Презентация по теме " Мой дом" 4 класс, к учебнику Верещагина И.В. , Притыкина Т.А
методическая разработка по английскому языку

Зайцева Елена Александровна

Данная презентация позволит закрепить  пройденный материал по теме "Мой дом"


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

My house .The place we live in .

Слайд 3

Phonetic drill [ N] - living room, dining room [H]- room , bedroom [A]- front, upstairs [W]-curtain [T]-bathroom [ Qiq ]- fireplace [O : ]- hall [ I ]-toilet , behind , living room [x] – flat , b ack [au]- house [ t S ]- kitchen, armchair

Слайд 9

0 Пример A room where we clean our teeth …………………… . a bedroom a living room a bathroom a study a dining room a kitchen 1 A room where we can have dinner …………………… . 2 A room where we can watch TV …………………… . 3 A place where we cook food …………………… . 4 A room where we can sleep …………………… . 0 1 2 3 4 a bathroom

Слайд 10

Susan : Oh, Alice! I hear you’ve got a new… ! How do you like it? Alice : Oh, I like it a lot. It’s… . You will like it too. Susan : How many … are there in your flat? Alice : There are five. We’ve got a … room, two…, my granny’s room and a… . Come and see me some day. Susan : When’s the … time to come? Alice : We’re usually at … after 6. Susan : Are you sure it’s OK to …round 7? Alice : Of course it is. Listen to the dialogue “New Flat” and fill in the gaps.

Слайд 11

Прочитай предложения 5-9 . Поставь галочку (  ), если предложение верно или крестик (  ), если предложение неверно. ВНИМАНИЕ!!! Слов больше, чем описаний! Пример 0 There is a TV in the room. 5 There is a picture on the wall. 6 There are two cats on the sofa. 7 There is a table in the room. 8 There isn’t a curtain on the window. 9 There is a chair in front of the TV. 0 5 6 7 8 9 

Слайд 12

Прочитай письмо Кейт . Ответь на её письмо (70-80 слов). Используй письмо Кейт как образец для твоего письма. В твоём письме должна быть следующая информация : where you live, how many rooms you have got, what there is in your bedroom . Dear Natasha, Thank you for your letter. It was interesting to know about your family. We have moved to a new house. I like it a lot. There are two floors in our house. The hall, the sitting room, the kitchen are downstairs. The bathroom, the toilet and two bedrooms are upstairs. There is a beautiful garden behind our house. Do you live in a flat or in a house? How many rooms have you got? What is there in your bedroom? Best wishes, Kate

Слайд 13

Dear Kate, Thank you for your letter. It was interesting to know about your house. We live in _____. I like it a lot. There are ______ in my flat. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ Best wishes, _________

Предварительный просмотр:

Task 1        

Прочитай предложения 1-4. Прочитай слова. Выбери нужное слово и впиши его в отведённый пропуск. ВНИМАНИЕ!!! Слов больше, чем описаний!



A room where we clean our teeth …………………… .

a bedroom

a living room

a bathroom

a study

a dining room

a kitchen


A room where we can have dinner …………………… .


A room where we can watch TV …………………… .


A place where we cook food …………………… .


A room where we can sleep …………………… .






a bathroom

Task 2

New Flat

Susan: Oh, Alice! I hear you’ve got a new… ! How do you like it?

Alice: Oh, I like it a lot. It’s… . You will like it too.

Susan: How many …      are there in your flat?

Alice: There are five. We’ve got a …       room, two…  , my granny’s  room and a…. Come and see me some day.

Susan: When’s the …      time to come?

Alice: We’re usually at …  after 6.

Susan: Are you sure it’s OK to …  round 7?  

Alice: Of course it is.

Task 3


There is a TV in the room.


There is a picture on the wall.            


There are two cats on the sofa.          


There is a table in the room.              


There isn’t a curtain on the window.


There is a chair in front of the TV.  

  Прочитай письмо Кейт. Ответь на её письмо (70-80 слов). Используй письмо Кейт как образец для твоего письма. В твоём письме должна быть следующая информация: where you live, how many rooms you have got, what there is in your bedroom.  


Dear Natasha,

Thank you for your letter. It was interesting to know about your family.

We have moved to a new house. I like it a lot. There are two floors in our house. The hall, the sitting room, the kitchen are downstairs. The bathroom, the toilet and two bedrooms are upstairs. There is a beautiful garden behind our house.  

Do you live in a flat or in a house? How many rooms have you got? What is there in your bedroom?

Best wishes,


Dear Kate,

Thank you for your letter. It was interesting to know about your house.

We live in _____. I like it a lot. There are ______ in my flat.


Best wishes,


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