow and the Song”. In the 50s “The Song of Hiawatha” appeared.

The tragic death of his second wife made his poetry rather dark and gloomy. Ведущий. And now P and P will recite an extract from Longfellow’s masterpiece “The Song of Hiawatha”.

P . Should you ask me? Where these stories,

Whence these legends and traditions,

With the odors of the forest,

With the dew and damp of meadows,

With the curling smoke of wigwams,

With the rushing of great rivers,

With their frequent repetitions,

And their wild reverberations,

As of thunder in the mountains?

I should answer, I should tell you,

“From the great lakes of the Northland,

From the land of the Ojibways,

From the land of the Dacotahs,

From the mountains, moors and fen-lands,

Were the heron, the Shuh-shuh-gah,

Feeds among the reeds and rushes.

I repeat them as I heard them

From the lips of Nawadaha,

The musician, the sweet singer.”

“There he sang of Hiawatha,

Sang the Song of Hiawatha,

Sang this wondrous birth and being,

How he prayed and how he fasted,

How he lived, and toiled, and suffered,

That the tribes of men might prosper,

That he might advance his people!”

P . Если спросите – откуда

Эти сказки и легенды

С их лесным благоуханьем,

Влажной свежестью долины,

Голубым дымком вигвамов,

Шумом рек и водопадов,

Шумом, диких и стозвучным,

Как в горах раскаты грома? –

Я скажу вам, я отвечу:

«От лесов, равнин пустынных,

От озер Страны Полночной,

Из страны Оджибуэв,

Из страны Дакотов диких,

С гор и тундр, с болотных топей,

Где среди осоки бродит

Цапля сизая, Шух-шух-га.

Повторяю эти сказки,

Эти старые преданья

По напевам сладкозвучным

Музыканта Навадаги».

«Там он пел о Гайавате,

Пел мне Песнь о Гайавате,-

о его рожденье дивном,

О его великой жизни:

Как постился и молился,

Как трудился Гайавата,

Чтоб народ его был счастлив,

Чтоб он шел к добру и правде».

Перевод И.А. Бунина.

Ведущий. We’ve spoken about an American poet, and now we shall turn to English poets and speak about George Gordon Byron. P will remind us some facts of his biography.

P . Byron is known in the whole world as a great romantic. He lived a short life (only 37 years), but his life was very bright, colourful, passionate and rich in events. He was born in a rather poor aristocratic family in 1788. Byron’s first years at school were unhappy as he was born lame. He wore special boots that made children laugh at him. and he suffered greatly. But soon the boys were under the charm of Byron because he was clever, bright, read and knew a lot. After Harrow school Byron went up to Cambridge. There in Cambridge he began to write poetry and published his first book “Hours of Idleness”. Having taken his degree, he left the university. “Now”, he said, “I will go abroad. The world all before me and I leave England.”

Byron traveled in Greece, Spain, Italy, Switzerland and other parts of Europe. After the publication of his wonderful autobiography “Childe Harold” Byron found himself famous. The success was great. But the conflicts with the society made him leave England for ever. He wandered over Europe; he took part in the struggle of the Italian patriots against the Austrian oppressors. He went to Greece because he wanted to help Greeks in their struggle against the Turks. Byron hated oppressors, tyranny and did his best to help the people in their fight. In Greece he fell ill and died at the age of 37.

Byron’s best works are: “Childe Harold”, “Don Juan”, “The Oriental Tales”, “Cain”. His compositions were romantic. Byron created his own romantic hero.

Ведущий. P and P will introduce you the passage from the poem “Childe


P . Adieu, Adieu! My native shore

Fades o’er the waters blue;

The night-winds sigh, the breakers roar,

And shrieks the wild sea-mew.

Yon sun that sets upon the sea

We follow in his flight;

Farewell awhile to him and thee,

My native Land - Good Night!

A few short hours, and He will rise

To give the Morrow birth;

And I shall hail the main and skies,

But not my mother Earth.

Deserted is my own good Hall,

Its hearth is desolate;

Will weeds are gathering on the wall;

My Dog howls at the gate...

... With thee, my bark, I’ll swiftly go

 Athwart the foaming brine;

Nor care what land thou bear’st me to,

So not again to mine.

Welcome, welcome, ye dark-blue waves!

And when you fail my sight,

Welcome, ye deserts, and ye caves!

My native Land - Good Night!

Sea-mew = sea-gull; Yon = Yonder (that can be seen in distance); hail - greet, salute; main - the sea (a wide expanse of sea); bark - ship; brine - very salty water

P . прости, прости! Все крепнет шквал,

Все выше вал встает,

И берег Англии пропал

Среди кипящих вод.

Плывем на запад, солнцу вслед,

Покинув отчий край.

Прощай до завтра, солнца свет,

Британия, прощай!

Промчится ночь, оно взойдет

Сиять другому дню.

Увижу море, небосвод,

Но не страну мою.

Погас очаг мой, пуст мой дом И двор травой зарос.

Мертво и глухо все кругом,

Лишь воет старый пес.

Наперекор грозе и мгле,

В дорогу, рулевой!

Веди корабль к любой земле,

Но только не родной.

Привет, привет, морской простор,

И вам - в конце пути - Привет, леса, пустыни гор!

Британия, прости!

Перевод В. Левика.

Ведущий. Now, we shall speak about Robert Burns’s poetry. We hope that you know something about the life of this “Scottish Shakespeare” as people call him. P will tell you some facts from his biography.

P . Robert Burns is the greatest poet of Scotland. He was a very emotional poet. He was lyrical, romantic, and satirical. He wrote about love and friendship, his motherland, its glory and beauty and about his people. He was always sincere, that’s why people love poetry so greatly.

Robert Burns was born in Ayrshire in 1859. He was the son of a hardworking farmer and afterwards a farmer himself. When he was a boy he helped his father with the work on a farm. Burns had little schooling because the school was very far away. For a while he had a teacher at home and learned something of the great works of literature. Robert Burns became fired with enthusiasm for the songs and traditions of his native Scotland. He started to compose poetry when he was 15 years old. His poems and songs became immediately very popular among the farmers. They were merry, humorous, clever and understandable to all. Bums published his first book of poems at Kilmarnock in 1786 and wanted to go to Jamaica to find luck, money there because the poverty at home was unbearable. He couldn’t even marry a girl he was in love with. But the success of his book, its great popularity made Burns so famous everywhere, that he changed his plans. He stayed in Edinburgh, was introduced to the best people of the city. He wrote more poems and published one more book which added to his reputation as a great national poet. But though he was famous, he was as poor as he had been before and had to work hard on the farm again to support his family. His hardships, troubles and hard physical work destroyed his health, his mood, his character. Burns died when he was only 36 years old.

Ведущий. And now you will listen to the poem “John Anderson”.

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