Открытое мероприятие по английскому языку "WELCOME SUMMER HOLIDAYS!"
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Открытое мероприятие по английскому языку "WELCOME  SUMMER HOLIDAYS!"


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Открытое мероприятие по английскому языку”


На встречу каникулам (2-4 классы).

Учебная программа-“Enjoy English”.М. З. Биболетова, О. А. Денисенко.

МКОУ СОШ №2.г. Нарткалы.

 учитель англ.яз.-Карданова Элина Олеговна.


На встречу каникулам.


Цели мероприятия: 

1.Обобщение (2-4кл.)

2.Активизация лексико-грамматических навыков, монологической и диалогической речи.

3.Совершенствование навыков выразительного чтения стихотворений.

4. Развитие навыков эффективной работы в команде.

Оборудование: : музыкальный  центр, микрофоны, ипк, интерактивная доска (слайд шоу), пианино, гитара, муляжи, маски, сценические костюмы, картинки с изображением праздников.


Ход открытого мероприятия:

1.Организационный момент :

- Good morning, dear boys and girls! Today we shall have a competition on the topic “Summer Holidays”. You will play games, describe the pictures and recite the poems.

В 1 : Дорогие гости, на сегодняшнем мероприятии “WELCOME SUMMER HOLIDAYS!”(« НА ВСТРЕЧУ КАНИКУЛАМ») мы подводим итог первого года обучения-2 классы, второго года обучения-3классы и третьего года обучения 4 классы. Скажем небольшой отчет.

Самое главное, чтобы всем было интересно и весело. Мы постарались охватить и задействовать всех желающих принять участие в этом мероприятии.

Сегодня прозвучать стихи о братьях наших меньших (любимых животных наших детей, стихи о мамах, папах и бабушках, стихи о временах года, песни, танцы, игры). И сегодня ребята все, что знают нам, расскажут и покажут.

В 2: Приветствие  (Музыкальное сопровождение).

Дети: (хором) Я уже учу английский этим очень я горжусь и сегодня всем ,что знаю я с друзьями поделюсь.

Чтение стихов…                      

Little girl

Little girl, little girl

I have been to see grandmother over the green

What did she give you?

Milk in a can.

What did you say for it?-thank you Granny.

-Rain, rain, go away,

Come again another day.

Little Roo wants to play

On a sunny, lovely day.


(песня про алфавит)

A-an apple

B-a bat

C-a clever city cat

D-a dog

E-the East

F-a fat and funny fish

G-a gloomy gentleman

H-a happy hippy hen

I-an iceberg very far

J-a jinni in the jar

K-a kite and

L-a log

M-a monster on the mop

N-a net and

O-an ox

P-a postman with a box

Q-Elizabeth the Queen

R-a ruby in the ring

S-a seagull in the sea

T-a tiger in the tree


V-a van

W-a woman in the wood

X-an X-ray

Y-a yak

Z-a zebra in the zoo






John is hiding far from me…

John is hiding far from me

Looking here, looking there

I can’t see him anywhere.

They taught me all I knew

Their names are what and why and when

And how and where and who.

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise!

My Dream

Gillian Brown

I love all kinds of animals

Dogs and cats and rabbits

I love all kinds of animals,

If I had tons of money,

Do you know what I would do?

I would buy lots of animals

And have my own zoo.

But they wouldn’t be in cages,

They would be free to run around

And there’s one thing they would feel

And that is safe and sound.

Weather song.

When the weather is wet

We must not fret

When the weather is cold

We must not sold

When the weather is warm

We must not storm

But be thankful together

Whatever the weather.

Mother and father.

Mother is the dearest of all the friends

I know she helps me play

That’s why I love her so.

Father is the kindest of all the friends

I know he likes to take me out with him

That’s why I love him so.

The cat.

One day I saw a cat, and the cat said

-who are you?

-I’m Liza.

-Do you want to be my friend?

-Yes, said the cat so that was that.


I can sky, I can skip,

I can swim, I can’t fly

I can read, and say goodbye!

I like to study every day

I like to jump

I like to run

I like to play

It’s fun!


1: Pussy-cat, pussy-cat where have you been?

2.I’ve been to London, to look at the queen.

1. Pussy-cat, pussy-cat what did you do there?

2. I frightened a little mouse under a chair.

Our family comes from around us

From around the world

Our hair is straight

Our hair is curled

Our eyes are brown

Our eyes are blue

Our skins are different color.

We’re girls and boys

We’re big and small

We’re young and tall

We’re short and tall

We’re everything

That we can be

And still we are

A family.

