Внеклассное мероприятие «Halloween»
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Полякова Ольга Васильевна

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для 4-6 классов.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Внеклассное мероприятие  «Halloween»


Учитель : Полякова Ольга Васильевна

МАОУ Гимназия №2  г.Балаково         

Цели мероприятия: 

  1. Расширять знания учащихся о культуре страны изучаемого языка.
  2. Развивать познавательный интерес детей к традициям и обычаям страны изучаемого языка.
  3. Развивать навыки монологической речи учащихся.
  4. Воспитывать ответственность у учащихся.
  5. Развивать артистические способности детей.
  6. Расширять словарный запас учащихся.


  1. Костюмы приведений, ведьмы, летучей мыши…
  2. Музыкальное сопровождение.
  3. Тыква, свечи.
  4. Рисунки учащихся на тему : “Празднование Хеллоуина”.
  5. Карточки с надписями поэтапного изготовления тыквы-фонаря.
  6. Kомпьютер, экран
  7. Метла, тазики, яблоки, шляпа, воздушные шары
  8. Tыквы-фонари

Ход мероприятия

Teacher: Good evening, boys and girls! Today’s party is devoted to the peculiar interesting period of celebrations in America – Halloween.(слайд 1)

(Исполняется песня “Come to the party “)

  Come to the party come to the party

Come to the party come right now,

 Think of something you want to do

 And you can do it right now.

Come to the party . . .

You can have a dance on your own

You can have a dance with a friend

You can have a dance with everybody

And you can do it right now.

 Come to the party . . .

Compere: Welcome to our Halloween party! Аt Halloween on October 31, millions of people celebrate a very old festival indeed. A long time ago people were afraid and stayed at home on Halloween. But now in the USA it is a day for fun. There are always a lot of parties that night. Some people wear masks, others dress as ghosts and witches. Everybody is happy. At the parties both adults and children have fun, they play different merry games. Perhaps you don't know much about Halloween. What is it like? (слайд 2)

P.1: It's Halloween

It's Halloween! It's Halloween!
The moon is full and bright
And we shall see what can't be seen
On any other night:
Skeletons and ghosts and ghouls,
Grinning goblins fighting duels,
Werewolves rising from their tombs,
Witches on their magic brooms.
In masks and gowns we haunt the street
And knock on doors for trick or treat.
Tonight we are the king and queen,
For oh tonight it's Halloween!


Halloween, Halloween.

It’ s a holiday for all !

Halloween, Halloween.

Welcome adults and small.

Halloween, Halloween.

We like to “trick and treat”.

Halloween, Halloween.

At home and  in the street.


Witches flying through the air.
Witches, witches everywhere.
Witches here, witches there.
Witches, witches everywhere.

Witches hiding in the dark.
Witches dancing in the park.
Witches here, witches there.
Witches, witches everywhere.

Witches flying through the air.
Witches, witches everywhere.
Big black hats on their bright green hair.
Witches, witches everywhere.

Witches here, witches there.
Riding on a broom-stick, flying through the air.
Witches here, witches there.
Witches, witches everywhere.

Compere: Don’t be afraid if you see ghosts, goblins and black cats today at our party. Oh! I see the first people who have come to our party – they are witches! 

(dance of witches)

Compere: The witches did their magic very well. Let’s thank them. But the witches have brought a few tasks.   Read riddles and guess what are they? (слайд 3,4)

1. I grew on vine,

Right on the ground.

I have a big smile,

My face is round…

2. My hat is black,

My face is green,

My laugh is mean.

I ride a broom

On Halloween… (witch)

3. My door is gone,

My windows cracked,

Ghosts float through walls

And then float back.

You hear strange noises:

Bam, bang and whack!

4. I fly at night,

I hunt by sound,

I live in a cave,

And sleep upside down.

People are scared,

They shouldn’t be.

I eat mice and bugs.

5. My eyes are gold,

My fur is black,

I hiss and spit,

And arch my back.

My claws are sharp.

I might attack!

6. I like to stay

Just out of sight.

If you see me,

I might be white.

I float through houses

In the black of night…

7.Sometimes big and sometimes small.

But always round and yellow.

When children make my famous grin

Then I’m a scary fellow.

Compere: Very good! Halloween characters include ghosts, ghouls, witches, bats, black cats, owls, spiders, goblins, zombies, skeletons and demons, as well as Dracula and Frankenstein's monster. Houses are often decorated with these symbols around Halloween. People also decorate their schools in the traditional Halloween colours-orange and black. (слайд 5)

Teacher: Now we’ll see if you can make a Jack O’Lantern. By the way, what is a Jack O’Lantern?

P.4:It’s a carved pumpkin with a candle inside that looks like a face. Many people carve happy and funny faces. They place the pumpkins in the windows or on the doorsteps.

Teacher: Right you are. Jack-o'-lantern, one of Halloween's most prominent symbols, is here. Will you tell us your story, Jack.

Jack O’Lantern: My name is Jack and here is my lantern made from a pumpkin. As you see I’ve cut out slits for two eyes, a nose and a mouth, and put a lighted candle inside. I used to play practical jokes on the devil and I am punished for it. I have to walk the earth forever and carrying a lantern to light my way (уходит).

