Методическая разработка урока-дебаты по теме "Some years ago students were better..."
методическая разработка (10 класс) по теме

Урок-дебыты по теме "Some years ago students were better..."


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В результате многочисленных перемен, происходивших в России во всех сферах жизни в последние полтора десятилетия и продолжающих происходить сейчас, социальный заказ требует дальнейшего совершенствования системы обучения.

Со значительным расширением международных связей и возможностей межкультурной коммуникации происходит бурное  развитие делового партнёрства в разных сферах человеческой деятельности, ведётся активный обмен опытом и специалистами в сферах искусства, науки и техники. Разнообразные конференции, беседы «за круглым столом», телемосты, диспуты, дебаты стали неотъемлемой частью жизни современного человека.

В силу ряда известных исторически обусловленных причин в отечественной методике преподавания иностранных языков необходимость в  обучении групповому общению не возникала. Более того, полилогическое общение не признавалось  самостоятельным видом. В связи с чем, технология обучения  данному виду речевой деятельности остаётся методически не разработанной.

Чтобы групповое речевое сотрудничество было эффективным, необходимо  целенаправленно  обучать школьников технологии полилогического  общения.

В данной методической разработке приведена технология проведения урока-дебатов по теме « Some years ago students were better than now» в группах 4-го курса специальности 050303 «Иностранный язык».

Тема урока: ”Some years ago students were better…?”

Практическая цель:  развитие коммуникативных умений

Сопутствующие задачи:

  1. совершенствование лексико-грамматических навыков:
  2. развитие умения аудирования;
  3. развитие умений читать;
  4. развитие умения вести записи на иностранном языке.

Воспитательная цель: формирование у студентов мировоззрения, нравственности.

Образовательная цель: приобретение знаний о культуре страны изучаемого языка, удовлетворение личных познавательных интересов о проблемах молодёжи

Развивающая цель: развивать чувства языка, языковой догадки, всех видов памяти, логики? Умения критически мыслить и отстаивать собственную точку зрения.

Оборудование урока и ТСО: Русско-английские и англо-русские словари, мультимедийный проектор, программа Power Point


Good afternoon dear ladies and gentlemen! Nice to meet you all here.

Students! Who  are they? What is it nowadays student? Are they worse than those some years ago? This is the problem! And today we’ll try to solve it. So the topic of today’s debates is “Some years ago students were better..?”

Let me introduce the teams.


  1. J.V. Kobeleva – the teacher of social sciences
  2. L. V. Denisova - the teacher of pedagogic
  3. P. A. Kustova - the teacher of mathematics
  4. D. A. Mescherjakov - the teacher of history
  5. M. G. Koloshin - the teacher of IT


  1. E. Chatova – 4b group student
  2. E. Beljaeva – 3b group student
  3. E. Aljohina – 5b group student
  4. E. Karpova – 3b group student
  5. J. Shirjaeva. – 5b group student

At the beginning of our meeting you were offered to vote and give your opinion whether some years ago students were better than now.

Some years ago students were better than now….?

Несколько лет назад  студенты были лучше…?



Now the results.

Today we’ll discuss this problem and each of the teams will try to prove their point of view.

I declare the debates open and the floor is given to J.V.Kobeleva the leader of the affirmative team.

Good afternoon! We stand resolved that some years ago students were better than now.  And today we’ll try to persuade you of it. I’ve been working here for nine years so I can compare.

So, I am absolutely sure that some years ago students were more ambitious. First of all because they chose our college because they really wanted to be a teacher. But not because “there is no difference where to study.” And step by step they tried to achieve that aim.  Those students worked really hard at the subjects.

Then, some years ago student were better disciplined. You cannot argue with it, can you? The only fact that they didn’t skip lessons without really vital reasons can prove it.

Besides students were much more active and socially involved. There were lots of different student’s clubs, such as musical, dancing, drawing etc. Of course, you can say that there are some of them now, but you must agree that the results of their work were much brighter then. It was not because students were more talented. They just really wanted to show and to share their talents.  And as for you, nowadays students…  you are so lazy, guys.

And to sum it all up I have to say that to work with those students was much easier.

Thank you. And the motion is opposed by students’ team. I welcome Chatova E. to speak against the motion.

Good afternoon! Thank you or your opinion. We respect it, of course, but we completely disagree with it. Look, you’ve said that to work with those students was much easier. This is the problem I suppose. You try to simplify your work. You don’t want to find any new aims of teaching. But you have to. Our life changes so rapidly.

You say students were more ambitious because they chose our college because they really wanted to be a teacher. Well, Lubov Vasilevna you studied English here, why don’t you teach it? As for us, we also study hard. Open the register and you’ll see good marks. And this is you who give them to us, by the way.

