Контрольная работа для 10 класса по теме "Политика"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Цветкова Ирина Юрьевна

Контрольная работа для 10 класса по теме "Политика" по УМК Кузовлев В.П.


Файл kontrolnaya_rabota_10_klass_politika.docx16.24 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Fill in the gaps using the following words: must, mustn’t, need, needn’t, shall, should, shouldn’t, ought to, oughtn’t to, was/were able to, will be able to, could.
  1. All citizens __________have the right to free medical service.
  2. You ________smoke in the public places.
  3. You look sick. You _______ go to the doctor.
  4. There are a lot of places of interest in Moscow, you _______ see all of them in one day.
  5. My friend had a lot to do yesterday, but he _________come to my birthday party.
  6. If you want I _______ give you the telephone number of the hotel I stayed last time.
  7. My pen doesn’t write. I _______ another one.
  8. The weather is cold. You ________go swimming today.
  1. Match the following words:
  1. legislative
  1. monarchy
  1. rule
  1. government policies
  1. revise
  1. the country
  1. make
  1. power
  1. prime
  1. branch
  1. oppose
  1. minister
  1. judicial
  1. laws
  1. Constitutional
  1. a bill

  1. translate from English into Russian:
  1. The British Monarch is the head of state and has royal representatives in the country.
  2. The parliament represents the legislative branch.
  3. The Cabinet is responsible for government policies.
  4. The Cabinet coordinates the work of the government departments.
  5. In Russia people elect the President by voting.
  1. Fill in the gaps using the following words: must, mustn’t, need, needn’t, shall, should, shouldn’t, ought to, oughtn’t to, was/were able to, will be able to, could.
  1. All citizens __________have the right to free medical service.
  2. You ________smoke in the public places.
  3. You look sick. You _______ go to the doctor.
  4. There are a lot of places of interest in Moscow, you _______ see all of them in one day.
  5. My friend had a lot to do yesterday, but he _________come to my birthday party.
  6. If you want I _______ give you the telephone number of the hotel I stayed last time.
  7. My pen doesn’t write. I _______ another one.
  8. The weather is cold. You ________go swimming today.
  1. Match the following words:
  1. legislative
  1. monarchy
  1. rule
  1. government policies
  1. revise
  1. the country
  1. make
  1. power
  1. prime
  1. branch
  1. oppose
  1. minister
  1. judicial
  1. laws
  1. Constitutional
  1. a bill

  1. translate from English into Russian:
  1. The British Monarch is the head of state and has royal representatives in the country.
  2. The parliament represents the legislative branch.
  3. The Cabinet is responsible for government policies.
  4. The Cabinet coordinates the work of the government departments.
  5. In Russia people elect the President by voting.

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