Олимпиада для 5 класса (школьный уровень)
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Емельяненко Надежда Алексеевна

Школьный тур олимпиады по английскому языку для 5 класса.


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Предварительный просмотр:

                    Олимпиада по английскому языку (5 класс)        

1. Прочитайте абзац. Выберите один вариант для каждого пропуска.

My name (0)  B David Jackson. I (1) ______ in an office in the city. I (2) ______ work at 9.00 and usually (3) ______ at 4.30. I sometimes (4) ______ lunch with my friend, Karen. She works in the same office as me. We always (5) ______ to the same café. I (6) ______ a sandwich and Karen (7) ______ hamburger. We both (8) ______ coffee with our lunch. After lunch Karen and I often (9) ______ for a walk in the park, but we always (10) ______ back at the office by 2.00.

0        A are        B is        C am

1        A work        B working        C works

2        A starts        B start        C started

3        A finishes        B finishs        C finish

4        A eats        B eaten        C eat

5        A goes        B go        C gone

6        A has        B having        C have

7        A has        B having        C have

8        A drinks        B drink        C drinking

9        A going        B go        C goed

10        A arrive        B arrives        C arrived

2. Образуйте отрицательные и вопросительные предложения.

0        It’s Thursday today. (?) Is it Thursday today?

1        She is at home. (-) ___________________________________________

2        Anna is hungry. (?) __________________________________________

3        This answer is wrong. (-) _____________________________________

4        Your sister works in the morning. (?) ____________________________

5        Katy likes tennis. (-) _________________________________________

6        They watch T.V. in the afternoon. (-) ____________________________

7        They eat vegetables. (?) _______________________________________

8        Mehmet drinks coffee. (?) _____________________________________

9        We play basketball at the weekend. (-) ___________________________

10        George wants to go to the cinema. (?) ____________________________


3. Выберите правильный вариант для каждого пропуска.

0        The  B  and forks are on the table.

        A knife        B knives        C knifes

1        You should brush your _____ every day.

        A teeths        B tooths        C teeth

2        I’ve walked ten kilometres. My _____ hurt.

        A feet        B foots        C footes

3        _____ can do the same jobs as men.

        A Womans        B Woman        C Women

4        How many _____ have you got?

        A childs        B children        C childes

5        I can’t see without my _____ .

        A glassies        B glasss        C glasses

6        The shop was empty. There was nothing on the _____ .

        A shelves        B shelfs        C shelvs

7        John has got three pet _____ .

        A fishs        B fishies        C fish

8        There are lots of _____ in the field.

        A sheeps        B sheep        C shep

     4.  Подчеркните правильный вариант.

0        The Pacific is larger/more large than the Atlantic.

1        My car is gooder/better than your car.

2        Australia is the most small/smallest continent.

3        Tony walks more quickly/quicker than me.

4        Rome is older/oldest than London.

5        The white jacket is the most/more expensive.

6        This video is interestinger/more interesting than the other one.

7        Sarah is the tallest/most tall in the class.

8        This is the worst/baddest film I’ve seen.

9        It’s the beautifullest/most beautiful painting in the gallery.

10        The new computer is smallest/smaller than the old one.

5. Прочитайте текст. Выберите правильный вариант для каждого пропуска.

My dad and I went for a (0) B  in the country. It was terrible! First, we forgot the

(1) _____ , so we couldn’t have any sandwiches. Then a (2) _____ came over and ate all the (3) _____ . And then, I spilt hot (4) _____ all over my new (5) _____ . I was very cross! We did have some chocolate (6) _____ though, so we ate them – they were very nice, but we were still hungry so dad took me to a café. We got  a              (7) _____ . I had chicken and (8) _____ and my dad had a hamburger and (9) _____ . Although the picnic was terrible we did have a nice (10) _____ after all.

0        A party        B picnic        C snack

1        A knife        B menu        C bread

2        A dog        B horse        C chicken

3        A bread        B snack        C sausages

4        A plate        B coffee        C cup

5        A napkin        B costume        C skirt

6        A biscuits        B chicken        C chips

7        A take-aways        B take-away        C takes-away

8        A chips        B chip        C crisps

9        A salad        B a salad        C salads

10        A food        B meal        C snack

6. Заполните пропуски словами, подходящими по смыслу.

We have four... (1) a day. They are: breakfast, lunch, ...(2) and supper. I have ...(3) at home at eight o’clock. It is usually a ...(4)  and a cup of...(5) or tea. I don’t like ...(6) or eggs for breakfast. For ...(7) I have soup, ...(8), chicken or fish with ...(9) and drink ...(10) or eat some ...(11). As a rule I have cookies and ...(12) or a milk shake for a snack. I hate milk for a snack. I usually eat lunch and snack at ...(13). For dinner I ...(14) pancakes or ...(15) with cheese. Sometimes I have yoghurt or an ...(16) for supper.

















7. Put the words in the correct order.

  1. the It’s car world the in fastest.        It’s the fastest car in the world.

1        was big It pullover a green.        _____________________________

  1. than looks lunch better Your mine.        _____________________________

3        more you slowly Can speak?        _____________________________

  1. father My year smoking stopped last.        _____________________________

5        French car an drives old He.        _____________________________

6        rainy It cold day was a.        _____________________________

7        in is James stamps interested collecting.        _____________________________

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