Методическая разработка "If I were"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку для учащихся старшей школы (8 класс) с применением ИКТ.

Целью работы является развитие грамматических навыков говорения (the Subjunctive Mood). Цель достигается путём решения следующих задач:

·         совершенствовать лексические навыки по теме «Sport», грамматических навыков

·         (if -, when-clauses; Present, Past Simple), формировать пунктуационные навыки;

·         развивать способность к догадке, способность обобщать и самостоятельно формулировать грамматические правила;

·         воспитывать стремление заниматься спортом; культуру взаимоотношений.

Для проведения урока потребуются ПК, проектор, интерактивная доска.


Zip-архив содержит два файла: презентацию и doc-файл со сценарием урока.



Package icon презентация и сценарий урока79.15 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Государственное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

Гимназия №209

Центрального района Санкт-Петербурга

Методическая разработка

урокаанглийского языка с применением ИКТ

по теме "If I were" для 8-го класса



Цель урока: формирование грамматических навыков говорения (the Subjunctive Mood);

Задачи урока:

  • совершенствовать лексические навыки по теме «Sport», грамматических навыков
  • (if -, when-clauses; Present, Past Simple), формировать пунктуационные навыки;
  • развивать способность к догадке, способность обобщать и самостоятельно формулировать грамматические правила;
  • воспитывать стремление заниматься спортом; культуру взаимоотношений.

Оборудование: ПК, мультимедийный проектор, интерактивная доска, магнитофон, учебник.

Ход урока

I. Приветствие  (На экране слайд 1)

– Good afternoon, dear friends. How are you? I hope you’re fine. So, let’s start working.

II. Речевая подготовка (На экране слайд 2)

– Look at the screen and try to guess what we are going to talk about.

– Sport

– Why do you think so?

– They are famous sportsmen.

– What are they famous for? What kind of sport do they do?

P – Agassi is a famous tennis player

– Beckham is a well-known football player.

– Plushchenko is an outstanding skater.

III. Активизация речевого материала по теме.

– Are these kinds of sport popular in Russia? Do you like any of these sports? What other kinds of sport do you know? P – badminton, volleyball, hockey, etc.

– There are a lot of different sports. Look at the screen, complete the words and say what kinds of sport are winter sports and what ones are summer sports.

(На экране слайд 3)

– Say what kinds of sport you can do in summer and in winter.

– In winter I go skating. In summer I play volleyball.

– What season is it now?

– It’s winter

– What sports can you do now?

P – I can play hockey and go skating.

– Will you play hockey if there is a lot of snow next week?

Will you go skiing if you have time tomorrow?

P – Yes, I’ll go skiing, if I have time tomorrow.

IV. Презентация нового грамматического материала.

– I see you like doing sports. And now read the dialogue and say what sports

Nick and Amanda are fond of.

(На экране слайд 4)

– Nick is fond of football. Amanda likes skating and skiing.

– Read the dialogue again and say what seasons they like. Pay attention to the highlighted sentences.

– How would you translate them?

– Как жаль, что сейчас не лето.
Если бы сейчас было лето.
Я бы хотела, чтобы сейчас была зима.
Как жаль, что сейчас не зима.

– Do Nick and Amanda only say about their likes?

Do they also express their wishes? Whose wishes do you share?

Read the sentences to express your wishes.

– If it were hot and sunny! If only it were summer!

– Does anything seem strange to you?



V. Автоматизация новых грамматических структур.

1. Имитация.

–> I’ll speak about my wishes and you, say if you feel the same.

Make your sentences more emphatic using the word only. Follow the example. (ex.23, p.227)

Example: If it were July now!

If only it were July now!

2. Подстановка

Do you remember what season Nick likes?

– Summer

– You are absolutely right. He wishes it were summer now. But what are his other wishes? Turn to your computers and do the 1st exercise. You are to make the sentences complete. Click the verb form and put it into the sentence. You’ve got 2 minutes.

(На экране слайд 5)

(упражнение 1 из файла «Упражнения к уроку»)

– Well, your time’s up. Read your sentences.

Amanda loves winter and hates hot weather. Imagine you are Amanda and match the two parts of the sentences.

(упражнение 2 из файла «Упражнения к уроку)

And now look at the screen (на экране слайд 6) and read what Amanda would do if it were winter.

What form of the verb is there in the main clause? And in the subordinate clause? Try to make up the scheme yourselves.

(упражнение 3 из файла «Упражнения к уроку»)

Let’s check it.

(на экране слайд 6)

3. Трансформация

What would you do if it were winter, if there were a lot of snow?

P – I would … if there were….

4. Репродукция

Amanda likes winter and winter sports. Nick is fond of summer sports. They have favourite sportsmen. We talked about them at the beginning of the lesson. Who are they?

– I think ... is Nick’s favourite sportsman

In my opinion ... is Amanda’s favourite

OK. Listen to Nick’s opinion and say who his favourite sportsman is. (звучит аудиозапись)

NICK: I wish I were Beckham. If I were Beckham, I would train a lot. If I trained a lot, I would score goals. If I scored a lot of goals, my team would win a game. If my team won a game, I would get a lot of money. If I had a lot of money, I would wear fashionable clothes, I would have a beautiful house and an expensive car. Besides, I would help disabled children and donate money for charity.

–> So, who is Nick’s favourite sportsman?

– David Beckham

– Complete Nick’s story   (упражнение 4 из файла «Упражнения к уроку»)

And now look at the screen and check it. Have you got any mistakes?

Is everything clear?  (на экране слайд 7)

– Pay attention to the punctuation. You should put a comma after the subordinate clause if it goes before the main one. But if a subordinate clause follows the main clause you shouldn’t put a comma.

VI. Объяснение домашнего задания.

– Tell me, please, why Nick would like to be Beckham. What would Nick do, if he were Beckham? What would he do if he had a lot of money?

 At home I’d like you to think a bit and write what you would do if you

were a famous sportsman.

– I’d like you to do your homework properly, that’s why let’s brush up everything we got to know during the lesson.

(на экране слайд 8)

– If you’ve got questions, you’re welcome.

VII. Подведение итогов.

I’m satisfied with your work today. Thank you very much.

The lesson is over. Good bye.

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