Образец задания по чтению.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Коробкова Марина Викторовна

Образец задания по чтению.


6 класс УМК Биболетова М.З.


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Предварительный просмотр:

         Коробкова Марина Викторовна - учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ№33. города Владимира. Мой учительский стаж - 20 лет. Сначала обучение английскому языку осуществлялось по учебнику П.Б.Гурвича, который содержал прекрасные тексты для чтения и достаточный набор послетекстовых упражнений. С переходом на УМК Афанасьевой О.В. «Новый курс английского языка для Российских школ» я и мои коллеги ощутили острую нехватку проблемных текстов, актуальных для школьников разных возрастов.

         Далее, перейдя на обучение английскому языку со 2 класса, в нашей школе началась работа по УМК Биболетовой М.З. «Enjoy English», в котором, по моему мнению, недостаточно учебных текстов по изучаемым темам. Например, любимая тема учащихся - «Животные», в 6 классе дополняется мной различными текстами о домашних и диких животных и упражнениями к ним.

         Представляю Вашему вниманию текст, используемый  по окончанию изучения темы «Животные» в 6 классе. Текст взят из книги Easy Reading. Книга  для чтения на английском языке. Авторы: Г. Выборова, К. Махмурян, О. Мельчина. Издательство «АСТ-ПРЕСС» 2001 год. Москва. Упражнения к тексту составлены мною.


  1.  Read the title of the text and the notes and try to guess what the  text is about:                                                              


  • Dolphins may not be too far behind- дельфины, может быть, не очень далеко ушли от людей.
  • They have a lot in common- у них много общего.
  • But something similar seems to be true- но нечто похожее есть.
  • Sensitive to touch- чувствителен к прикосновению.
  • Yet the dolphin can size up its environment even when blindfolded, through its sense of hearing alone.- И все же дельфин может ориентироваться в пространстве даже закрытыми глазами, только благодаря своей способности хорошо слышать.
  • Tell them apart- различать их
  • Taking the fishermen’s living with them- унося с собой выручку рыбаков
  • To learn firsthand – узнать непосредственность, из первых рук
  • Tuna-туне


  1. Scan the text and find the answers to the following questions

1.  Are dolphins mammals?

2.  Why do they come to the surface?

3.  Do they have the ability to communicate?

4.  Can dolphins mimic people?

5.  Why don’t the scientists hear the dolphins’ sounds?

6.  How long can a dolphin go without eating?  

7.  What do fishermen think of dolphins?

  1. Read the text using the dictionary

                                                   A FISH WITH A SMILE

                                                    By Alice Herman Lehrer

        A dolphin looks like a big fish with a smile. Actually, dolphins belong to the same group of  living creatures that humans do: mammals. They grow larger than we do – up to 10feet long. They live in water but must come to the surface to breathe. And though humans consider themselves the most intelligent of all mammals, dolphins may not be too far behind. Scientific studies made in recent years prove that they have a lot in common with their human  “cousins”.

          A measure of a mammal’s intelligent is the ability to communicate. Humans are able to pass detailed information to one another. And so are dolphins. They don’t use words in our sense, of course. Dolphin talk is a variety of whistles, squeaks, clicks, and creaking sounds. We don’t know if dolphins call one another by names, as people do, but something similar seems to be true.  Each dolphin has a whistling signature, different in tone and pattern from the signature of other dolphins. When a baby is born, its mother whistles almost constantly for several days. The baby learns its mother’s voice pattern, and comes when she calls.

        Most humans aren’t much interested in whistling and squeaking in dolphin language. But dolphins like to mimic ours. Dolphins who have come in contact with human beings can imitate words, laughter, and even the tones of different voices.

         People who work with dolphins have found that they like to be stroked, too.  They  are very sensitive to touch.

          Like most creatures that spend most of their time in water, the dolphin has no other outer ear. Yet the dolphin can size up its environment even when blindfolded, through its sense of hearing alone. A dolphin can find its mate, or its mother, even in murky water – by listening. They can “hear” the objects around them, and tell them apart.

          It’s done by “echo-location.” Scientist conducting the tests usually hear no sounds. But the dolphin is sending them out, too high for human ears. The sound waves bounce off objects and create a sort of echo in the water – so the dolphin knows exactly what is there. Dolphins have a mental picture of everything around them. They can find fish in the dark sea.

          Like whales, dolphins are part of the water animals family. Most of the dolphins we see in shows and on TV are bottle-nosed dolphins. Inside, dolphins are more like cows, goats, and sheep than they are like us. They have several stomachs. An adult bottle-nosed dolphin can keep 20 pounds of  fish inside his body and go without eating again for about a week.

          For thousands of years humans have written about the dolphins who lived in large bodies of water over the world. The ancient Greeks called the dolphin “Euphrosyne,” which means joyfulness. They admired its high, graceful leaps out of the water, and its love of play. Dolphins have, traditionally, been friendly to humans. For centuries stories have been told about dolphins that saved people’s lives. Fishermen   of the past thought it was good luck when dolphins swam alongside their boats.

          But today, in some parts of the world, the dolphin has become an enemy. They often swim in the same waters as tuna. When dolphins get tangled in the nets, tuna escape-taking the fishermen’s living with them. Thousands of dolphins have been killed by fishermen who feel they must protect their business.

         Someday we may be able to communicate with the dolphins. Someday we may understand their language and learn, firsthand, about their attitudes and way of life. Or, perhaps, they will be asking us a question.


  1.  True or false

  1.  A dolphin looks like a big horse.
  2.  Dolphins are mammals.
  3.  Dolphins are very clever.
  4.  Dolphins use words to communicate.
  5.  Dolphins call each other by names.
  6.  Each dolphin has its own whistle.
  7.  Dolphins can mimic people.
  8.  Dolphins don’t like to be stroked.
  9.  Dolphins can find fish in the dark sea.
  10.   Inside, dolphins are like humans.
  11.   There are lots of stories about dolphins.
  12.   Nowadays, dolphins are endangered animals.    

  1. Read out information, proving that…
  1. Dolphins look like a big fish.
  2. Dolphins are intelligent.
  3. Dolphins communicate in their own way.
  4. Dolphins can echolocate.
  5. Humans always liked dolphins.
  6. Dolphins have become enemies.

  1.  Answer the Questions:

  1. What does a dolphin look like?
  2. How do dolphins communicate with one another?
  3. In what way are dolphins like many other mammals?
  4. What is the traditional attitude of dolphins to humans?
  5. Why is it urgent today to protect dolphins?
  6. Do you think that dolphins should be left alone in their natural environment?
  7. What stories about dolphins and their communication with humans do you know?

  1. What information about dolphins you think to be the most interesting.
  2. Say everything you have learnt about dolphins
  3. Write a report or a story about an animal you like most of all.
  4. Draw a picture of a dolphin in its natural habit.  

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