Грамматический тест для 9 класса
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Белкова Екатерина Александровна

Тест на знание и употребление различных временных форм глагола


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Предварительный просмотр:

Use future simple or future-in-the-past  to complete the sentences:

1. When I come to see you tomorrow, I (bring) the tapes. 2. She (be) in New York in two months if she gets the visa. 3. He (lend) it to you if you didn't lose everything. 4. I (talk) to you later when I have more time. 5. I (give) you a ring before I leave. 6. Jack ordered dinner for me because he knew I (be) hungry. 7. If he takes my advice he (not end) up being last in class. 8. I promised I (visit) my friends that summer in ease I happened to be nearby. 9. The storm is getting worse. Do you think it (pour) in the evening? 10. I (go) and buy some bread.

Use the right forms of the verbs in past continuous, past simple or past  perfect  to complete the sentences.

1. Hardly I (get) to the office when the boss (come). 2. They (build) a lot of factories in this part of the town by 1990. 3. She (write) several e-mails and (sit) thinking what to do next. 4. I wanted to borrow this car but she (already lend) it to someone else. 5. Hardly Jean (leave) the airport when she (realize) her passport (miss). 6. Mike (do not remember) the names of his classmates because a lot of time (pass) since they (go) to school together. 7. We (meet) at the Pushkin museum yesterday afternoon where we both (visit) the exhibition. 8. Hardly it (stop) raining when a rainbow (appear) in the sky. 9. He (be) tired because he (work) all the previous night long. 10. Thomas (say) he hardly (learn) the poem.

Complete the sentences using the countable and uncountable nouns from the box. Put the words in the right form and use the proper article.

hair, light, noise, paper,  time, coffee, tea, lemonade, orange juice, work, glass, man.

1.  There are two _______________ in my coffee!

2.  Close the curtain. There's too much _______________ for us to

use the projector.

3.  It's difficult to work when there is_______________everywhere.

4.  Have you got ____________________ to read?

5.  We had great _____________________ at the party last night.

6.   We'd like  _______________,  ______________,  two  __________

and ____________________, please.

7.  Macbeth is _______________by W. Shakespeare, the most famous English playwright.

8.  The door was made of green transparent _______________.

9.  He was ___polite, good-looking _______________.

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