Тестовые задания для проверки знаний учащихся по Книге для чтения У. Шекспир "Венецианский купец"
тест по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Уткина Татьяна Ивановна

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Задания для проверки знаний

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по книге для чтения  10 класс

Шекспир Уильям «Венецианский купец»

(пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений)

Серия «Английский язык в фокусе»

Chapter 7

Task 1 Put the sentences into the logical order:
1. Portia wrote a letter to her cousin, Doctor Bellario, who was a doctor of law.

2. Bassanio and Gratiano set sail to Venice to help Antonio.

3. Portia saw Bassanio’s face turning white.

4. Portia told Nerissa that they had to work hard.

5. One day, Bassanio received a letter from Antonio.

6. The young ladies decided to disguise as young lawyers.

7. Bassanio explained his wife about the pound of flesh.

8. Portia asked one of her servants to deliver the letter to Doctor Bellario as soon as possible.

Task 2 Answer the question: What will Doctor Bellario give his cousin? (Enumerate)

Task 3 Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE?

1. Bassanio got a letter from his friend Gratiano. 2. Portia wanted to help Bassanio’s friend. 3. Bassanio didn’t tell Portia how he and Antonio had borrowed money from Shylock.4. Portia gave money to help Antonio.5. Portia wrote a letter to her cousin and asked him for advice. 6. Nerissa had to deliver a letter.

7. Two young women decided to help their husbands.

Task 4 Guess: Bassanio got IT from his best friend.

Task 5 Guess: HE was cruel and wanted the pound of Antonio’s flesh.

Chapter 8

Task 1 What characters were in Antonio's trial in Venice?

1. Antonio  2. Bassanio  3. Gratiano  4. Balthazar   5. Portia   6. The Duke of Venice   7. Shylock   8. Jessica

Task 2 Match the parts of the sentences:

a) Shylock and Antonio had an agreement and

1. disguised as young men.

b) Bassanio offered Shylock

2.without taking blood.

c)Portia and Nerissa walked into the court

3. Shylock a murderer.

d) Bassanio was ready to give everything

4.Shylock wanted his payment.

e) Shylock couldn’t take any flesh

5. six thousand ducats.

f) Asking for a pound of flesh made

6. with his head down.

g) Shylock walked quietly out of the court

7.even his wide to save his friend.

Task 3 Answer the question: How did Antonio call Shylock many times? Write A WORD.

Task 4 Answer the question: What did Shylock want greatly? Write ONE WORD.

Task 5 Is the statement TRUE or FALSE?

Bassanio was going to give everything even his wife to help Antonio.

Chapter 9

Task 1 Put the sentences into the logical order:

1. Bassanio took the ring off his finger and gave it to Gratiano.

2. Nerissa asked Gratiano to thank her too.

3. When Gratiano had gone, Portia laughed.

4. Gratiano wanted to repay the young man.

5. Bassanio wanted to thank the young men.

6. Everyone in the court was happy.

7. Portia didn’t want Bassanio’s gold.

8. Gratiano stopped Portia and gave her a ring.

Task 2 Match the parts

1. “Your ring will be a good payment for me”. 2. “You can give me your ring”. 3. “It is a very little payment for my life”. 4. “You saved my friend”. 5. “Take the ring and all my thanks”.

a) Portia b) Nerissa c) Bassanio d) Antonio e) Gratiano

Task 3 Are the statements True or False?

1. The three young men went to Portia and Nerissa, they were happy. 2. Bassanio wanted to give his wedding ring because his friend Antonio was saved.  3. Portia took the bag of gold. 4. Portia took the ring and they left the court. 5. Nerissa wanted to be thanked too. 6. Gratiano gave his ring because it was his wedding ring. 7. Portia was upset because their husbands gave the wedding rings to men.

Task 4 Answer the question. Write one word.

What did the young lawyer deserve?

Task 5 Answer the question. Write one word.

Who will tell that they gave their rings to the men?

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