TEST: Do you know London and its famous people?
тест по английскому языку (5, 6 класс) на тему

Do you know London and its famous people?


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TEST: Do you know London and its famous people?

1. London is a mixture of old and new … and there is a lot to see and learn about.

  1. buildings; b) parts; c) legends; d) histories.

2. London stands on the … river.

     a) Volga; b) Thames; c) Avon; d) Neva

3. Big Ben is …

  1. a palace; b) a bell; c) a square; d) a cathedral.

4. The Queen lives in …

  1. the Tower of London; b) Buckingham Palace; c) Windsor Palace.

5. The Bloody Tower is in …

  1. the Tower of London; b) the Houses of Parliament; c) Westminster Abbey.

6. The country’s leaders speak in …

  1. the Houses of Parliament; b) Big Ben; c) Buckingham Palace.

7. When a man is … of London He is … of life.

  1. fond; b) full ; c) tired ; c) proud.

8. … is a symbol of Great Britain.

     a) the Tower of London; b) Westminster Abbey; c) Trafalgar Square.

9. … has one of the largest collections of wax models in the world.

     a) MOMI; b) British museum; c) Madam Tussaud’s Museum.

10. MOMI is the museum of …

     a) the moving image; b) natural history; c) the history of theatre.

11. You can enjoy Shakespeare’s plays in … park.

     a) St.James’s; b) Green; c) Hyde; d) Regent’s.

12. The statue of the famous fairy-tale hero, Peter Pan, can be seen in …

     a) St.James’s; b) Kensington Gardens; c) Hyde; d) Regent’s.

13. The oldest London park is …. It is very beautiful with its trees and flowerbeds and a view of Buckingham Palace.

     a) St.James’s; b) Green; c) Hyde; d) Regent’s.

14. “Lollipop Ladies” wore a bright coat and a red and white stick with a circular sign at the top which read “…”.

     a) “Watch out!”; b) “Stop, Children!”; c) “Stop, Kids!”; d) “Stop!”.

15. There are parks, over … theatres and even more cinemas in London.

     a) 10; b) 200; c) 8; d) 80.

16. Daniel Defoe was a famous English writer of the … century.

     a) seventeenth; b) eighteenth; c) nineteenth; d) twentieth.

17. Joseph Turner, a master of water-colours, was the son of a ….

     a) a barber; b) a farmer; c) a scientist; d) a politician.

18. John R. R. Tolkien, a famous English writer, studied … at Oxford University.

     a) History; b) English language and Literature; c) medicine; d) Mathematics.

19. Charles Darwin was a well-known …. He built up his famous theory of evolution.

     a) doctor; b) linguist; c) builder; d) scientist.

20. London is … visiting.

     a) worth; b) better; c) impossible; d) less.

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