We laugh and cry

We work and play

We help each other


The world is a lovely place to

Because we are a family.

Country and city.

Some people live in the city

Where the houses are very tall

Some people live in the country

Where the houses are very small.

But in the country where the houses

Are small the gardens are very big

And in the cities where the houses

Are tall there are no gardens at all.

Вед.1.:Наши маленькие корреспонденты побывали у нашего любимого

сказочного героя Хоббита и взяли у него интервью. Послушаем, что у них получилось.

1 корреспондент:  

 Hobbit goes to bed at 9 o’clock and he gets up very early. In the morning Hobbit is very busy. After breakfast Frank writes fairy-tales for little hobbit land children.

2 корреспондент:

At 2 o’clock Hobbit usually has his lunch. After lunch he waters flowers, cleans his house and goes shopping, blows bubble. In the shop he usually buys a lot of sweets, chocolates and cakes.

You know, he has a sweet tooth.

3 корреспондент:

Evenings are very busy, too. Frank has many friends and they visit him in the evening. Frank has many friends and they visit him in the evening. Frank is hospitable and polite. Sometimes Frank plays the piano he can play the piano very well.

Вед.1: ну вот и солнышко наше куда-то спряталось. Так давайте дружно позовем его

 солнышко, солнышко sun, sun

 покажись скорее нам,

 ты не бойся тучи cloud

 и погода станет лучше!

  -летит бабочка…

Вед 2:-Ребята, посмотрите какая замечательная бабочка к нам прилетела. Давайте спросим, куда она летит.

Дети:Butterfly, butterfly where do fly? So quickly and high?

-in the blue, blue sky.

Дети:what is your name butterfly? How old are you?

-Where are you from?

-Why do you fly to us?

Бабочка:..spring is here, summer is near, everywhere so nice and clean.

Вед1: Молодцы ребята!!! (провожаем их аплодисментами). А пока готовится следующий номер, на сцену приглашаются ученики 3 «в» класса.

Они зададут вам загадки, а мы попробуем их отгадать. Самые активные получат призы.

This is the season when children ski and grandfather frost brings the New year tree.

This is the season when fruit is sweet. This is the season when school friends meet.

This is the season when vegetable grow I come to the garden and make water flow.

This is the season when snowdrops bloom when nobody likes to stay in the room. This is the season when birds make their nests this is the season we all like best.


Вед1: И так мы находимся во дворе ,где ребята часто играют в футбол. Сейчас сценка с заданием (Что сказал Mr.Hill, когда разбили окно?)

и чтобы  справиться с заданием вы должны  послушать внимательно диалог.

-Hey Tim! Let’s play football.

-ok! And where is the ball?

-here it is. It’s a nice ball, isn’t it?

-I’m sorry I don’t know? What color is it?


-no, it is not my ball, my ball is red.

-is this your ball Tim?

-oh, yes, it’s my ball, thank you. Can you give it to me?

-Come in, look! Look at your ball! Now look at my window! Take your ball and go away!

-now I don’t want to play football. Let’s play table tennis or badminton.

-ok, I like to play table tennis and badminton too.

Вед 2:  и так, что сказал Mr.Hill,когда разбили окно?(отвечают дети из зала).

Вед 3: на сцену приглашаются ученики из 4 «в» класса.

Little Roo- маленький Ру


-Roo dear it’s 9 o’clock. It’s time to go to bed.

-Oh, no mum. I don’t want to sleep. I want to play with my ball. May I go to bed -latter today!

-No you must go to bed in time. Put your nice ball into the box, please.

-I don’t want to sleep. I want to play.

-Roo dear, go to bed and I’ll tell you about Hobbit.

-All right, then.

-But don’t forget to clean your teeth and wash your hands, face and ears.

Вед.1:вот видите ребята не только у вас бывают разногласия между вами и родителями во сколько ложиться спать, но и у кенгурят.  


AT SCHOOL- в школе


-Hi, Sabina. This is Asker. He will be in our class.

-Hi! Nice to meet you, Sabina.

-Hello, welcome to our school. Now we’ll have 14 girls and 14 boys in our class.

-That’s great.

-Sabina, you look very nice today, any good news?

-Oh, do I? I thinking it’s because of Barbie.

-Who’s Barbie? Your new doll?

-Oh, no! Barbie is the nickname of Barbara Grey. She taught us English last year. She is from Britain. I’ve just got a letter from her.

-She was great, she didn’t give bad marks. What does she say in her letter?

-No, idea I didn’t like to open and read it by myself. Let’s do it together.

