Mother's Day Poetry For Children
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

стихи на мамин праздник


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Mother's Day Poetry For Children

When Mother Says 
When mother says, "Do this," or "that,"
Don't say, "What for?" and "Why?"
But let her hear your gentle voice
Say, "Mother dear, I'll try."
 By Charles J. Barnes .

Who Loves Us?
by Paul Curtis

Who loves us without condition?
Who loves us in their admonition? 
Who loves us despite the dirt?
Who do we go to when we’re hurt?
Who shares in all our joys?
Who buys us the best toys?
Who keeps us warm and fed?
Who would prefer a puppy instead?
Who cheers us up when we’re glum?
Who else but your mum


Mother Dear

With God's help

You brought me here.

Mother Dear

With God's love

You kiss every tear.

Mother Dear

With God's teachings

I'll allways hold you near.

Mother Dear.


Daddy said this day to me,

"I've a wish above all other

I hope that you will grow to be

Exactly like your mother!"

I'll try to start this very day

To grow like her in every way.

Share and Share Alike
by Patrick Winstanley

You are a mother
Like no other,
Loving and sharing
Kind and caring,

But tell me why, if
my mother,
I have to share you
With my brother.

Mother Angel
Author: Unknown
Take an angel from the sky
And send her down this way.
Then send some little boys and girls
To keep her company.
Then fill her heart
With Mother love,
Give her a smile of cheer.
And you'll have a kind of Mother
Just like my Mother, dear.

Mother's Day
Author: Unknown
The kindest face I'll ever see,
The kindest voice I'll ever hear.
The one who cares the most for me
Is my own mother dear.

All through the year
I'll try to do
The things that show
My love for you.
And not be happy just to say,
"I love you, Mother," on Mother's Day.

Author: Unknown
You can see it in their eyes,
in tender hugs and long good-byes,
a love that only moms and daughters know.

You can see it in their smiles,
through passing years and changing styles,
a friendship that continually seems to grow.

You can see it in their lives,
the joy each one of them derives,
in just knowing that the other one is there...

To care and to understand,
lend an ear or hold a hand,
and to celebrate the memories they share.

Once upon a memory
Someone wiped away a tear
Held me close and loved me,
Thank you, Mother dear.

My Mommy Helps Me
Author: Daniel
My mommy helps me
With climbing up the flagpole.
My mommy helps me
Get lollipops to eat--all the lollipops!
My mommy helps me
Save the day from evil.
(We save the day together.)
My mommy helps me
Kill bumblebees.
My mommy helps me Get a sword to kill bad guys (just teasing).
My mommy helps me
Eat food and eat grass (just teasing).
My mommy helps me
Play with toys.
I love Mommy!

My Mother's Not Only A Mother
Author: Unknown
My mother's not only a mother
But she is a chum as well;
Oh she can think of the finest games
And stories that really are swell!
I'd rather, much rather just be with her,
As a chum she truly is fine;
O she's the very best kind of pal,
The dear little mother of mine!

My Special Mom - By Connie Amarel
You make me Smile when I am sad.
Your kiss makes Pain just disappear.
Your twinkling Eyes show you're so glad
That I'm your Child each time I'm near.

To My Sweet Mother - By Dan Egan 
Even tho we are far apart you still own the
Biggest piece of my heart. All you want is
For me to be a man I've done that with the
Guidance of your hand. You have raise me up

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