Masha and three Bears.
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку на тему

Калмыкова Елена Николаевна

Сказка "Маша и три медведя" на английском языке


Microsoft Office document icon masha_i_tri_medvedya.doc22.5 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Masha and three Bears.

Author: Once a Grandmother, a Grandfather and Masha lived.

Grandmother and  Grandfather told Masha not to go the forest.

She can loose her way.

It is dangerous in there.

Masha: I shall go to the forest. I want to gather berries and fliwers. (Идёт по лесу. Заблудилась.)

M: Oh, I’m lost. What am I to do?

Oh, I see a house. I’ll go there.

M: I see a table and chairs.

I’ll sit down on a big chair and eat from the big bowl.

I’ll sit down on a middle chair and eat from the middle bowl.

I’ll sit down on a small chair and eat from the small bowl.

The cereal is the tastiest in the small bowl.

I’m so tired. I’ll go to the bedroom.

The smallest bed is the coziest.

I’ll sleep on it.

Автор: Masha fell a sleep.

Bear Father: Who sat on my chair?

Who ate from my bowl?

Bear Mother: Who sat on my chair and bro he it?

Who ate from my bowl?

Bear son: who sat on my chair.

Who ate from my bowl.

Автор: Bears are coming in to the bed room. (идут в спальню)

Bear father : who laid in my bed?

Bear Mother: Who laid in my bed?

Bear son: Who is in my bed?

Masha: Oh, I’m so scared!!!

I’ll better run out.

Автор: Masha is running away!

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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