Экзаменационный темы для 8-9 классов ( Театр. Кино )
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (8 класс)

Зайцева Елена Александровна

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Предварительный просмотр:

CINEMA (8 th form)

The cinema is a great means of promoting culture among people. It educates, relaxes, entertains and helps people to understand each other better.

For a long time there have been disputes whether the cinema is an art or just an intertainment. Nowadays the cinema is considered one of the main contemporary arts.

The cinema's possibilities are unlimited. No theatre could ever hope for so great an audience in tackling artistic problems.

There are different kinds of films: documentary, popular-science and feature films. A lot of children and grown-ups are fond of cartoons.

Some people are fond of going to the pictures others watch films on TV. If you prefer movie-houses you can always get tickets. You can also book tickets in advance.

Sometimes I prefer to watch a historical film or a crime story, a comedy or an
action film, a horror film or a musical. It all depends on my mood. I am keen on  watching……………        

        Theatre .(8 th form)

A person who frequently goes to the theatre is called a theatre-goer. There are a lot of people who love and visit different kinds of theatres: drama, variety, puppet, musical theatres, opera houses and ballets.

The main part of each theatre is an auditorium, that can hold different  number of seats. It has a stage - a platform on which plays are performed before an audience.

As for me, I prefer drama to all other theatres, but I like opera and variety too. I don't go to the theatre very often. When I decide to visit a theatre I usually book tickets beforehand. The best seats in the theatre are in the stalls, in the dress circle, and the upper circle. Boxes, of course are the most expensive.

I like to sit in the dress circle, because we can see the stage very well from there and the tickets are not very expensive, besides. I like to see both classic and modern plays by Russian and foreign playwrights. I saw, for example, "The Three Sisters" by "Chekhov, and several dramas by  Ostrovsky . I liked the plays very much.

CINEMA (8 th form)

The cinema is a great means of promoting culture among people. It educates, relaxes, entertains and helps people to understand each other better.

For a long time there have been disputes whether the cinema is an art or just an intertainment. Nowadays the cinema is considered one of the main contemporary arts.

The cinema's possibilities are unlimited. No theatre could ever hope for so great an audience in tackling artistic problems.

There are different kinds of films: documentary, popular-science and feature films. A lot of children and grown-ups are fond of cartoons.

Some people are fond of going to the pictures others watch films on TV. If you prefer movie-houses you can always get tickets. You can also book tickets in advance.

Sometimes I prefer to watch a historical film or a crime story, a comedy or an
action film, a horror film or a musical. It all depends on my mood. I am keen on watching……………        

Theatre .(8 th form)

A person who frequently goes to the theatre is called a theatre-goer. There are a lot of people who love and visit different kinds of theatres: drama, variety, puppet, musical theatres, opera houses and ballets.

The main part of each theatre is an auditorium, that can hold different  number of seats. It has a stage - a platform on which plays are performed before an audience.

As for me, I prefer drama to all other theatres, but I like opera and variety too. I don't go to the theatre very often. When I decide to visit a theatre I usually book tickets beforehand. The best seats in the theatre are in the stalls, in the dress circle, and the upper circle. Boxes, of course are the most expensive.

I like to sit in the dress circle, because we can see the stage very well from there and the tickets are not very expensive, besides. I like to see both classic and modern plays by Russian and foreign playwrights. I saw, for example, "The Three Sisters" by "Chekhov, and several dramas by  Ostrovsky. I liked the plays very much.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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