контрольная работа для 6 класса
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Доброхотова Ирина Александровна

Работа для 6 класса  9 модуль , учебник Spotlight


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Предварительный просмотр:

                                    Module 9. 6-th form

1.Fill in the correct word.

- carton    - packet loaf   bag   - bar piece   -kilo   - bottle   -jar

e.g. Could I have a packet of biscuits, please?

1. Remember to get a ............... of orange juice when you're at the supermarket.

2. We eat a ............. of bread a day in our house.

3. Can you get me the ............... of rice from the cupboard, please?

4. How can you lose weight if you eat a............... of chocolate every day?

5. How much does a ............... of bananas cost?

6.Would you like a ............... of cake with your tea?

7. I can't open this .............. of strawberry jam.

8.Oh what a mess! I dropped the ...............of olive oil on the floor.

2.Choose the correct word.

1.Add/Melt the butter before you pour it on the popcorn.

2.Dice/Mix all the ingredients together in a plastic bowl.

3.Do you want me to peel/pour your banana for you?

4.I’ll add/fry the onions while you make the salad.

5.Would you like me to boil/melt you an egg for your breakfast?

6. Can you stir/bake the soup, please?

3.Fill in the sentences with some or any.

1.Is there ............ ice cream left in the fridge?

2. I usually have ............ yoghurt for breakfast.

3.There aren’t .......... biscuits in the cupboard

4.There aren’t ............ apples in the fridge.

5 .Bob usually has ........... bacon for breakfast.

6. Is there ........... cheese in this sauce? I don’t like cheese.

4..Use much or many.

1.Did you buy __________ food yesterday?

2.There aren’t __________ oranges left in the fridge.

3.Nick hasn’t got __________ money.

4.We haven’t got __________ olive oil.

5.How __________ milk do you want in your coffee?

5.Use little/a little/few/a few.

1.There was __________ food in the fridge. It was nearly empty.

2.Do you want sugar in your cocoa? – Yes, ___________, please.

3.There’s very __________ rice left for pilaw (плов).

4.Would you like some soup? – Yes, __________, please.

6.Write the correct form, Simple Present or Present Continuous, of the verbs in the brackets.

My mother usually e.g. cooks (cook) for the family, but today 1).......... (be) her birthday so I 2).......... (plan) a special dinner for everybody. My mother 3)......... (love) fish so I 4)........ (make) a delicious salmon pie. My father 5).......... (hate) fish, though, so I 6)…..(prepare) him a hamburger


Read the advertisement for a restaurant and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

At Vinnie's Place, the food is great and the prices are fantastic. A meal for two costs about  $55.

Looking for something different? Well, come and visit us at Vinnie's Place on Pleasant Avenue.

Vinnie's Place is an Italian restaurant with a difference!

Vinnie's starters are the best in town. Try the tomato soup or mixed green salad. For a main course, choose between the Milan chicken with rice or the Sicilian-style fish with a baked potato.

But save room for dessert! How about chocolate cake? No? Then why not try the lemon pie?

1.Vinnie’s Place is an Indian restaurant…..

2.. You can have soup for a starter. .........

3. The fish comes with a potato. .........

4. There is only one kind of dessert. .........

5. A meal for two costs more than  $50.Vinnie's Place is open Monday to Saturday from 12 to 12

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