Вед.3.:все поняли, о чем идет речь ?.. Ребята получили письмо от бывшей любимой  учительницы и спешат прочитать его с одноклассниками.

     Вед.1:за 3 года мы научились многому, мы послушаем чему научились  

2 классы, а 4 классы могут уже составить рассказы о себе, о друзьях описать комнаты где живет Hobbit.

Вед.2: Сейчас мы с вами проведем физ-минутку.

1. Clap, clap, clap your hands,

(хлопают в ладоши)

Clap your hands together.

Clap, clap, clap your hands,

Clap your hands together.

2. Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,

(топают ногами)

Stamp your feet together,

Stamp your feet together.

3. Nod, nod, nod your head,

(кивают головой)

Nod your head together.

Nod, nod, nod your head,

Nod your head together.

4. Dance, dance, dance and dance,


Dance and dance together.

Dance, dance, dance and dance,

Dance and dance together

Вед.3:Вам предлагается игра с заданиями. Нам нужны два добровольца из зала. И так прослушайте несколько поручений и команд, которые вы должны выполнить правильно! Слушаем внимательно.


  1. Stand straight, please.                                
  2. Sit down, please.

         3. Open the book on page 19.

4. Read the exercise number 9.

5. Close the book.

6. Stand up, please.

Вед.1: программу продолжает 4 «А» класса.


Фруктовый подарок

(Театральная  постановка).

Однажды девочка решила приготовить фруктовый пирог  на день рождения мамы и устроить грандиозный праздник, а в этом  ей помогут ее верные друзья.

Characters: Story-teller, Girl, Pineapple, Banana, Cherries, Plum, Pear, Orange, Apple, Mother. 

Story-taller: Once a girl decided to bake a pie for her mother’s birthday. She took some fruit out of the fridge and began to think what kind of pie she would bake. And began to argue.

        Pineapple: Everybody knows that pineapple is the king of the table! I even have the crown of leaves on my head!

        Banana: But nobody bakes pie with pineapples. A pie with banana and apple is quite a different thing! It is so tasty!  

        Cherries: The best pie in the world is cherry pie. Just imagine- this pie is sweet and sour at the same time.

        Plum: but plum is very good too. You are too sour, while the banana is too sweet! Plum pie is the tastiest in the world.

        Story-taller: The fruit quarreled. Now they were sitting in different corners of the room and didn’t want to talk to each other. The poor girl didn’t know what to do – it was her mother’s birthday and she had no pie at all! What if she put all the fruit together?

        Girl: That is a very good idea. I am very glad of it. First of all I’ll make my batter and then cut the fruit.

         Story-teller: But the fruit didn’t like it .

        Fruit :You can’t put us in your together. It is impossible! It is so ugly!

        Pear: if you mix us, the pineapple will become blue from the cherry’s juice.

         Orange: And the banana will become blue from the plum’s juice!

        Apple: Besides, the banana is very soft and if you put it together with the pear, the banana will melt while the pear will be hard!

        Fruit : We are not going to sit together in the same pie!

         Girl: But what should I do? I wanted to celebrate my mother’s birthday ever so much!  

        Fruit: We are not going to sit together in the same pie!

        Girl: But what should I do? I want to celebrate my mother’s birthday ever so much!

        Fruit: It’s quite simple. We will prepare a fruit dinner.

        Girl: But what is that?

        Banana: For example, you can prepare a very testy fruit salad. You need a banana, an apple and a pear.  

        Orange: You can make a wonderful pudding out of me!

        Girl: Very well! We’ll make an orange pudding. And what about the cherries?

        Cherries: we’ll be the dessert. You can dress us with cream and put us into small glasses.

        Girl: That’s great! So I’ll bake a plum pie.

        Plum: I agree!

        Story-taller: The girl was glad that the fruit were not quarreling.

        Girl: We have forgotten about you!

        Pineapple: Oh, no! I’ll be the decoration of the table. Besides, you can cut me into pieces so everyone will get me.

        Story- teller: And so they did. When mother came there was a real celebration.

        Mother: What a clever daughter I have! How did you do it?

        Girl: My friend helped me! Thank them very much!

        Story-teller: All the fruit were lying on the table and were very happy.


Вед.1: И в завершении ребята подготовили небольшую музыкальную программу.

Вед.2: The world’s a very happy place.

Where  every child should laugh and sing.

And always have a smiling face

And never, never sulk at all!    

 песня Barbie-girl 

Песня Mr. English.

 (все участники выходят на сцену ).

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