Then you’ve said that we skipped lessons. Yes we do. But I think that results are more important than the means. And again we come back to our marks. They are good, so our attendance doesn’t influence our progress.

Let’s speak about activity and social involving. I won’t speak much. Just look at the screen.

     You don’t like the work of students clubs. It’s up to you. Tastes differ.

At the end I want to say: you miss your student’s years that’s why you think that some years ago students were better.

Thank you, Kate. The team of  teachers gets time to summarize your ideas. Dear guests I hope you’ve got involved onto the debates.

And I suggest you preparing questions to our teams and during general discussion you’ll have the opportunity to ask them.

The floor is given to Denisova L.V.

Good afternoon! It’s obviously my turn to answer. You blame me in not teaching English. Even if I don’t teach English in particular, I have the profession which I chose at the end of the school. I studied at the teacher’s training college then in the Lipetsk state pedagogical university. And now I am a teacher, no matter of what subject.

But coming back to our problem I should say that we still insist that nowadays students are very indifferent to their professional skills and their general knowledge. While preparing to the debates we ask our librarians how read students today and how they did it some years ago. Look at the screen.

You’ve said about your marks. You are future teachers and must now about different levels of demands. And now the level is not the highest one, unfortunately. But if only you had little more desire for education and attended all the lessons you marks would be better.

Let’s focus on your spare time. Remember at the beginning of this week there has been the survey.   One of the questions was how do you spent your free time. Now look at the results. 

More than that you pay no attention to your health. What do you eat and what do you drink? And what about sport? Why don’t you keep yourself fit? Instead of playing basketball, volleyball, football our students play computer games.

The floor is give to Beljaeva Helen.

Good afternoon. Tastes differ they say. You prefer libraries. It’s ok. But now there are lots of other sources of information: radio, TV and of course the Internet. And it is much more convenient. You do not need to spend time on the way to the library, on the queues there. And besides you can find any information you want in the internet.

And we are absolutely sure that marks and knowledge is not the same. You may have excellent marks and won’t be able to share you brilliant knowledge with others. So, we think that you cannot judge our future professional skills by our marks. Time will show the results.

You’ve said about our leisure. Well, I think that your parents and teachers weren’t   satisfied with the way you spent your spare time either.  And there is no sense to debate about it.

All in all we should say that probably we are not better that students in your time, but obviously we are not worse ones.  We study as hard as we can. We try to participate in all activities you offer.  And the problem of generation gap is as old as universe and practically unsolved.

Thank you for your opinions. And I declare the general discussion open. So, teams ask your questions to each other.

  1. You agree that you skip lessons and at the same time you blame us in not finding new aims of teaching. For whom should we do it, if you do not attend lessons?
  2. You say that there is nothing serious in not attending lessons. But do you really believe that those who skip them have good marks?
  3. You said that we try to simplify our work. May be it is you who try to simplify your study.
  4. Guys, when you go to your school practice do you always fill confident? Do you feel that you have enough knowledge to answer all pupils’ questions?
  5. Do you wish your future pupils and students to be indifferent to everything?
  6. Will you be glad if your own children spend their free time as you do it?

  1. You criticize the way we spend our free time? We are interested how you did it and whether you parents were satisfied with it?
  2. We are interested whether you yourself  really wanted to participate in every school and social activity?
  3. May be your student years were brighter because you had more opportunities? May be you studied in big cities?
  4. We cannot believe that you had enough time for everything and never skipped lessons?

Thank you for your questions and active participation. It’s high time to vote once again and see if your opinion has changed.

The results.

The motion is carried out. Thank you all.

Список литературы.

  1. Alan Cirlin “Academic debate and program development for students and teachers around the world”, - San Antonio: pecan grove press, 2000.
  2. Архипова Т. В. «Групповые формы взаимодействия в школьном обучении», - http://teacher.org.ru/files0/files1/files40/files162/static/statya.rtf.
  3. Бадмаева Б. Ц.         Психология   обучения   речевому   мастерству. – М.: Владос, 1999.
  4. Сафонова В. В. Английский язык. Учеб. пособие для 10-11 кл. шк. с углубл. изуч. англ. яз. В 2 ч. Ч. 1. – М.: Просвещение, 1995.
  5. Светенко Т. В. Путеводитель по дебатам. – М.: РОСПЭН, 2002.
  6. Смирнова Е. В. Лингводидактическое описание полилогического общения // Актуальные проблемы обучения иностранным языкам в школе и вузе: Курс лекций для студентов факультетов иностранных языков.  Ч.2. – Воронеж: Воронежский государственный университет, 2002.

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