Teacher:Let’s play a game. Here are the cards where you can find some notes. You should put these notes in the right order to make a Jack O’Lantern.

Учащиеся встают в ряд, держа в руках карточки с надписями, как поэтапно делать тыкву-фонарь, и зачитывают их:

  1. Take a huge yellow pumpkin.
  2. Cut eyes.
  3. Cut a nose and a mouth.
  4. Put the candle inside the pumpkin.
  5. Light the candle.
  6. Put the pumpkin near or in the house.

Teacher:That’s quite right. Try to make a Jack O’Lantern. Here is a pumpkin, a box of matches and a candle.(Учащиеся делают тыкву-фонарь.)

Pumpkin Parade.

You see how beautiful our lanterns are. Which is the best? Now we must put them on the window to frighten the ghosts.

        Five little pumpkins

Five little pumpkins
Sitting on a gate
The first one said,
"My it's getting late!"
The second one said,
"There are witches in the air!"
The third one said,
"Good folk, beware!"
The fourth one said,
"We'll run and run!"
The fifth one said,
"Let's have some fun!"
"WOOOOOOOH", went the wind,
And OUT went the light;
And the five little pumpkins
Rolled out of sight!

Teacher: Let’s sing the most popular Halloween song!   (Ученики поют песню “Тыква на грядке”) (Слайд 6)

The pumpkin in the patch

The pumpkin in the patch      

Hi-ho on Halloween,                      

The pumpkin in the patch    

The pumpkin calls a witch  

The witch calls a bat                      

The bat calls a ghost                    

The ghost scares us all

 We all scare the ghost

P.5: On the 31st of October the children walk door to door in the neighbourhood and shout “Trick or treat!”. Most people give them a treat- candy or fruit. (слайд 7)

Teacher: What treats would you like to get ?

Pupils: Sweets, fruit, juices, bubble-gum, nuts, cookies, pudding.

Teacher: What tricks will you play on people ?


We’ll pull down fences.
We’ll put on spooky faces.
We’ll dig up pumpkins.
We’ll cut pumpkin faces.
We’ll play loud music.
We’ll jump and run round the house.

Teacher: Are you ready to do it all?

Pupils: Yes, we are.

Scene 1: Дети в красочных костюмах стучатся в дверь и произносят “Trick or treat!”или

Give us cookies, fruit and gum

Hurry up and give us some

You had better do it quick

Or we’ll surely play a trick.           или

Ghost and witches can be seen

Trick or Treat, Trick or Treat

Give us something good to eat.      Хозяева угощают детей.

Compere:Now it’s time for Costume Parade.  Let’s meet our guests. (Участники выходят в костюмах и представляются).Our party seems to be exciting and most of your costumes are wonderful.

(Жюри определяет самый

-ужасный костюм

-смешной костюм

-необычный костюм  и поздравляет победителей).

Teacher: Everyone tries to look scare on Halloween. Let’s see if scare faces can make us shiver.

Scene 2: Учитель произносит слова, а учащиеся в костюмах привидений пугают аудиторию.

The pumpkin calls a witch…
The witch calls a bat…
The bat calls ghosts…
The ghosts scare us all…
We all scare the ghosts.

Teacher: Now let’s play.Учащимся предлагают следующие игр:

1. Get off my hat

2. Bobbing for apples

3. Find the pumpkin

4. Balloon Sweep

5.Find a witch (слайд 8)

Compere: It’s so gay here and there is much light that comes from your smiles and from our lanterns. Let’s sing the song.

What are you for Halloween?

What are you for Halloween? ( repeat x 4)
I’m a ghost, I’m a ghost, I’m a ghost for Halloween
I’m a witch, I’m a witch, I’m a witch for Halloween
What are you for Halloween? (repeat x 4)
I’m a pumpkin, I’m a pumpkin, I’m a pumpkin for Halloween
I’m a mummy, I’m a mummy, I’m a mummy for Halloween
Here we go! Pumpkins sit down, sit down

Witches spin around, spin around

Mummy’s stomp your feet, stomp your feel Ghost’s fly away, fly away!
What are you for Halloween? (repeat x 4)

Teacher: Dear friends! I hope you have enjoyed our party today. We had a lot of fun. I’ll  be glad to see all of you next year. Good-bye! ( слайд 9)


1. Кузовлев В.П. Учебник английского языка для 5 класса /В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова - Москва «Просвещение» 2002

2. Верещагина И.Н. Книга для чтения к учебнику английского языка для 3 класса  - Москва «Просвещение» 1993

3. Сборник аутентичных песен «Game songs» с аудиокассетой- Обнинск: Титул, 1997.

                   4. Подгорская О.Н., Черничкина Е.К. Предметные недели в школе – Волгоград


                   5.Лебедева Г.Н. Внеклассные мероприятия по английскому языку в начальной школе

                     Москва «Глобус» 2008

                   6.www. rambler

www. yandex.ru

www. google.ru

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