Grammar test 5th form Tag questions
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Волкова Ольга Дмитриевна

Проверочная работа для учащихся 5 класса по теме "Tag questions" . учебник Биболетова М.З. для 5-х классов


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Предварительный просмотр:

Проверочная работа Биболетова 5 Tag questions

  1. She works as a teacher,______?
  2. She can swim and ski,_____ ?
  3. They don't work well,_______ ?
  4. Your friend can't write English very well,_______?
  5. They will translate this text the day after tomorrow,_______ ?
  6. They were with you, _______?
  7. She wasn't busy, ______?
  8. You don't remember his address,_____ ?
  9. You are free,_____ ?
  10. .They didn't answer all these questions yesterday,______ ?

  1. She works as a teacher,______?
  2. She can swim and ski,_____ ?
  3. They don't work well,_______ ?
  4. Your friend can't write English very well,_______?
  5. They will translate this text the day after tomorrow,_______ ?
  6. They were with you, _______?
  7. She wasn't busy, ______?
  8. You don't remember his address,_____ ?
  9. You are free,_____ ?
  10. .They didn't answer all these questions yesterday,______ ?

  1. She works as a teacher,______?
  2. She can swim and ski,_____ ?
  3. They don't work well,_______ ?
  4. Your friend can't write English very well,_______?
  5. They will translate this text the day after tomorrow,_______ ?
  6. They were with you, _______?
  7. She wasn't busy, ______?
  8. You don't remember his address,_____ ?
  9. You are free,_____ ?
  10. .They didn't answer all these questions yesterday,______ ?

  1. She works as a teacher,______?
  2. She can swim and ski,_____ ?
  3. They don't work well,_______ ?
  4. Your friend can't write English very well,_______?
  5. They will translate this text the day after tomorrow,_______ ?
  6. They were with you, _______?
  7. She wasn't busy, ______?
  8. You don't remember his address,_____ ?
  9. You are free,_____ ?
  10. .They didn't answer all these questions yesterday,______ ?

  1. She works as a teacher,______?
  2. She can swim and ski,_____ ?
  3. They don't work well,_______ ?
  4. Your friend can't write English very well,_______?
  5. They will translate this text the day after tomorrow,_______ ?
  6. They were with you, _______?
  7. She wasn't busy, ______?
  8. You don't remember his address,_____ ?
  9. You are free,_____ ?
  10. .They didn't answer all these questions yesterday,______ ?

  1. She works as a teacher,______?
  2. She can swim and ski,_____ ?
  3. They don't work well,_______ ?
  4. Your friend can't write English very well,_______?
  5. They will translate this text the day after tomorrow,_______ ?
  6. They were with you, _______?
  7. She wasn't busy, ______?
  8. You don't remember his address,_____ ?
  9. You are free,_____ ?
  10. .They didn't answer all these questions yesterday,______ ?

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