контрольная работа по английскому языку для 9 класса.
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Контрольная работа включает в себя лексико-грамматический тест и тест с заданием (учащимся необходимо отметить, являются ли утверждения после текста верными).


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Предварительный просмотр:

Test Work for 9th form (Unit III).

  1. Choose one right variant.

  1. I see no … of beauty in this person.
  1. look  b) reunion   c) signs   d) aim

  1. I never … jeans and T-shirts.
  1. wear  b) decide  c) on  d) prevent

  1. Her old grandmother was in the … .
  1. conflict  b) wheelchair  c) value  d) fight

  1. You … come home in time!
  1. must   b) should   c) can  d) may

  1. … I take your mobile phone, please?
  1. must  b) should  c) may  d) could

  1. This person … swim very well.
  1. must  b) may  c) can  d) should

  1. I think they should get … and decide how to get … .
  1. together, along  b) on, together  c) back, off  d) up, over

  1. Please, listen to me … !
  1. attentive   b) attentively

  1. He is a very … person.
  1. successful  b) successfully

  1. I don’t want Tom … my work.
  1. to do  b) do  c) doing  d) do to

  1. My Mom doesn’t let me … long.
  1. to walk  b) walk  c) walking  d) walk to

  1. I want you … him.
  1. speak to  b) to speak  c) speak  d) to speak to

  1. Read the text and mark the sentences below as TRUE or FALSE.

                                    Conflicts in the family.

We are social animals and we don’t live in peace. However, while living with people, we also most of the time find ourselves in conflicting situations. How to prevent conflicts in the family is a very important lesson in our life.

One of the common conflicts is the disagreements between the parents and the children. The husband and wife have a common life and they also are always in conflicting situations. Young people by nature are rebellious, and parents must be tolerant to their children’s strange behavior. They must remember, once they too were young, and they too had conflicts with their parents.

Tolerance is also important to prevent conflicts. Even though the wife may dislike her husband’s certain behavior, or the husband hate certain things in his wife, they both must be tolerant to such things. To prevent conflicts in the family, you have to be tolerant to other members.

Try to remember this. Conflict is a natural phenomenon, but you have to learn how to manage conflict to live a better life in the family.

Five fingers in our hand are not equal. So, the members in a family have different attitude, thoughts and perceptions. You have to have deference for other people’s point of view. Always be open-minded to escape conflicts in the family.

Rebellious – непослушный

Behavior – поведение

Though – хотя

Certain – определённый

point of view – точка зрения

open-minded – непредубеждённый

  1. Animals always have conflicts with people.
  2. Parents and children often have disagreements.
  3. Young people should escape their parents.
  4. You should fight against other people’s point of view.
  5. All people are open-minded and it helps them to escape conflicts.
  6. The members in a family must have equal number of fingers.
  7. When our parents were young they never had conflicts.

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