Задания по говорению к ЕГЭ
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему

Гурова Светлана Геннадьевна

Презентация содержит практический материал - задания по говорению С3-С6 к ЕГЭ по английскому языку.


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Слайд 1

Урок 11 C3 Reading Eating disorders C4 Asking Questions Travelling C5 Photo Description Holidays and Traditions C6 Picture Comparison Searching for Information Задания по Говорению к ЕГЭ Подготовлены учителем английского языка МБУ лицея 67 г. Тольятти Гуровой Светланой Геннадьевной -2015-

Слайд 2

An obsession with being thin Anne Murray is showing what it is like to have an eating disorder. Many people believe the part of the cause is how much we value and focus on being thin. Ask most people the one thing they want to change about themselves and a large number of them will answer that it is their weight. It is easy to become obsessed with how we look, especially with our weight. Nearly every magazine ad and every television commercial we see show thin, beautiful people. So we come to believe that we should look like them. Eating disorders can seriously threaten a young person’s health. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder in which a person starves herself or himself to lose weight. Bulimia nervosa is another eating disorder. A bulimic person fills herself or himself up with food and then induces vomiting. Our society suggests that we must be perfect in everything. If we can’t meet this ideal, then we feel bad about how we look. This can lead to the kind of behaviour that harms rather than helps. Anne Murray said: “I really didn’t feel I was very good at anything, it seemed like I was never in control. But food was the only thing in my life I could control.” In addition to being unhappy with their bodies and themselves, many teens have a strong need for approval from their parents or peers and some of them may be depressed. C3

Слайд 3

Study the advertisement Ask questions- clarify the given information Ask Questions about entrance fee if it is possible to order a guided tour about museum working hours about other places of interest nearby about the weather in that region A fantastic exhibition of China fine arts! Explore a wonderful site in the mountains ! Group price reductions are available ! full details at ChinaTourOnline.com +86-29-8833-6611 (Anywhere) C4

Слайд 4

choose one photo and describe when you took it •what/who is in the photo •what is happening •why you took the photo •why you decided to show the picture to your friend Imagine that while travelling during your holidays you took some photos 1. 2. 3. C5

Слайд 5

Study the two photographs 1) give a brief description of the photos (action, location) 2) say in what way the pictures are different and similar 3) say which way of studies presented in the pictures you prefer 4) explain your choice 1. 2. C6

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